The tail shape observed as typically short conoid with blunt terminus and smooth and hyaline tail region.
The attachment site of the trapezoid ligament to the clavicle and that of the conoid ligament to the coracoid (compatible with the posteromedial side of the coracoid angle) appeared to be avulsed; hence, we assumed that the CCL function was lost.
(9) Interestingly, Mazzocca and coworkers performed a biomechanical study that elegantly illustrated that the sequence of disruption begins with the AC ligament, followed by the conoid, and finally the trapezoid ligament for cases of complete AC joint dislocation.
Regarded by architectural author Walter Leedy as a 'proto-fan', the tomb canopy of Hugh Lord Despenser (1350) in Tewkesbury Abbey is an early example of the composition of conoid forms and what was to become the geometry of the fan vault.
Tail 50-61 [micro]m long, conoid, elongate, with pointed terminus.
Fine structure of the conoid and other sporozoan-like organelles.
Not coincidentally, these divinities took the form of pairs of conoid stones (baetyls).
They showed that conoid ligament has accessory fascicle, the lateral border of the scapular notch at the junction of the conoid and STLS.
The organisms are fusiform 10X1.5 um, no locomotory organelles, conoid at one end which serves to penetrate host cells, and with single nucleus.
The parasite has a retractable structure called a conoid that makes this dent.