A Message From Ross Babcock – FASA Games, Inc.
Dear FASA Kickstarter Backers,
Thank you for supporting our Campaigns. Our third successful campaign just closed on August 21st.
Given today’s marketplace, Kickstarter is one of the best ways to reach you, our customers. The campaigns let you know what new products are coming and give you an early peek. The funds raised let us finish our current products and even help fund future ones.
We want each successive campaign to be more successful then the last. We measure this by the number of backers who make their commitment to us. The monetary goal of each campaign depends on the products involved, and while a good measure, is not as important as the number of you out there who want our games.
Many of you have supported each of our three campaigns. Thank you once again. I know Earthdawn backers are still waiting patiently for the last of their rewards. They are coming and I know you will be happy with the result. As we have said before, we learned many lessons with that campaign and have implemented solutions in the next. We will not offer a campaign unless the product is written and just needs art and printing to finish. This way you, our backers, know the hard work of writing and development is complete. Finishing the artwork and scheduling the printing are much more routine steps and usually have a much more reliable timetable. Our 1879 Gamemaster’s Guide campaign followed this guideline, and saw the last backer shipment go out in early August. It has been completed successfully, from funding to delivery. Our 1879 London campaign has successfully funded and we are working on the last steps to get those books finished, printed and delivered. We want to deliver our campaign promises in months and not years. We want you, our backers, to keep coming back and playing our games.
Once again,
Thank you.
Ross Babcock
FASA Games, Inc.