Usuario discusión:Sabbut - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

  • ️Wed Jan 17 2024

De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

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Esta página es archivada automáticamente.

Parámetros del archivado:

Lugar: Usuario Discusión:Sabbut/Archivo/AAAA/MM
Días a mantener: 15
Avisar al archivar: No
Estrategia: Firma del último párrafo
Mantener caja de archivos: No
Esta página es firmada automáticamente. (info)

Parámetros de autofirmado:
Avisar al completar firma: No.
Estrategia: Comprobar solo hilos nuevos.

Congratulations! You have more than 4 accepted articles in Wikipedia Asian Month! Please submit your postal mailing address via Google form or email me about that on before the end of Janauary, 2018. The Wikimedia Asian Month team only has access to this form, and we will only share your address with local affiliates to send postcards. All personal data will be destroyed immediately after postcards are sent. Please contact your local organizers if you have any question. We apologize for the delay in sending this form to you, this year we will make sure that you will receive your postcard from WAM. If you've not received a postcard from last year's WAM, Please let us know. All ambassadors will receive an electronic certificate from the team. Be sure to fill out your email if you are enlisted Ambassadors list.

Best, Erick Guan (talk)

Hi there. This is a reminder to fill the address collection. Sorry for the inconvenience if you did submit the form before. If you still wish to receive the postcard from Wikipedia Asian Month, please submit your postal mailing address via this Google form. This form is only accessed by WAM international team. All personal data will be destroyed immediately after postcards are sent. If you have problems in accessing the google form, you can use Email This User to send your address to my Email.

If you do not wish to share your personal information and do not want to receive the postcard, please let us know at WAM talk page so I will not keep sending reminders to you. Best, Sailesh Patnaik

Hello again, I believe the earlier message has created some confusion. If you have already submitted the details in the Google form, it has been accepted, you don't need to submit it again. The earlier reminder is for those who haven't yet submitted their Google form or if they any alternate way to provide their address. I apologize for creating the confusion. Thanks-Sailesh Patnaik

Hola Sabbut,

hace unos días un bibliotecario decidió por cuenta propia borrar la página Alberto Nadal Belda de la cual soy el autor. Según este bibliotecario, la página tiene falta de interés enciclopédico; sin embargo, se trata de un personaje público que trabaja para el Estado Español y, por tanto, para todos nosotros los ciudadanos.

He intentado contactar varias veces con el bibliotecario ya que, una vez yo recomponía la pagina, éste me la volvía a borrar sin aportar argumentos de peso mas que "Recreación de articulo borrado" o "Artículo sin interés enciclopédico". Aun así no he recibido respuesta por parte de éste.

Ahora mismo la página tiene un "temporizador" de 30 días, de forma que cuando este tiempo pase, se borrará por completo la página. He visto que si consigo ayuda de otro bibliotecario, quizás se pueda desactivar este "temporizador".

No se qué hacer y por eso contacto contigo, estaría muy agradecido si me ayudaras con esto, pues además de que soy nuevo en wikipedia, me ha costado esfuerzo y tiempo redactar Alberto Nadal Belda como para que me lo borren sin razón alguna.

Un saludo y gracias de antemano, --Gradog

Hola, Te contacto al respecto de la página PriceTravel Holding que cree. Esta ocasión consideré que el contenido era totalmente neutral y cero promocional. ¿Algún consejo para hacerla todavía más neutral?

Hola! jajaja, creo que hubo una confusión. Yo creé el usuario, pero le puse ese nombre porque creí que así debía ser para que no pensaran que era un troll o una persona malintencionada. Luego me aclaraste que por el contrario, había que cambiarlo. No tengo ningún tipo de remuneración por esto, ni directa ni indirectamente. Pueden comprobarlo de cualquier forma, solo lo hago por interés general, luego de ver sus entrevistas y buscar información de Mike Moreno y al no encontrar, la creé. Conozco a su familia y personalmente pedí esa info. Agradezco su ayuda, gracias!

Te escribí esto también en el foro de discusión, pero no supe si quedó finalmente guardado, así que te lo escribo por acá. Muchísimas gracias

Hola Sabbut. He visto que has borrado la página de StubHub que he creado y que las etiquetado como demasiado comercial ¿podrías ayudarme señalando las partes que consideras demasiado comerciales por favor? Así podría cambiarlas y adaptarlo para que sea wiki-friendly. Me he esforzado mucho en crear la página, añadiendo tantos enlaces externos como internos, y te estaría muy agradecida si pudieras echarme una mano.

Muchas gracias de antemano.

Estimado Sabbut,

No entiendo el porqué se borra la página del artista Vacca por Promocional o conflicto de intereses. ¿Podrías orientarme? Vacca es un artista que lleva trabajando más de 30 años. Contemporáneos suyos con los que Vacca ha colaborado como Carlos Pazos, Pep Durán o Jordi Benito también tienen su página correspondiente. No veo cuál es el problema. Es un artista en activo, que tiene una trayectoria abalada por críticos como Manel Clot, Vicenç Altaió o Ángela Molina del diario El País. Que ha hecho exposiciones en el Museo Picasso de Barcelona, en el Museo Patio Herreriano de Valladolid, y otros lugares interesantes. Su obra ha sido seleccionada por uno de los comisarios más importantes en el terreno del arte sonoro en España, José Iges. No veo cual es la promoción o el conflicto de intereses y en el caso de que lo haya me parece que sería interesante que se indicara de alguna manera para poder rectificar.

Un saludo,

Víctor — El comentario anterior sin firmar es obra de Vperezbal (disc.contribsbloq).


You are receiving this message because you are a top user of Special:Block on this wiki. Thank you for the important work that you do. There is a discussion happening about plans to improve Special:Block with the ability to set new types of blocks. To get the best design and new functions added, it is essential that people who use the tool join the discussion and share their opinions about these changes.

Instead of a full site wide block, you would be able to set a Partial Block. A user could be blocked from a single page, multiple pages, one or more namespaces, from uploading files, etc. There are several different ways to add this feature to Special:Block. Right now Important decisions are being made about the design and function.

Please review the page on Meta and share your feedback on the discussion page. Or you can reach me by email Also, share this message with anyone else who might be interested in participating in the discussion.

I appreciate any time that you can give to assist with making improvements to this feature. Cheers, SPoore (WMF) (talk) , Trust and Safety Specialist, Community health initiative (talk) 02:05 10 ago 2018 (UTC)Responder

  • Apologizes for posting in English.

...y que sean muchos más. Últimamente no he tenido la ocasión de contribuir mucho a la enciclopedia y de retomar el contacto que antes teníamos a través de Wikimedia España, pero espero poder hacerlo con mayor frecuencia ahora que he finalizado mis estudios universitarios. Saludos y muchas felicidades.--Ray (Buzón) 10:12 11 ago 2020 (UTC)Responder

¡Felicidades! Que conste que me he enterado de casualidad. Un abrazo Triplecaña (discusión)

Hola, Sabbut. Se ha revisado la página «Convergents» y esta cumple con los criterios de borrado rápido, por lo que se ha marcado con la plantilla {{Destruir}} para que sea borrada de inmediato por un bibliotecario. El motivo es el siguiente:

  • R4. Redirecciones incorrectas o innecesarias.

