European Greens
- ️Sun Dec 25 2022
Building powerfor a greena sociala justa Europeanfuture
Join tens of thousands of volunteers and Green parties across Europe in fighting for a better future for all.
Our member parties are all working towards a greener Europe
We bring together national parties from across the European continent that share the same Green values and political priorities: the climate and environment, social justice, wellbeing, peace and democracy.
Take part. Get the latest from the European Greens.
A Green vision for Europe
We are the most united European family as we take common positions with our member parties to move Europe forward together.
Social justice and health
Environment and food
Building Green power
Welcome to the Local Councillors’ Network!
The Local Councillor’s Network is the community of Green Local Councillors from all over Europe. A space where you can share your projects, experience and knowledge with others, and a place to find relevant events, network and skill sharing opportunities
Join Tilt! today
Join tilt! to fight for climate action, social justice and equality in Europe. We connect citizens, experts and decision-makers - making real change happen. Let's tilt Europe together!
Sign up to stay up to date
Sign up and stay up to date about campaigns, programmes and activities from the European Greens.
Upcoming Events
9 Feb
23 Feb
22 Mar
22 Mar
12 Apr
4 May