Maki Roll |

Maki Roll Information

  2. Guests
  3. Maki Roll

Washington, DC

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Maki Roll is the "Cosplay Cutie Turned Burlesque Beauty". The DC native started her journey as a cosplayer in 2007, and through going to conventions and networking, branched out to various forms of entertainment and modeling. She has made over 30 costumes, but gained extreme recognition for her portrayal of Ryuko Matoi's Senketsu Fashion Week from the anime Kill La Kill.
When not playing dress up at conventions, she can be seen performing nerdy inspired burlesque and sideshow acts all over the US. She is the producer of several nerdy themed shows, and strives to create a safe, fun space for performers of all races, genders, sexual orientation and beyond.
Maki is a feature promo model for leather company Gipsy Dharma, and is a sponsored flow artist for Hoopy Frood hoops and flow wands. She has hosted and participated in several Sonic BoomBox events and is an official cosplay model/booth babe for popular Maryland comic book store chain Collectors Corners.
Maki uses her platform to speak on race issues both in the cosplay community and outside of it. She was selected as a panelist for the Chocolate City Burlesque & Cabaret "Beyond Blackface: A Conversation on Cultural Appropriation" where she gave her perspective as a cosplayer and model.

12 confirmed guest appearances

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