Por favor, revisa la política de borrado y solo si crees que el artículo en cuestión no se ajusta a lo descrito ahí, expón tus argumentos en esta página. Si creaste la página con la finalidad de hacer pruebas, por favor, utiliza nuestra zona de pruebas pública. Si eres un usuario registrado, también puedes usar tu taller de pruebas personal.

Gracias por tu comprensión.
Buenos días Sabbut! Acabo de marcar tu artículo de 2015 Convergents, que redirecciona a Convergencia Democrática de Cataluña, para su borrado por el motivo R4, ya que actualmente "Convergents" es un partido político registrado desde 2017. Adjunto referencias procedentes.[1][2][3][4]​​
¡Feliz año nuevo! --- Usuario:Wikivid21-11:17 UTC

Hola amigo. Referencié este artículo en la Wiki en inglés. Veo que ya no está bloqueada, pero se ha eliminado reiteradas veces. ¿Qué debo hacer para su creación apropiada? Si procede mi petición, solo es cuestión de traducir el artículo del inglés y listo. Gracias.

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.

  • Welcome to 2023’s Final Weekly Summary!

A big thank you to everyone who contributed to the newsletter this year!👏🙏 As we step into 2024, we'd love to hear what changes you would like to see in the newsletter. Share your wishlist here: What changes would you like to see in the newsletter in 2024?"

  • Discussions
    • Open request for adminship: EPIC (RfP scheduled to end after 26 December 2023 20:34 UTC)
    • New requests for permissions/Bot: Balyozbot. Tasks:
  1. Import sitelinks, labels, descriptions from ku wikipedia pages which use the template w:ku:Template:Înterwîkî etîket û danasîn. (There are over 1800 articles that use this template waiting to be connected to Wikidata at the moment.)
  2. Add sitelinks to kuwiktionary / kuwikipedia categories / create an item for the category if necessary. I have been doing this manually for quite some time using Quickstatements but since I need to get permission for the first task, I will be handling them using a bot as well.
  • Press, articles, blog posts, videos
    • Blogs
    • Papers: Increasing Coverage and Precision of Textual Information in Multilingual Knowledge Graphs by (Conia et al, 2023) --> This paper introduces a novel task of automatic Knowledge Graph Enhancement (KGE) to bridge the gap in the quantity and quality of textual information between English and non-English languages in Wikidata. It presents M-NTA, an unsupervised approach that combines Machine Translation, Web Search, and Large Language Models to generate high-quality textual information, and studies its impact on Entity Linking, Knowledge Graph Completion, and Question Answering tasks.
    • Videos
      • Wikidata, Wikisource and Wiktionary: Wikisource for DH (WiSe 2023) --> The lecture "Fundamentals and application-oriented methods of the Digital Humanities" by Kay-Michael Würzner is designed as a series of lectures in which teachers in the "Digital Humanities" course present their fields of work and key topics and present them for discussion.
      • Empowering Open-Source Generative AI by Integrating the Wikidata knowledge graph --> Generative AI has changed the information ecosystem, and open-source knowledge graphs like Wikidata can become invaluable assets, propelling a myriad of applications forward. Jonathan Fraine & Lydia Pintscher present the practical integration of Wikidata's open-source, open-access knowledge graph to empower Generative AI applications. Harnessing the real-time updated, structured data encapsulated within Wikidata, they explore automated content creation, data augmentation, and semantic analysis, underpinning the generative paradigms. Through a blend of theoretical insights and real-world applications, they elucidate how to leverage Wikidata to elevate generative AI applications, breaking down existing data silos, and fostering a collaborative ecosystem within our global community of developers and contributors.
      • Wiki Indaba 2023 - African content on Wikidata --> Discussion with Alice Kibombo, Georges Fodouop and Jesse Asiedu-Akrofi, about Wikidata for African Librarians during the Wiki Indaba conference, that took place between 3-5 November 2023 in Agadir, Morocco.
      • No Time to Wait - S07E10 - ACMI // Wikidata - Paul Duchesne + Simon Loffler --> Report on recent residency program to extensively link together collection data from ACMI with Wikidata. This work has allowed the organisation to import vast quantities of data and media to enrich their own internet collection experience, as well enable writing information back to source and federating with other linked institutions.
      • Wiki(s)data #5: Wikidata Live editing (in Italian) --> The ontology of Wikidata: how to interact with it for a better quality, by Epìdosis
    • Notebooks
      • Map of K-Pop Idols --> An interactive map where each red dot represents a K-pop Idol (a singer or musician in South Korean Pop music) you are able to click on.
      • Disney as the Mega Corporation it is Today --> Disney has greatly evolved from the simple animation company that first debuted in 1923 with its signature Steamboat Willie animation. This analysis details some of the major acquisitions Disney has chosen to help expand its reach as a media and entertainment company.
      • The Gender-Equality Gap in STEM Awards --> A network graph and multiple data visualizations on UCLA's alumnni awards based on gender.
      • Exploring The Belichick Coaching Tree --> This analyses details the coaching tree of the prolific American Football coach Bill Belichick.
      • State of statues in the US --> Map of how many statues there are, who is depicted in the statues, their genders, and where the statues are concentrated.
      • An Analysis on Nepo Babies: Net Worths and Fame --> This work uses Wikidata to analyze the influence and success of children of famous actors (nepo babies) in the entertainment industry, and compares the careers and net worth of these children with their parents to understand the impact of nepotism on their success.
  • Tool of the week
    • Cersei - is a tool designed for importing or scraping data from various third-party sources, using source-specific Python code. It can use a "headless browser" to scrape complicated websites that rely on eg JavaScript to navigate. It can therefore access data sources that can not be accessed via eg Mix'n'match. The data from sources can be updated regularly, either for everything, or just changed entries (if the source has a "recent changes" equivalent).
    • Wikidata:Zotero/Cita - is a Wikidata addon for Zotero that adds citations (i.e., what other items an item cites) metadata support to this open source reference management software, using cites work (P2860) information available from Wikidata, and enabling users to easily contribute missing data.
  • Development
    • Due to the winter holidays, the development team is taking a break and no deployment is happening for Wikidata at the moment.

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.

  • Discussions
    • Open request for adminship: WikiBayer (RfP scheduled to end after 8 January 2024 12:01 UTC)
    • Closed request for adminship: EPIC (closed as successful). Welcome onboard \o/
    • New requests for permissions/Bot: HVSH-Bot . Task: Import data about politicians from the Q119949776, now only partially online available.
  • Events
    • Upcoming: The next Wikidata+Wikibase office hours will take place on Wednesday, 17:00 UTC, 17th January 2023 (18:00 Berlin time) in the Wikidata Telegram group. The Wikidata and Wikibase office hours are online events where the development team presents what they have been working on over the past quarter, and the community is welcome to ask questions and discuss important issues related to the development of Wikidata and Wikibase.
    • Ongoing: Weekly Lexeme Challenge #123: Ologist
  • Press, articles, blog posts, videos
    • Papers: Improving maintenance of community-based knowledge graphs. This paper by Nicolas Ferranti addresses the critical issue of data quality in open knowledge graphs, with a specific focus on Wikidata. It aims to formalize Wikidata's unique approaches to assess and resolve data inconsistencies, proposing a semi-automatic refinement pipeline to empower the Wikidata user community in maintaining and enhancing the reliability of this extensive collaborative knowledge graph.
    • Videos: WikidataCon 2023 Day 1.5 - The past and future of Wikidata. In this video Lydia Pintscher takes a moment to review the major events of Wikidata over the past few years. Then turns to look forward and predict what Wikidata's prospects will be over the next year.
  • Development
    • The development team is just returning from the winter holidays so there is no development update at the moment.

