
SK Slavia Praha (U21) 2024/25 - Transfers - Everything for Football ⚽

  • ️Thu Feb 09 2023

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Transfers In

Player Age Date From Details
Milan Skoda
Striker - Centre-Forward
39 years 02/09/2023 Mlada Boleslav Mlada Boleslav Transfer
Martin Bejbl
Defence - Centre-Back
25 years 09/08/2023 Bay Olympic Bay Olympic Transfer
Ebrima Singhateh
Striker - Centre-Forward
21 years 31/08/2022 Paide Linnameeskond Paide Linnameeskond Transfer

Transfers Out

Player Age Date To Details
Mohamed Ihattaren
Midfield - Attacking Midfield
23 years 31/03/2024 Free Transfer
Michal Hosek
Defence - Right-Back
23 years 22/02/2024 Pribram Pribram Transfer
Adam Toula
Striker - Centre-Forward
23 years 21/02/2024 Viktoria Zizkov Viktoria Zizkov Transfer
Ebrima Singhateh
Striker - Centre-Forward
21 years 23/01/2024 Sigma Olomouc Sigma Olomouc Transfer
Jonas Kneifel
Striker - Right Wing
22 years 18/08/2023 FK Chlumec nad Cidlinou FK Chlumec nad Cidlinou Transfer
Tomas Kolodziej
21 years 04/08/2023 Sokol Hostoun Sokol Hostoun Transfer
Daniel Smiga
Striker - Centre-Forward
21 years 20/07/2023 Vlasim Vlasim Transfer
Ebrima Singhateh
Striker - Centre-Forward
21 years 20/07/2023 Vlasim Vlasim Transfer
Michal Hosek
Defence - Right-Back
23 years 18/07/2023 Karvina Karvina Transfer
Alexandr Barta
Defence - Right-Back
24 years 13/07/2023 Viktoria Zizkov Viktoria Zizkov Transfer
Pavel Behensky
Defence - Centre-Back
22 years 03/03/2023 Kraluv Dvur Kraluv Dvur Transfer
Victor Osuagwu
Striker - Centre-Forward
21 years 02/03/2023 Jelgava Jelgava Transfer
Michalis Voriazidis
Midfield - Central Midfield
20 years 09/02/2023 Taborsko Taborsko Transfer
Jan Sirotnik
23 years 16/01/2023 Varnsdorf Varnsdorf Transfer
David Beranek
Defence - Left-Back
20 years 16/01/2023 Vlasim Vlasim Transfer
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