Structural basis for substrate bin ... | Article | H1 Connect


Maturation of transfer RNAs is highly conserved in living organisms. This paper reports the crystal structure of the RNase Z, which cleaves off the 3' end of tRNA transcripts after the discriminator base. Unexpectedly, the endonuclease domain belongs to the metallo-hydrolase domain fold (as in beta-lactamase or glyoxalase II) with a binuclear zinc cluster bound to five histine nitrogen atoms and two asparte residues.

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  • Biochemistry

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  • Biotechnology

    Biocatalysis | Protein Chemistry & Proteomics
  • Chemical Biology

    Biocatalysis | Bioinorganic Chemistry | Protein Chemistry & Proteomics
  • Pharmacology & Drug Discovery

    Biomacromolecule-Ligand Interactions | Protein Chemistry & Proteomics
  • Structural Biology

    Biocatalysis | Biomacromolecule-Ligand Interactions | Protein Chemistry & Proteomics | Structure: Transcription & Translation

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