The Shredder
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The Shredder is a sidearm specially developed by Armacham Technology Corporation for their elite guard as an effective way to stop experimental super soldiers that have gone rogue.
Monolith Timeline[]
F.E.A.R. 3[]
Decommissioned after failing to be effective against the Point Man, the Shredder shoots heavy metal shot rounds mixed with nitrates. It's designed for knocking out extremely fast targets, and is best used when the player is facing multiple enemies.
- The Shredder was obtained by pre-ordering F.E.A.R. 3 from Best Buy and GAME U.K.
- The Shredder can only be used in multiplayer.
- This is the first and only non-lethal weapon in the F.E.A.R. series, although knocking out someone with it still counts as a kill.