
Celaya 2024/25 - Transfers - Everything for Football ⚽

  • ️Fri Jul 28 2023

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  1. Mexico
  2. Celaya
  3. Transfers

Transfers In

Player Age Date From Details
Kevin Isa Luna
Striker - Left Wing
23 years 28/07/2023 Atlético Tucumán Atlético Tucumán Transfer
Nicolás Vikonis
40 years 10/07/2023 Mazatlán FC Mazatlán FC Transfer
Daniel Cervantes
Defence - Centre-Back
34 years 03/07/2023 Querétaro Querétaro Transfer
Bernardo Aguilar
24 years 02/01/2023 Club Deportivo Tepatitlán de Morelos Club Deportivo Tepatitlán de Morelos Transfer
Joshua Canales
Midfield - Attacking Midfield
24 years 01/01/2023 Querétaro Querétaro Transfer
Francisco Vera
21 years 01/01/2023 Potros del Este Potros del Este Transfer
Rodrigo Melgarejo
Defence - Centre-Back
22 years 01/01/2023 Univ. San Martín Univ. San Martín Transfer
Carlos Monges
Striker - Centre-Forward
28 years 01/01/2023 CD Los Loros CD Los Loros Transfer

Transfers Out

Player Age Date To Details
Gael Acosta
Striker - Left Wing
32 years 16/07/2023 Kalamata Kalamata Transfer
Amaury Escoto
Striker - Centre-Forward
32 years 01/07/2023 FC Juárez FC Juárez Transfer
Guillermo Allison
34 years 01/07/2023 Querétaro Querétaro Transfer
Diego González
Striker - Left Wing
22 years 01/07/2023 Lazio Lazio Transfer
Carlos Monges
Striker - Centre-Forward
28 years 27/06/2023 Real Tomayapo Real Tomayapo Transfer
Diego González
Striker - Left Wing
22 years 31/01/2023 Lazio Lazio Transfer
Mauro Brasil
Defence - Centre-Back
25 years 02/01/2023 Cerro Largo Cerro Largo Transfer
Emanuel Herrera
Striker - Centre-Forward
37 years 01/01/2023 Universitario Universitario Transfer
Juan Felipe Aguirre
Defence - Centre-Back
28 years 01/01/2023 Atlético Nacional Atlético Nacional Transfer
Andrés Catalán
Defence - Left-Back
24 years 01/01/2023 Venados Venados Transfer
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