
CPFs | Congresswoman Teresa Leger Fernández


On March 6, 2024, $11,807,183 for 15 community projects were passed by the House:

  • $963,000 for Chaves County CASA Crime Victim Trauma Intervention Project
  • $959,752 for City of Lovington for Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements Project
  • $500,000 for City of Portales/Eastern New Mexico University Street Improvement
  • $1,666,279 for Village of Questa Convention Facility
  • $562,500 for El Valle Community Center in Villanueva
  • $84,150 for New Mexico Food Bank Expansion with Casita de Comida in Española
  • $335,750 for Los Alamos YMCA Rehabilitation
  • $850,000 for Red Rock Park Improvements in McKinley County
  • $963,000 for San Juan County Sheriff’s Office Mobile Command Unit
  • $1,000,000 for Navajo Nation Animal Shelter
  • $959,752 for Pueblo of Tesuque for Wastewater Treatment Plant
  • $963,000 for Rio Arriba County Sheriff’s Office Equipment
  • $500,000 for Sandoval County for Repair of Navajo Road 474
  • $500,000 for Sante Fe County Public Housing Units Electrical System Upgrades
  • $1,000,000 for Town of Taos’ Filemon Sanchez Park Revitalization

This page includes information on community projects supported by Congresswoman Leger Fernández. The projects are listed alphabetically by Subcommittee.

Subcommittee: Commerce, Justice, Science / DOJ / Byrne JAG

Project Name: Crime Victim Trauma Intervention Project

Recipient: Chaves County CASA

Address: 500 North Main Street, #310, Roswell, New Mexico 88201

Amount Requested: $1.21 million

Project Description: The funding would be used for an innovative Trauma Intervention Project to serve both the child victims of crime who experience trauma and the team that serves them. This project has the potential to serve over 1,000 people a year. This innovative model provides an opportunity to stop cycles of abuse and the costs associated with them once and for all.

Signed Disclosure Letter: Click here

Subcommittee: Commerce, Justice, and Science / DOJ / COPS Equipment and Technology

Project Name: Rio Arriba County Law Enforcement Equipment

Recipient: Rio Arriba County Sheriff's Office

Address: 1122 Industrial Park Road, Espanola, New Mexico 87532

Amount Requested: $1 million

Project Description: The funding would be used to purchase police units, transport vehicles and license plate recognition systems. This project would improve public safety while increasing the quality of life for community members.

Signed Disclosure Letter: Click here

Subcommittee: Commerce, Justice, Science / DOJ / COPS – Technology and Equipment

Project Name: San Juan County Sheriff’s Office Mobile Command Unit

Recipient: San Juan County Sheriff’s Office

Address: 211 S. Oliver Dr., Aztec, New Mexico 87410

Amount Requested: $1.2 million

Project Description: The funding would be used to purchase a Mobile Command Center that will improve “on scene” capabilities for the Sheriff’s Office.This new purpose-built unit would replace a 17-year-old retrofitted camper currently being used as the Sheriff's Office mobile command center. The project would help improve public safety for all in the community.

Signed Disclosure Letter: Click here

Subcommittee: Department of Agriculture - Community Facilities Grants

Project Name: El Valle Community Center

Recipient: El Valle Community Center

Address: 11 Lost Pueblos Road Box 61 Villanueva, New Mexico 87583

Amount Requested: $750,000

Project Description: The funding would be used for critical repairs and improvements to the El Valle Community Center in Villanueva, New Mexico. These include repair or replacement of roof, windows, insulation, and upgrades to infrastructure systems. These repairs would allow the community center to reliably continue its operations and expand staff and services.

The center’s location in an unincorporated region prevents it from receiving financial support from a municipality. That is the standard source of funding for local libraries. Without community institutions like the El Valle Community Center, small rural towns such as Villanueva will further struggle to retain their residents and lose their rural way of life.

Signed Disclosure Letter: Click here

Subcommittee: Department of Agriculture - Community Facilities Grants

Project Name: Navajo Nation Animal Shelter

Recipient: Navajo Nation Division of Natural Resources

Address: Indian Route #100, Building #1, Room 2636, Window Rock, AZ 86515

Amount Requested: $1,632,224

Project Description: The funding would be used for construction of a new animal shelter in Crownpoint, New Mexico to house animals under impoundment or quarantine; provide for animal vaccinations and microchips; spay/neuter; and facilitate animal adoption. This shelter is necessary for public safety and would replace the shelter that was built approximately fifty years ago and has been condemned and closed for at least six years now. It would save taxpayers an estimated $1,623,000 that is used to treat dog bite cases on the Navajo Nation each year.