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.


  • Closed request for adminship: WikiBayer (closed as successful). Welcome onboard \o/
  • New requests for permissions/Bot: So9qBot 9. Task: Add DDO identifier to Danish lexemes.


Press, articles, blog posts, videos

Tool of the week Map your list of created articles - a notebook display of geolocated articles on a map created by a user per chosen project and batch (featured/good article).

Other Noteworthy Stuff Wikimedia Indonesia and Wikimedia Deutschland ended their partnership within the project Software Collaboration for Wikidata prematurely. Read their joint statement here.

Newest properties and property proposals to review

Did you know?


  • IP masking/temporary accounts: We are adjusting Wikibase to be prepared for the upcoming changes to no longer expose IP addresses for non-logged-in users (phab:T351968)
  • Dumps/lex. data: We’re adjusting how empty lists of Forms and Senses are represented in JSON dumps (phab:T305660)
  • Wikibase REST API:
    • We finished the work on making it possible to get all sitelinks of an Item (phab:T344041)
    • We are working on getting a sitelink for a given wiki (phab:T344039)

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Weekly Tasks

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week. Translations are available.


  • New request for comments: Domain name as data (Summary: How should Wikidata store the domain name associated with an item? There are many properties for URLs, but a domain name is a different value.)


Press, articles, blog posts, videos

Tool of the week

  • Wikimedia Commons based streaming services by Magnus: WikiFlix for movies and the companion tool WikiVibes for audio.

Other Noteworthy Stuff

Newest properties and property proposals to review

You can comment on all open property proposals!

Did you know?


  • IP Masking: We are continuing to adapt Wikibase to the upcoming IP Masking feature. We worked on hiding warnings about IP addresses being saved when they don’t apply (phab:T353807, phab:T352006) and creating temporary accounts when editing (phab:T354730)
  • Wikibase REST API:
    • We continued working on the ability to get a sitelink for a given site (phab:T344039)
    • We started working on the ability to remove a sitelink for a given wiki (phab:T344685)
    • We worked on fixing a bug where the REST API PUT request does not handle statement on Items with lowercase statement IDs (phab:T352644)
  • mul language code: We did user testing to find any remaining issue before release

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Weekly Tasks

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week. This is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2024-04-08. Translations are available.


Press, articles, blog posts, videos

Tool of the week

  • Anti-Pattern Analyzer is a static website capable of checking the existence of 'anti-pattern 1' (AP1) occurrences given an entity from Wikidata. It can also check if a new statement would introduce new violations.

Other Noteworthy Stuff

  • Only 13 more days to go! The deadline to submit your project proposal to Wikimedia Deutschland's Open Call for Software Contributions is coming closer and closer. With this call, Wikimedia Deutschland aims to support projects that make Wikidata's data more accessible and usable for a wider audience.

Newest properties and property proposals to review

You can comment on all open property proposals!

Did you know?


    • We continued the work on the endpoint for creating an Item via POST /entities/items (phab:T342990)
    • We continued the work on the endpoint for modifying data of a Property via PATCH /entities/properties/{property_id} (]]phab:T347394]])
  • EntitySchemas: Work on making it possible to link to EntitySchemas in statements is continuing.
  • mul language code: We are fixing remaining issues uncovered during testing. (phab:T355059, phab:T356200, phab:T135871, phab:T356201)

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Weekly Tasks

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
This is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2024-04-15.
Translations are available.


  • New requests for permissions/Bot:
    • AzBot - Task: adding a space in over 7k malformed Dutch descriptions per this request.
    • DifoolBot 3 - Task: fill in empty English/French/German labels and basic statements for persons with VIAF ID (P214) and a VIAF authority source GND ID (P227), IdRef ID (P269), Bibliothèque nationale de France ID (P268) or Library of Congress authority ID (P244)


Press, articles, blog posts, videos

Tool of the week

Other Noteworthy Stuff

  • Join the Wikidata Open Online Course starting April 22, 2024! Whether you're a beginner taking your first steps, an individual in need of a refresher on Wikidata concepts, or a seasoned trainer looking to level up your skills - this course is right for you. Register here: Wikidata:Open Online Course
  • Only 6 more days to submit your project proposal to Wikimedia Deutschland's Open Call for Software Contributions. With this call, Wikimedia Deutschland aims to support projects that make Wikidata's data more accessible and usable for a wider audience.

Newest properties and property proposals to review

You can comment on all open property proposals!

Did you know?


  • mul langauge code: We are finishing the polishing for the first proper release coming soon.
  • EntitySchema: We are continuing the work on the new datatype that will make it possible to link to EntitySchemas in statements.
    • We continued work on creating an Item via POST /entities/items (phab:T342990)
    • We continued work on modifying data of a Property via PATCH /entities/properties/{property_id} (phab:T347394)

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Weekly Tasks

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
This is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2024-04-22.
Translations are available.


  • New requests for permissions/Bot:
    • OpeninfoBot - Task: Importing financial data (assets, equity, revenue, EBIT, net profit) from to entries on public Uzbek companies in Wikidata.
    • IntegrationBot - Task: retrieve information from Wikidata and contribute data back


Press, articles, blog posts, videos

Tool of the week

  • Mishramilan (মিশ্রমিলন), a tool listing words/phrases in different language catalogs and allowing users to match the entries in those catalogs to existing Wikidata lexemes or to create new lexemes based on those entries.

Other Noteworthy Stuff

  • It's not too late to join the Wikidata Open Online Course, open from April 22 to May 31! Whether you're a beginner taking your first steps, an individual in need of a refresher on Wikidata concepts, or a seasoned trainer looking to level up your skills - this course is right for you. Register here: Wikidata:Open Online Course
  • There is a new update relative to the experiment with splitting the Wikidata Query Service graph. A new proposal for the split has also been published, feedback will be open until May 15th 2024.

Newest properties and property proposals to review

You can comment on all open property proposals!

Did you know?


  • mul language code: We are continuing the roll-out. It is now available on and
  • REST API: We are putting finishing touches on the following:
    • Create an Item via POST /entities/items (phab:T342990)
    • Modify data of a Property via PATCH /entities/properties/{property_id} (phab:T347394)
  • EntitySchemas: We are continuing the work on the new datatype to link to EntitySchemas in statements.
  • Leveling Up Days: We are wrapping up the event.

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Weekly Tasks

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
This is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2024-05-13.
Please help Translate.


