Archivo:Woman worker in the Douglas Aircraft Company plant1942.jpg - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

  • ️Thu Oct 01 1942

English: Alfred T. Palmer : Woman worker in the Douglas Aircraft Company plant (Oct 1942).
This girl in a glass house is putting finishing touches on the bombardier nose section of a B-17F navy bomber, Long Beach, Calif. She's one of many capable women workers in the Douglas Aircraft Company plant. Better known as the "Flying Fortress," the B-17F is a later model of the B-17 which distinguished itself in action in the South Pacific, over Germany and elsewhere. It is a long range, high altitude heavy bomber, with a crew of seven to nine men, and with armament sufficient to defend itself on daylight missions.

Français : Une ouvrière de la Douglas Aircraft Company. Photo par Alfred T. Palmer (Oct 1942).
Cette jeune femme ajoute une dernière finition au nez d'un bombardier lourd B-17F à Long Beach, en Californie. Elle est l'une des nombreuses ouvrières expérimentées de l'usine d'avions de la compagnie Douglas. Le B17F, plus connu sous le nom de "forteresse volante", est une amélioration du B17, qui s'est distinguée dans le pacifique sud, au dessus de l'Allemagne, et ailleurs. Il s'agit d'un bombardier lourd de haute altitude et de longue portée, avec un équipage de sept à neufs personnes, et un armement suffisant pour se défendre lors des missions de jour.

Italiano: Un'operaia della fabbrica aeronautica Douglas Aircraft Company sta completando gli ultimi ritocchi al naso di un B-17F. La fotografia è stata scattata nell'ottobre del 1942.

Deutsch: Eine Arbeiterin in der Flugzeugfabrik der Douglas Aircraft Company im Oktober 1942 mit der Plexiglaskanzel eines B-17F Flying Fortress Bombers

Tiếng Việt: Một công nhân trong nhà máy máy bay Douglas Aircraft vào tháng 10 năm 1942 với buồng lái kính plexiglas của một máy bay.

Notes: Title from FSA or OWI agency caption. Transfer from U.S. Office of War Information, 1944. Published in: American women : a Library of Congress guide ... Washington : Library of Congress, 2001, p. 203.

Subjects: Douglas Aircraft Company Airplane industry Women--Employment World War, 1939-1945 United States--California--Long Beach

Format: Color transparency

Rights Info: No known restrictions on publication.

Repository: Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, Washington, D.C. 20540 USA,

Part Of: Farm Security Administration - Office of War Information Collection 12002-39 (DLC) 93845501

General information about the FSA/OWI Color Photographs is available at

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Call Number: LC-USW36-212