Signed Disclosure Letter: Click here

Subcommittee: Department of Agriculture - Community Facilities Grants

Project Name: Rural Northern NM Food Bank Expansion (Casita de Comida)

Recipient: The Food Depot (https://thefooddepot.org/)

Address: 1222 A Siler Road Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507

Amount Requested: $153,000

Project Description: The funding would be used for building improvements, equipment materials, warehousing, and transportation for a food bank in Espanola, NM. The food bank is designed to provide access to free, nutritious foods and connections to additional social services in the local community. These actions to reduce barriers to healthy food will improve short- and mid-term food security.

This project can help prevent further government spending to address public health dilemmas brought on by food insecurity. Research shows that adults who are food insecure are at an increased risk for a variety of negative health outcomes and health disparities such as obesity and chronic disease. Food-insecure children are also at an increased risk for a variety of negative health outcomes, including obesity and developmental problems

Signed Disclosure Letter: Click here

Subcommittee: Energy and Water / Army Corps of Engineers / Construction

Project Name: Lovington Water/Wastewater Improvements

Recipient: City of Lovington

Address: 214 South Love, Lovington, New Mexico 88260

Amount Requested: $2.5 million

Project Description: The funding would be used to upgrade the infrastructure and equipment of the City of Lovington’s wastewater treatment facility. The project would update failing infrastructure at the facility, which would increase productivity, water conservation, and environmental safety.

Signed Disclosure Letter: Click here

Subcommittee: Interior/STAG/Clean Water Revolving Fund

Project Name: Pueblo of Tesuque Wastewater Treatment Plant

Recipient: Pueblo of Tesuque

Address: 20 TP828 in Santa Fe, New Mexico 87506

Amount Requested: $3,425,600

Project Description: The funding would be used for a new wastewater treatment system to better treat the Tribe’s wastewater and protect public health. The Tribe’s current wastewater treatment plant is over 20 years old and the Indian Health Service has said it is “at the end of its useful life.” A new wastewater treatment plant will improve energy efficiency, water conservation, and advanced nutrient removal. This also creates the potential to provide revenue from lower operation costs and fewer emergency callouts.

Signed Disclosure Letter: Click here

Subcommittee: Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development

Project Name: Filemon Sanchez Park Revitalization (Taos)

Recipient: Town of Taos

Address: 400 Camino de la Placita Taos, New Mexico 87571

Amount Requested: $1 million

Project Description: The funding would be used for the revitalization of a park that has

been in a major state of disrepair. This project would be an asset for economic development and serve the outdoor recreation needs of the community. The revitalization of the park at a high altitude would provide revenue to the Town of Taos by giving it the ability to host soccer, baseball, and softball tournaments with teams around the region. At the same time, it would provide healthy outlets for youth and adult sports enthusiasts. The latest US Census data indicates 18.6 percent of Taos County residents live in poverty. As a rural community, this project would be especially meaningful for Taos and sustaining its way of life.

Signed Disclosure Letter: Click here

Subcommittee: Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development

Project Name: Los Alamos, NM YMCA Rehabilitation

Recipient: The Family YMCA

Address: 1450 Iris St. Los Alamos, New Mexico 87544

Amount Requested: $335,750

Project Description: The funding would be used to replace the aging roof and gym floor

at the YMCA facility in Los Alamos, New Mexico. The YMCA meets the vital needs of after school childcare care and summer camp for elementary age youth. It provides sports and recreational programs to more than 1,100 youth and teens in Los Alamos and Rio Arriba County. It also serves 2,800 adults and seniors through facility and wellness programs. This project would ensure the safety of the children, teens and seniors who utilize the community center.

Signed Disclosure Letter: Click here

Subcommittee: Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development

Project Name: Repair of Navajo Road 474 (Sandoval County)

Recipient: Sandoval County

Address: 1500 Idalia Rd, P.O. Box 40, Bernalillo, New Mexico 87004

Amount Requested: $500,000

Project Description: The funding would be used to rejuvenate approximately 1.3 miles of Navajo Road 474, which is located in NM-03. The road has become almost undrivable due to potholes, high traffic count and other problems, and it serves as an important access point to schools, stores, medical facilities, and public safety.