Press, articles, blog posts, videos

Tool of the week

Newest properties and property proposals to review

You can comment on all open property proposals!

Did you know?

Development You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Weekly Tasks


<translate> Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
This is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2024-06-03. Please help Translate.</translate>



  • Open request for adminship: The Squirrel Conspiracy - RfP scheduled to end after 9 June 2024 06:47 (UTC).
  • New requests for permissions/Bot: TongcyBot - Task: Linking the Chinese and English Wiktionary, specifically in categories using Template:auto cat, and pages in the Template, Module, Appendix, Reconstruction, and Rhymes namespaces.
  • Open request for permissions/Bot: IliasChoumaniBot - Task: Automatic updating of data from JSON files on German scientists.
  • Closed request for comments: IP Masking Engagement - The RfC was closed due to inactivity. Discussions are still welcomed on Meta.


<translate> Events


<translate> Press, articles, blog posts, videos


<translate> Tool of the week

  • WikiTwister - RoloWiki: Replace the interwiki links of a Wikipedia article with a pop-up card full of useful Wikidata, & Wikidata Quick Dip: Browse the Wikidata properties used by the pages in a category.

</translate> <translate> Other Noteworthy Stuff

</translate> <translate> Newest properties and property proposals to review

You can comment on all open property proposals! </translate> <translate> Did you know?

</translate> <translate> Development

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer. </translate> <translate> Weekly Tasks


Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
This is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2024-06-17.



  • Looking ahead
    • Lexico Days 2024 is coming up. June 28 - 30, there will be a packed programme of presentations, discussions and workshops on Lexicographical data. This is an online event.
    • Wikidata Workshop for Botanists at the XX Intl. Botanical Congress, July 21 - 27, 2024, Madrid, Spain.

Press, articles, blog posts, videos

Tool of the week

Other Noteworthy Stuff

Newest properties and property proposals to review

You can comment on all open property proposals! Did you know?


  • EntitySchemas: We are preparing for the rollout of the new datatype to link to EntitySchemas in statements.
  • Wikibase REST API:
    • We are continuing the work on the route for modifying an Item (phab:T342993)
    • We are working on improving errors and error messages in the API
  • Query Service UI: We fixed a bug. The example dialog was empty and not showing any examples (phab:T366871)
  • We changed the datatype of two Properties to external ID as requested (phab:T367174)

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Weekly Tasks

Anything to add? Please share! :)

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
This is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2024-06-24. Please help Translate.


  • Past: The 200th online Wikidata meetup in Swedish was held.
  • Upcoming: Lexicodays, online event dedicated to Lexemes on Wikidata, will take place on June 28-30. It takes place across time zone and both in English and Indonesian. Check the program and find the access links on the event page.

Press, articles, blog posts, videos

Tool of the week

  • Wikidata in Prometheus - Prometheus is a non-commercial image archive for art and cultural studies. It hosts images from a variety of image and media databases and now works can be connected with Wikidata.
  • New Mix'n'match feature: For lists of (full or auto) matches where both the MnM entry and the Wikidata Item have coordinates, it now shows the distance between them in the description. (source)

Other Noteworthy Stuff

  • The Wikidata development team at Wikimedia Deutschland is planning a brief survey to understand the various ways people contribute to the project and identify user contribution patterns. A request has been made for a CentralNotice banner to deploy the survey to a broad audience. Your feedback, comments, and questions on this request are welcome: m:CentralNotice/Request/Wikidata Community Survey 2024
  • The second iteration of the Wikidata:Open Online Course will begin from July 1 until August 11. Whether you're a beginner taking your first steps, an individual in need of a refresher on Wikidata concepts, or a seasoned trainer looking to level up your skills - this course is right for you.

Newest properties and property proposals to review

You can comment on all open property proposals!

Did you know?


  • [Breaking Change Announcement] Upcoming Changes to Wikibase: EntitySchema data type
  • EntitySchemas: We prepared for the release of the new data type to link to EntitySchemas in statements on July 2nd.
  • Mul language code: We picked up the remaining issues before enabling it by default on Wikidata
  • Wikibase REST API:

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Weekly Tasks

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
This is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2024-07-01. Please help Translate.


  • New requests for permissions/Bot:
    • DifoolBot 4 Task(s) - Split single references containing multiple reference URLs into multiple references.
    • Bot Bozze Task(s) - Add sitelinks to itwiki draft articles after they've been moved to the main namespace.
  • New request for comments: Spelling convention for labels and descriptions in English - RfC started 2024-06-25. This RfC requests feedback and input for finding consistency in spelling convention as English has multiple regional variations.


  • Past: The Lexicodays 2024 was an online event designed to offer a discussion space for the Wikidata community about Lexicographical Data. An archive of some of the slides and session recordings are here c:Category:Lexicodays 2024. More will be added as they become available.
  • Upcoming:
    • The next Wikidata+Wikibase office hours will take place on Wednesday, 16:00 UTC on Wednesday, 10th July 2024 (18:00 Berlin time) in the Wikidata Telegram group. The Wikidata and Wikibase office hours are online events where the development team presents what they have been working on over the past quarter, and the community is welcome to ask questions and discuss important issues related to the development of Wikidata and Wikibase.
    • Talk to the Search Platform / Query Service Team—July 3, 2024
    • Botany-focused Wikidata online workshop online as part of the #IBC2024. Date: Tuesday 9th July at 9pm NZST (GMT+12) / 11 am central Europe. Register here!

Press, articles, blog posts, videos

Tool of the week

Other Noteworthy Stuff

  • The second iteration of the Wikidata:Open Online Course has begun. Class will continue until August 11. Whether you're a beginner taking your first steps, an individual in need of a refresher on Wikidata concepts, or a seasoned trainer looking to level up your skills - this course is right for you.

Newest properties and property proposals to review

You can comment on all open property proposals!

Did you know?


  • EntitySchemas:
    • We worked around an issue where EntitySchema pages were no longer considered “content” and had become unsearchable (phab:T368010)
    • We prepared for the release of the new datatype on July 2nd.
  • mul language code: We are working on the last remaining blocker before rolling out the first stage to Wikidata (phab:T362917)
  • Wikibase REST API: We are continuing to rework API errors (phab:T366911, phab:T366239)

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Weekly Tasks


<translate> Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata in the
week leading up to 2024-09-30. Please help Translate. Missed the previous one?
See issue #646</translate>

<translate>Discussions</translate> <translate>* Closed request for adminship: Andrei Stroe - Success! Welcome User:Andrei Stroe as Wikidata's latest Admin.

<translate>Events</translate> <translate>* Wikidata's 12th birthday is coming up on October 29th. Have a look at the birthday parties and more planned around the world.

  • Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group session 1 October, 2024: We have our next LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group Session on Tuesday, 1 October, 2024 at 9am PT / 12pm ET / 17:00 UTC / 6pm CET (Time zone converter). Christa Strickler will be our first Project Series lead with her joint project with the Wikidata Religion & Theology Community of Practice to contribute biographical data to Wikidata from the IRFA database using the Mix’n’Match tool. We are excited to learn more about this project, provide a forum for discussion and shared learning, and lend a hand while building new skills. Event page.</translate>

<translate>Press, articles, blog posts, videos</translate> <translate>* Papers

<translate>Tool of the week</translate> <translate>* Three new Userscripts for Wikidata - User:Lagewi has written 3 scripts to simplify reading references, explore property-value pairs in use for a statement or attaching a full bibliography to the end of the item page.</translate>

<translate>Other Noteworthy Stuff</translate> <translate>* OpenSactions:Wikidata Persons in Relevant Categories - Using PETScan, generates a list of profiles of politically exposed persons by querying specific categories on Wikidata and extracting the entities.</translate>

<translate>Newest properties and property proposals to review</translate>

<translate>* New property proposals to review:</translate> <translate>** General datatypes: </translate>

      • Larval host plant (Larval host plant - used only for insects - subclass of P1034)
      • has reading (phonetic reading or pronunciation of the kanji)
      • chemical formula (Description of chemical compound giving element symbols and counts)
      • mode of reproduction (ways for living organisms to propagate or produce their offsprings)
      • health points (health or armor points of this video game, board game or role-playing game character)
      • damage (damage value of this video game weapon, ability or character)
      • magazine capacity (In (real or fictional) devices like a firearm, weapon, or engineered thing, this is the default capacity or size of a devices' magazine, clip, or other container typically used to hold ammunition, bolts, cartridges, tools, etc. which pushes those items as needed usually through a spring-based mechanism into a receiver for further use by the device)
      • male mean age (male mean age in a given place; qualifier of {{P|4442}})
      • female mean age (female mean age in a given place; qualifier of {{P|4442}})
      • Mummy of a person (mummy of a person)
      • publication type of scholarly article (Publication type of scholarly article)
      • characteristic of ((qualifier only) statement value is a characteristic, quality, property, or state of this item)
      • Medietilsynets filmdatabase (identifier for a film in the Norwegian Medietilsynets database)
      • Western Australian Biographical Index (Card ID from the Western Australian Biographical Index, a set of handwritten index cards compiled in the 1970s.)
      • leased to (person or organisation that holds or was granted a lease on the subject)
      • WPBSA com player ID (Identifier for an athlete on the main website of WPBSA)
      • JLPT level (difficulty of word by the level of JLPT)

<translate>** External identifiers:</translate> case id (mainland China), NWIS site ID, Biblioteka Nauki IDs, LWW journal ID, BioMed Central journal ID, Historical Encyclopedia of Siberia ID, FightTime fighters ID, Korean Basketball League ID, Identifiant L'Humanité d’un sujet, Chinese Basketball Association ID2, Koha Kütüphane ID, MyWaifuList character ID, FantLab artist ID, Münzkabinett, Latgales dati person ID, identifiant inventaire Grand Est, RedBA Granada authority ID, musician ID, HA! ID, Identifiant Radio France d'une émission, Identifiant France Télévisions d'une émission, beniabbandonati ID, DDB person ID, European Parliament document ID, Hlídač státu subject ID, Kramerius of Czech Digital Library UUID, Acervo de Literatura Digital Mato-Grossense ID, Persons and Names of the Middle Kingdom and early New Kingdom person ID, Cihai encyclopedia entry ID, Cihai dictionary entry ID, Duocet Wiki of Plants ID

<translate>You can comment on all open property proposals!</translate>

<translate>Did you know?


  • Search: The haswbstatement search magic word has been improved by the Search Platform Team. Previously it was limited in which Properties were indexed for it. Going forward haswbstatement:P123 will work for all Properties, regardless of their datatype. This will allow you to filter search results for Items that have a statement with a specific Property. (Searching for a specific complete statement with haswbstatement:P123=xxx will still only work for specific datatypes.) For this to work all Items have to be reindexed and this will take up to 1 month.
  • Design system migration: We have migrated the Special:NewLexeme page from Wikit to Codex and are working on finishing the migration for the Query Builder.
  • EntitySchemas: We finished the investigation about how to support search for EntitySchemas by label or alias when linking to an EntitySchema in a statement. (phab:T362005)
  • Wikibase REST API: We worked on integrating language fallbacks into the API (phab:T371605)

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.</translate>

<translate>Weekly Tasks


<translate> Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata in the
week leading up to 2024-10-07. Please help Translate. Missed the previous one?
See issue #647</translate>

<translate>Events</translate> <translate>* Upcoming:

    • Wikidata Day 2024 at the Pratt Institute Manhattan Campus, New York - To celebrate Wikidata's 12th Birthday, a mini-conference with beginner workshops, lightning talks and keynote speeches will be held. October 26, 11am - 5pm EDT (UTC-4). More info, registration and full address on this Wikipedia event page.
    • The Wikidata Days 2024 in Bologna, Italy will take place on November 8th and 9th. Its program revolves around Wikidata for libraries and academia, and features a wide range of Wikidata-enthusiastic librarians and researchers from Italy. Registration is open until October 31st.
    • The next Wikidata+Wikibase office hours will take place on Wednesday, 16th October 2024 at 18:00 CEST in the Wikidata Telegram group. The Wikidata and Wikibase office hours are online events where the development team presents what they have been working on over the past quarter, and the community is welcome to ask questions and discuss important issues related to the development of Wikidata and Wikibase.
    • Scholia hackathon on Oct 18-20, aimed at addressing changes related to the Wikidata graph split
    • Intangible Cultural Heritage on Wikidata - Hosted by Wikimedia Community Malta (WCM), November 8, 2024 18:00 - 19:00 CEST, Malta Fairs and Conference Centre (MFCC) in Ta’ Qali, Malta
    • Edit-A-Thon: 50 States of Comics - Ohio, take part in this virtual event held October 10, 10:00 - 16:00 EST (UTC-5).</translate>

<translate>Press, articles, blog posts, videos</translate> <translate>* Blogs

<translate>Tool of the week</translate>

  • (fr) wikidata MultiSearch - search for a list of elements in Wikidata. A GPLv3 licenced tool built by Philippe Gambette allows you to search for a list of words in Wikidata and retrieve some associated Wikidata properties.

<translate>Other Noteworthy Stuff</translate>

  • Are you building applications or services with Wikidata's data? We'd love to hear from you to help us figure out the future of accessing Wikidata's data.
  • Wikidata: Event Organizers - If you are organizing or thinking about planning a Wikidata event, this new page listing the additional User rights the user-role 'event organizer' has will be a valuable resource. Including the process for applying for permission rights.

