Teleclus or Teleklos (Greek: Τήλεκλος) was the 8th Agiad dynasty king of Sparta during the eighth century BC. He was the son of King Archelaus and grandson of King Agesilaus I.
Pausanias reports that Teleclus' reign saw the conquest of Amyclae, Pharis and Geranthrae, towns of the Perioeci or "dwellers round about".[1]
Teleclus was killed during a skirmish with the Messanians during a festival at the temple of Artemis Limnatis,[2] an event foreshadowing the First Messenian War.
He was succeeded by his son Alcmenes.
- ^ Pausanias 1918 Book 3, II, 6.
- ^ Pausanias 1918 Book 4, IV, 1-3.
- Pausanias (1918). Description of Greece. Translated by W. H. S. Jones; H. A. Ormerod. London: Robert Hale Ltd.
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