Signed Disclosure Letter: Click here

Subcommittee: Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development

Project Name: Village of Questa Convention Facility

Recipient: Village of Questa

Address: 2500 Old State Road 3 Questa, New Mexico 87556

Amount Requested: $2,500,000

Project Description: The funding would be used to construct a convention facility. The project would allow Questa and surrounding rural communities to host events locally and provide a community gathering place. Community members must travel to the closest municipalities, which includes travel through mountain roads or a 25-mile drive. This project can enhance economic development for the community, support the growth of the Village of Questa, and support surrounding rural communities whose nearest municipality is Questa.

Signed Disclosure Letter: Click here

Subcommittee: Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development / Department of Transportation – Highway Infrastructure Projects

Project Name: City of Portales/Eastern New Mexico University Street Improvement

Recipient: City of Portales

Address: 100 W 1st Street, Portales New Mexico 88130

Amount Requested: $2,608,954

Project Description: The funding would be used to improve several streets around Eastern New Mexico University (ENMU). This vital project would provide for major improvements for pavement rehabilitation and reconstruction. This includes the removal of existing surface and upgrades to cement concrete paving as well as ADA, signage, striping and related improvements. The improvements will create a safer environment for pedestrians and drivers in this rural community and at ENMU.

Signed Disclosure Letter: Click here

Subcommittee: Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development / Housing and Urban Development / Economic Development Initiative

Project Name: Electrical System Upgrades for Santa Fe Public Housing Units

Recipient: Santa Fe County-Housing Authority

Address: 52 Camino de Jacobo Santa Fe, New Mexico 87207

Amount Requested: $1,116,000

Project Description: The funding would be used to replace and upgrade exterior and interior electrical service panels and breaker boxes for 183 low income rental units and three Boys and Girls Clubs facilities owned by Santa Fe County Housing Authority. The project would help provide decent and safe housing to current and future low-income tenants. At the same time, it will support three Boys and Girls Clubs to provide a safe gathering place for youth.

Signed Disclosure Letter: Click here

Subcommittee: Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development / Housing and Urban Development / Economic Development Initiative

Project Name: McKinley County Red Rock Park Improvements

Recipient: McKinley County

Address: 207 West Hill Ave Gallup, New Mexico 87301

Amount Requested: $2 million

Project Description: The funding would be used for building and facility improvements in Red Rock Park. The project would improve a park that is fundamental to the economic and community development of the region. It serves a rural community that is over 51 percent low-to-moderate income and majority Native American. The proposed improvements to Red Rock Park are expected to increase visitation and support the local economy.

Signed Disclosure Letter: Click here

The funding request process closed on March 12, 2023. Community project funding requests can no longer be made for Fiscal Year 2024. For past community project funding click here.



Subcommittee: Commerce, Justice, and Science

Project Name: Curry County Simulators.

Recipient: Curry County

Address: 417 Gidding St. STE 100 Clovis, NM. 88101

Amount Granted: $267,000

Project Description and Explanation: The funding would be used to purchase two virtual reality training simulators for the Curry County Sheriff's Office and the Adult Detention Center. Training content includes but is not limited to de-escalation, use of force, mental illness, high-risk entries, and crisis intervention. This can increase an officer's effectiveness, improve use of force decisions, and ensure sufficient hours spent training to prepare for real-world scenarios.

Signed Disclosure Letter: Click here

Subcommittee: Interior-Enviro - EPA - State and Tribal Assistance Grants (STAG)

Project Name: Santa Clara - Riverside Water Conveyance, Water Treatment and Wastewater Facility.

Recipient: Santa Clara Pueblo

Address: P.O. Box 580 Espanola NM 87532

Amount Granted: $640,000

Project Description and Explanation: The funding would be used to design a new water conveyance, water treatment, and wastewater facility. This project will help provide clean drinking water to tribal properties and landowners.

Signed Disclosure Letter: Click here

Subcommittee: Interior-Enviro - EPA - State and Tribal Assistance Grants (STAG)

Project Name: Santo Domingo Wastewater Distribution System.

Recipient: Santo Domingo Pueblo

Address: P.O. Box 99, Santo Domingo Pueblo, NM 87052

Amount Granted: $1,500,000

Project Description and Explanation: The funding would be used to replace or rehabilitate approximately 19 manholes, 3,300 linear feet (LF) of gravity sewer line, and 156 sewer connections within the Main Village wastewater collection system. This project will preserve housing and improve sanitary conditions within the Main Village where the majority of Pueblo members reside.