<translate>Newest properties and property proposals to review</translate>

<translate>* Newest properties:

    • General datatypes:</translate>
      • handwriting example (sample image of the person's handwriting)
      • objects of occurrence have role (role that objects of this occurrence take on in the context of this occurrence. (For selectional restrictions, use "object class of occurrence" (P12913) instead.))
      • agents of action have role (role that agents of this action take on in the context of this action. (For selectional restrictions, use "agent class of action" (P12994) instead. ))
      • agent class of action (class of items that may initiate this action or class of actions (For roles filled by agents of an action, use "agents of action have role" (P12993) instead))
      • agent of action (particular item that initiates this action or class of actions)
      • characteristic of ((qualifier only) statement value is a characteristic, quality, property, or state of this qualifier value)
      • has kanji reading (phonetic reading or pronunciation of the kanji)
      • publication type of scholarly work (Publication type of scholarly work)
      • leased to (person or organisation that holds or was granted a lease on the subject)
      • magazine capacity (number of projectiles or objects in the magazine feeding a weapon or tool)

<translate>** External identifiers:</translate> ‎Finnish Business ID, Prosocour person ID, Stadtwiki Karlsruhe ID, Athletics New Zealand athlete ID, Encyclopedia of Tunisian Women person ID, ‎LMFDB knowl ID, ACUM performer ID, ACUM creator/publisher ID, ACUM Work ID, ACUM album ID, organization ID, ‎Hindustan Times topic ID, Newgrounds submission ID, Storia della civiltà europea ID, Encyclopedia of Brno History literature ID, Linked Open Vocabularies ID, ‎Ontobee ID, ‎ journal ID, NooSFere editorial collection ID, ID, ‎Dictionary of guerrillas and anti-Franco resistance fighters ID, e-LIS publication ID, GameReactor company ID, Latgales dati person ID, ‎FantLab artist ID, RedBA Granada authority ID, ‎NWIS site ID, band ID, Koha Kütüphane ID, HA! artwork ID, France television program ID, Radio France program ID, Grand Est inventory ID, Norwegian Media Authority's film rating ID, Historical Encyclopedia of Siberia ID, ‎Münzkabinett ID, MyWaifuList character ID, ‎Kramerius of Czech Digital Library UUID, ‎European Parliament document ID, ‎Western Australian Biographical Index, beniabbandonati (detailed sheet) ID, beniabbandonati (summary sheet) ID, Biblioteka Nauki article ID, Biblioteka Nauki journal ID, Biblioteka Nauki book ID, Biblioteka Nauki publisher ID, PNM Middle Kingdom and New Kingdom person ID, DDB person ID <translate>* New property proposals to review:

    • General datatypes:</translate>
      • Larval host plant (Larval host plant - used only for insects - subclass of P1034)
      • chemical formula (Description of chemical compound giving element symbols and counts)
      • mode of reproduction (ways for living organisms to propagate or produce their offsprings)
      • health points (health or armor points of this video game, board game or role-playing game character)
      • damage (damage value of this video game weapon, ability or character)
      • male mean age (male mean age in a given place; qualifier of {{P|4442}})
      • female mean age (female mean age in a given place; qualifier of {{P|4442}})
      • Mummy of a person (mummy of a person)
      • WPBSA com player ID (Identifier for an athlete on the main website of WPBSA)
      • JLPT level (difficulty of word by the level of JLPT)
      • beer style (Classification of a beer based on its style)
      • has forks (Notable software forks of this software)
      • Monument Counter ID (Digital memorial for women killed by violence)

<translate>** External identifiers:</translate> case id (mainland China), BioMed Central journal ID, FightTime fighters ID, Korean Basketball League ID, Identifiant L'Humanité d’un sujet, Chinese Basketball Association ID2, KISTI institute ID, Hlídač státu subject ID, Acervo de Literatura Digital Mato-Grossense Person ID, Cihai encyclopedia entry ID, Cihai dictionary entry ID, Duocet Wiki of Plants ID, Dwelly entry ID, Indo-Tibetan Lexical Resource ID, A digital concordance of the R̥gveda ID, ID, Identifiant CIRDOC d'un auteur ou d'une autrice, Identifiant CIRDOC d'un document, Department of Defense Identification Code, Identifiant d'un document audiovisuel dans le catalogue de l'Inathèque, LWW journal ID, BAHRA ID, World Historical Gazetteer place ID, Diccionario biográfico de Castilla-La Mancha ID, AniSearch person ID, identifiant Babelio d'un sujet, Identifiant d'une personne sur Madelen, ITTF PTT ID, Push Square series ID, VG247 series ID, person ID

<translate>You can comment on all open property proposals!</translate>

<translate>Did you know?

<translate>* Newest WikiProjects:


  • Data access:
  • Design system: We continued migrating the Query Builder and Special:NewLexeme from Wikit to Codex</translate>

<translate>You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.</translate>

<translate>Weekly Tasks

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata in the
week leading up to 2024-11-19. Missed the previous one? See issue #653


Press, articles, blog posts, videos

Tool of the week

  • DBLP to Wikidata - This tool is for adding scholarly articles to Wikidata utilizing data from DBLP. It also provides article authors with a tool to enhance Wikidata with associated entities, such as missing co-authors or conference proceeding entities. Demo video & Github repo

Other Noteworthy Stuff

Newest properties and property proposals to review

You can comment on all open property proposals!

Did you know?


  • [BREAKING CHANGE ANNOUNCEMENT] wbformatvalue API will no longer accepts most options
  • Wikibase REST API: We are looking into how to do search in the REST API.
  • Special:NewLexeme: We merged the full migration from the Wikit to the Codex design system.
  • EntitySchemas: We are polishing the patches to make it possible to search for EntitySchemas by label when linking to an EntitySchema in a new statement.
  • Wikidata support is now available to Tulu Wikipedia and Tulu Wikisource

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Weekly Tasks

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata in the
week leading up to 2024-12-02. Missed the previous one? See issue #655



  • Upcoming:
    • Wikimedia Deutschland is providing a total of 15 participation scholarships for Wikimania 2025 (7 individual and 4 tandem scholarships). Further information is available on this page. An overview of all questions in the application form is here. Apply here. Closes 8 December 2024.
    • Talk to the Search Platform / Query Service Team—December 4, 2024. The time is 17:00 CET
    • Tomorrow / 3rd December 2024: Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group session @ 9am PT / 12pm ET / 5pm UTC / 6pm CET. If you would like to attend, please fill out the Etherpad form to ensure all necessary materials are provided for you.
    • Deadline for the Central Asian WikiCon 2025 scholarship application is December 30, 2024. We encourage you to make Wikidata-related submissions (the deadline for submission is March 22, 2025.

Press, articles, blog posts, videos

Tool of the week

  • LoRiS - Generate natural-language descriptions of SPARQL queries via LLM's.

Other Noteworthy Stuff

  • Wikidata:WordGraph: Google released the WordGraph dataset as a belated present for Wikidata’s 12th birthday. The dataset contains 968,153 forms in 39 languages.
  • Product Manager: Wikibase Suite: Wikimedia Deutschland has an open and exciting vacancy for a Product Manager of Wikibase Suite. Apply!
  • Tools or bots which use the wiki replicas (such as Quarry) will observe outdated data for up to 8-10 days, as a result of necessary database maintenance (T367856). Tools or bots which use the APIs will not be affected. (This was previously announced 2024-11-11 but didn’t actually take place yet.)

Newest properties and property proposals to review

You can comment on all open property proposals!

Did you know?


