Policy and Advocacy
The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) advocates on behalf of children with exceptionalities 365 days a year.
In doing so, CEC examines policy issues, develops appropriate responses to those issues, and influences local, state, provincial, and federal legislation. CEC also monitors and makes recommendations for program regulations and funding.
Our Policy Agenda
What We're Doing in the Field
More Information
For more information on getting involved our policy and advocacy work, contact Kuna Tavalin, CEC’s Senior Policy and Advocacy Advisor.
Public Statement Endorsement Process for Divisions and Units
The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) values and seeks diverse and inclusive participation within the field of special education and acknowledges the expertise of each CEC Unit and Special Interest Division. In demonstrating that expertise, Divisions may occasionally issue public statements on policy or potential policy issues and must follow the CEC Public Statement Endorsement Process.
CAN Coordinator
As a leading advocate for infants, toddlers, children, and youth with disabilities and/or gifts and talents, CAN Coordinators play an integral role in advancing federal policy. CAN Coordinators support CEC policy initiatives by building a strong grassroots network capable of effectively communicating policy priorities. Each Unit and Division has a CAN Coordinator.
CAN Coordinator responsibilities include:
- Development of an effective network of advocates at the state and local level
- Regular communication with the network to keep members informed about policy and advocacy
- Activation of the network for CEC calls to action via our online letter-writing campaign tool, the Legislative Action Center
- Attendance and participation in CEC policy and advocacy webinars and events
- Attendance at CAN trainings offered virtually and at the annual convention, if in attendance
An effective CAN network is pivotal to making progress on Capitol Hill, in federal agencies, and in state government by elevating the voices of the special education profession to connect lawmakers with local experts.
To learn more, go to exceptionalchildren.org/can-coordinator