  • EntitySchemas: We are continuing the work on making it possible to search for an EntitySchema by its label or alias when making a new statement linking to an EntitySchema.
  • PropertySuggester: We have updated the script that generates the suggestions and will update the suggestions next.
  • Lexicographical data: We fixed a visual issue with search results on the Codex-based Special:NewLexeme (phab:T370057)
  • Vector 2022: We are working on designs to fix the remaining issues with the skin on Wikidata.
  • Wikibase REST API: We are finishing the prototype for supporting search in the API.

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Weekly Tasks

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata in the
week leading up to 2024-12-09. Missed the previous one? See issue #656


  • New requests for permissions/Bot: KlaraBot - Task(s): Append a human's lifespan to descriptions when they can be authoritatively sourced.
  • Closed request for comments: Audio transcription (P9533) - Closed with no consensus. The discussion is ongoing on the Property P5933 talk page.


  • Past: Amical Wikimedia, the Catalan-language and culture focused thematic Wikimedia Organization organized the Celebrem Wikidata (Let's celebrate Wikidata) project to celebrate Wikidata's 12th anniversary, from November 10 - 30. This included a Wikidata introduction workshop to equip participants with the editing skills to tackle the project's main aim. This was presented as a game to delete duplicate info on Wikidata and Catalan Viquipèdia infoboxes, in three areas: protected buildings, officers' positions and data related to sports teams players. At the end of the event, ~200 Wikidata-fed infoboxes and Wikidata items were improved and many Wikipedia editors edited Wikidata for the first time!
  • Upcoming events:
    • (Deutsch)Wikidata for Legal Historians - Tue. 10 December, 3pm - 7pm (UTC+1). This presentation explores Wikidata as a key platform for LOD, explains its Semantic Web foundation, introduces FactGrid (a Wikidata-based platform for historical research). Highlights potential of both platforms using examples and encourages discussion for legal historical research. Register here.
    • Today (09.12.2024) is the last chance to submit an Abstract for the Wikidata and Research conference (5 - 6 June 2025). If you are interested in participating, please review the submission acceptance format before submitting here.

Press, articles, blog posts, videos

Tool of the week

  • CAT🐈: Metrics computing simple metrics (number of labels, number of descriptions, number of sitelinks, number of statements) for item matching a simple claim.

Other Noteworthy Stuff

  • Template:Image properties New template listing properties that link to images.
  • Let's Connect invites you to get involved in helping spread awareness and knowledge of Wikidata, potentially help organise a Wikidata Learning Clinic. Are you interested in participating? Please sign-up on this registration form.

Newest properties and property proposals to review

You can comment on all open property proposals!

Did you know?


Weekly Tasks

Las últimas noticas técnicas desde la comunidad técnica de Wikimedia. Por favor, comenta estos cambios con otros usuarios. No todos los cambios te afectarán. Traducciones en varios idiomas están disponibles.

Actualizaciones para editores

  • Los administradores pueden personalizar cómo las características de Babel crean las categorías usando Especial:Configuración comunitaria/Babel. Pueden renombrar las categorías de idiomas, elegir cuáles deben ser creadas automáticamente y ajustar otras opciones. [1]
  • El portal ha sido actualizado —y está recibiendo algunas mejoras continuas— para modernizar y mejorar la accesibilidad de nuestros portales. Ahora posee mejor soporte para dispositivos móviles, redacción y enlaces actualizados, y un mejor soporte de idiomas. Además, todos los portales de los proyectos Wikimedia, como, poseen soporte de modo oscuro cuando un lector está usando esa configuración de sistema. [2][3][4]
  • Se ha creado una nueva wiki: una Wikcionario en Santalí (wikt:sat:) [5]
  • Elemento recurrente Revisa las 30 tareas enviadas por la comunidad que fueron resueltas la semana pasada. Por ejemplo, se solucionó un error que impedía hacer clic en los resultados de búsqueda en la interfaz web para algunos usuarios de Firefox para Android. [6]

Reuniones y eventos

  • La próxima reunión del Comité de Idiomas se realizará próximamente, el 28 de febrero a las 14:00 UTC. La reunión de esta semana cubrirá: aspectos destacados y actualizaciones técnicas sobre la escritura y las herramientas para los idiomas Sámi, contribuciones en desde la comunidad de Bahasa Lampung de Indonesia, y una sesión técnica de Preguntas y Respuestas Si deseas unirte, simplemente firma en esta página wiki.

Las Noticias Técnicas son preparadas por los escritores de Noticias Técnicas y publicadas con un bot • Colabore • traduzca • obtenga ayuda • denos su opinión • suscríbase o cancele su suscripción.

MediaWiki message delivery 00:38 25 feb 2025 (UTC)Responder

Hola, Sabbut. Se ha abierto una consulta de borrado para un artículo en el que has colaborado, Categoría:Cultos a la personalidad. Una consulta de borrado es un proceso que se inicia para buscar la opinión de más wikipedistas para decidir el futuro de un artículo. Si estás interesado en participar de la discusión, deja tus comentarios en Wikipedia:Consultas de borrado/Categoría:Cultos a la personalidad. Gracias. Abajo estaba el pezen el anzuelo 04:57 25 feb 2025 (UTC)Responder

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata in the
week leading up to 2025-03-03. Missed the previous one? See issue #668


  • Other: Email Chain "Elephant in the room" - discussing the large number of Wikidata Items lacking Statements, Sitelinks or Labels/Descriptions.


Press, articles, blog posts, videos

  • Blogs
  • Videos
    • (French) PasseGares: Bug fixes and data imports from Wikidata YouTube
    • Adding Wikidata label and descriptions, from the Wali Language Art+Feminism Editathon (Ghana 2025) YouTube
    • Workshop showcasing QuickStatements 3.0! Learn how this updated tool streamlines your workflow and discover new features. YouTube
    • Contributing to Wikidata 101, a series of demonstrations organised by WM Community UG Uganda Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
    • Optimize SPARQL queries to avoid timeouts: Efficiently count entities sharing values YouTube
    • Data Reuse Days playlist and live-editing session with User:Ainali and User:Abbe98 YouTube
    • LUDAP: Shared authority file for Luxembourg's Scientific and Cultural Heritage, with Wikibase YouTube

Tool of the week

  • QuickStatements 3.0 - new version of the original QuickStatements with enhanced functionality, performance, and user experience.

Other Noteworthy Stuff

Newest properties and property proposals to review

You can comment on all open property proposals!

Did you know?


  • Wikibase REST API: We are continuing the work on the simple Item search (phab:T383126)
  • Dumps: We fixed an issue that prevented the dumps from being generated (phab:T386401)
  • Search: We are continuing to work on the search UI that will let you search not just Items but also other entity types (phab:T321543)

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Weekly Tasks

Las últimas noticas técnicas desde la comunidad técnica de Wikimedia. Por favor, comenta estos cambios con otros usuarios. No todos los cambios te afectarán. Traducciones en varios idiomas están disponibles.

Actualizaciones para editores

  • Todos los usuarios registrados que usan la vista móvil ahora pueden editar la página completa. Se puede acceder al enlace "Editar la página completa" desde el menú "Más" en la barra de herramientas. Esta opción solo estaba disponible para los editores que usan la opción de contribuciones móviles avanzadas. [7]
  • Los administradores de interfaz ahora pueden ayudar a eliminar el código CSS obsoleto de Cite que coincide con "mw-ref" de su hoja local "MediaWiki:Common.css". La lista de wikis que necesitan limpieza, y el código que se debe eliminar, se puede encontrar con esta búsqueda global y en este ejemplo, y pueden obtener más información sobre cómo ayudar en la página del proyecto de migración de CSS. Los marcadores de notas al pie de Cite ("[1]") ahora son renderizados por Parsoid, y el CSS obsoleto ya no es necesario. El CSS para los enlaces de retorno ("mw:referencedBy") debe permanecer en su lugar por ahora. Se espera que esta limpieza no cause cambios visibles para los lectores. Ayuden a eliminar este código antes del 20 de marzo, después de lo cual el equipo de desarrollo lo hará por ustedes.
  • Cuando los editores incluían un archivo (por ejemplo, [[File:MediaWiki.png]]) en una página protegida con protección en cascada, el software ya no impedirá las ediciones en la página de descripción, solo para los archivos recién subidos.[8] En contraste, transcluir una página de descripción de archivos (por ejemplo, {{:File:MediaWiki.png}}) ahora restringirá las ediciones en la página.[9]
  • Cuando los editores revierten un archivo a una versión anterior, ahora se requieren los mismos permisos que se necesitan al subir un archivo nuevo. El software ahora verifica los permisos 'reupload' o 'reupload-own',[10] y respeta la protección en cascada.[11]
  • Cuando los administradores marcan páginas para eliminación con la herramienta Nuke, ahora podrán listar las páginas de discusión asociadas y las redirecciones para su eliminación, junto con las páginas creadas por el objetivo, en lugar de realizar la eliminación manual de esas páginas. [12]
  • Como se indicó previamente, la actualización del Inicio de sesión único (Single User Login), que ajustará las restricciones del navegador para las cookies de dominio cruzado al mover el inicio de sesión y la creación de cuentas a un dominio central, ahora se implementará para todos los usuarios durante marzo y abril. El equipo planea habilitarlo para la creación de nuevas cuentas en las wikis del Grupo0 esta semana. Consulta la página del proyecto SUL3 para obtener más detalles y una cronología actualizada.
  • Desde la semana pasada, existe un error que muestra algunos iconos de la interfaz con cuadros negros hasta que la página se carga por completo. Esto se solucionará esta semana. [13]
  • Se ha creado una nueva wiki: una Wikipedia en Sylheti (w:syl:) [14]
  • Elemento recurrente Revisa las 23 tareas enviadas por la comunidad que fueron resueltas la semana pasada. Por ejemplo, se arregló un error con la carga de imágenes en versiones muy antiguas del navegador Firefox para móviles. [15]

Actualizaciones para los colaboradores técnicos

  • Elemento recurrente Actualizaciones detalladas del código más adelante esta semana: MediaWiki

Las Noticias Técnicas son preparadas por los escritores de Noticias Técnicas y publicadas con un bot • Colabore • traduzca • obtenga ayuda • denos su opinión • suscríbase o cancele su suscripción.

MediaWiki message delivery 02:27 4 mar 2025 (UTC)Responder

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata in the
week leading up to 2025-03-10. Missed the previous one? See issue #669


Press, articles, blog posts, videos

Tool of the week

  • zelph: A new tool for detecting logical contradictions and making inferences in Wikidata, using a rule-based system to improve data quality and derive new facts. Check it out on GitHub or explore results on the project website.
  • New Tool for Women’s Day: Scheherazade identifies women without articles in your Wikipedia but present in many others, helping editors prioritize creating missing biographies.

Other Noteworthy Stuff

  • Wikimedia Research Fund had launched. You're encourage to submit proposals around Wikidata. The deadline to submit your proposal is April 16, 2025.
  • The 4th iteration of the Wikidata:Open Online Course will begin from March 17 until April 30. Whether you're a beginner taking your first steps, an individual in need of a refresher on Wikidata concepts, or a seasoned trainer looking to level up your skills - this course is right for you.

Newest properties and property proposals to review

You can comment on all open property proposals!

Did you know?


You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Weekly Tasks

Las últimas noticas técnicas desde la comunidad técnica de Wikimedia. Por favor, comenta estos cambios con otros usuarios. No todos los cambios te afectarán. Traducciones en varios idiomas están disponibles.

Actualizaciones para editores

  • Los editores que usan gestores de contraseñas en múltiples sitios wikis podrían notar cambios en el futuro. Esto se debe que se ha actualizado la forma en que nuestras wikis identifican la información a los gestores de contraseña sobre la reutilización de contraseñas en diferentes dominios. Esto por lo que algunos gestores de contraseñas ahora podrían ofrecerles credenciales de inicio de sesión que has guardado en distintos sitios Wikimedia. Algunos gestores de contraseñas ya hacían esto, y ahora lo hacen para más dominios Wikimedia. Este cambio es parte del proyecto SUL3 que permitirá mejorar el funcionamiento nuestro inicio de sesión unificado, y mantenerlo compatible con los cambios continuos en los navegadores web que usamos. [16][17]
  • El equipo de aplicaciones de Wikipedia invita a los usuarios interesados a ayudar a mejorar el uso de Wikipedia sin conexión y con internet limitado. Tras mantener discusiones con Afrika Bazara y en la última llamada con el grupo de ESEAP, se están explorando desafíos claves como la búsqueda, la edición y el acceso sin conexión, y se organizarán grupos de discusión para profundizar en estos temas. Las personas de cualquier idioma son bienvenidas y se proveerá interpretación. ¿Quieres compartir tu ideas?. ¡Únete a la discusión o envía un email!
  • El 19 de marzo a las 14:00 UTC, todas las wikis estarán en modo de solo lectura durante algunos minutos. Se publicará más información en las Noticias Técnicas y también se anunciará individualmente en cada wiki en las próximas semanas.
  • Elemento recurrente Revisa las 27 tareas enviadas por la comunidad que fueron resueltas la semana pasada.

Actualizaciones para los colaboradores técnicos

  • Elemento recurrente Actualizaciones detalladas de código de esta semana: MediaWiki

A fondo

  • El último Boletín de Growth está disponible. Incluye: el lanzamiento del módulo de Actualizaciones Comunitarias, los cambios más recientes de la Configuración de Comunidad, y las próximas pruebas de las sugerencias en el artículo para los editores novatos.
  • Una API antigua que estaba siendo usada por la aplicación de Wikipedia para Android será eliminada a finales de marzo. Actualmente, ningún software la está usando, pero los usuarios con una versión anterior a 6 meses desde el momento de la eliminación (31 de marzo de 2025) no tendrán acceso a la opción de Ediciones Sugeridas hasta que actualicen la aplicación. Puedes leer más detalles sobre este cambio.

Las Noticias Técnicas son preparadas por los escritores de Noticias Técnicas y publicadas con un bot • Colabore • traduzca • obtenga ayuda • denos su opinión • suscríbase o cancele su suscripción.

MediaWiki message delivery 23:06 10 mar 2025 (UTC)Responder