Signed Disclosure Letter: Click here

Subcommittee: LHHSE - ED, Postsecondary Education / Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE)

Project Name: Cybersecurity Shared Services Program for Community Colleges (CHESS)

Recipient: Collaborative for Higher Education Shared Services

Address: 6401 Richards Avenue, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87508

Amount Granted: $2,000,000

Project Description and Explanation: The funding would be used to develop a Cybersecurity Shared Services program for Clovis Community College, Mesalands Community College, Northern New Mexico College, San Juan College, and Santa Fe Community College. This project would create a shared services infrastructure to help protect New Mexico community colleges against cybersecurity threats, while promoting education and training to produce graduates who meet cybersecurity workforce needs.

Signed Disclosure Letter: Click here

Subcommittee: LHHSE - DOL, Employment and Training Administration / Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Grant demonstration program

Project Name: Greater Gallup Industrial Workforce Program

Recipient: Northwest New Mexico Council of Governments

Address: 106 W Aztec Ave, Gallup, NM 87301

Amount Granted: $750,000

Project Description and Explanation: The funding would be used for the operation of the Greater Gallup Industrial Workforce Program. This program was funded by the US Economic Development Administration for three years and was highly successful in training and placing workers with industrial employees. It is an efficient program that provides skills and stackable certifications that lead to real job placement and helps people transition and re-skill for jobs lost in coal, refinery, and other related industries that have closed.

Signed Disclosure Letter: Click here

Subcommittee: LHHSE - ED, Postsecondary Education / Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE)

Project Name: Highlands University School of Social Work Center of Excellence and Native American Social Studies Institute.

Recipient: NMHU Facundo Valdez School of Social Work (FVSSW)

Address: New Mexico Highlands University. PO Box 9000. Las Vegas, NM 87701

Amount Granted: $750,000.

Project Description and Explanation: The funding would be used for a Center for Excellence in Social Work to expand training and professional development for students of the Facundo Valdez School of Social Work and Native American Social Work Studies Institute.

Signed Disclosure Letter: Click here

Subcommittee: LHHSE - HRSA, Health Facilities Construction and Equipment

Project Name: Shiprock Home for Women & Children

Recipient: Navajo Nation Division of Social Services

Address: 296 Administration Building #2 Second Floor North, Window Rock, AZ 86515 (shelter will be built in Shiprock)

Amount Granted: $3,000,000

Project Description and Explanation: The funding would be used to expand Shiprock’s domestic violence shelter capacity to at least 30 people per day, or five families, by completing a domestic violence shelter to include the provision of mental health and substance use services.

Signed Disclosure Letter: Click here

Subcommittee: LHHSE - HRSA - Health Facilities Construction and Equipment

Project Name: Taos County Detox. 9

Recipient: Taos County

Address: 105 Albright Street Suite I, Taos, NM 87571

Amount Granted: $2,200,000

Project Description and Explanation: The funding would be used for the Taos County Detox Center to help address high levels of substance use and intergenerational trauma in Taos County, which lacks adequate access to care. At the same time, it will symptomatically lower the costs for medical treatments and for incarceration for both individuals and local governments, thus saving taxpayer monies.

Signed Disclosure Letter: Click here

Subcommittee: Department of Housing and Urban Development - Economic Development Initiative (EDI)

Project Name: Chama Water Treatment Plant Improvements.

Recipient: Village of Chama

Address: PO Box 794 Chama, New Mexico

Amount Granted: $550,000

Project Description and Explanation: The funding would be used to make repairs, upgrades, engineering services, operations, and equipment to improve the village water treatment plant and keep the Village of Chama in compliance with the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act.

Signed Disclosure Letter: Click here

Subcommittee: Department of Housing and Urban Development - Economic Development Initiative (EDI)

Project Name: Cuba Health Center Workforce Housing.

Recipient: Presbyterian Medical Services

Address: 1422 Paseo de Peralta, Santa Fe, NM 87501

Amount Granted: $1,635,000

Project Description and Explanation: The funding would be used to build four modern apartments adjacent to the Cuba health center on PMS-owned land. This will help to address the lack of housing for health care providers and make employment more desirable.

Signed Disclosure Letter: Click here

Subcommittee: THUD - Department of Housing and Urban Development - Economic Development Initiative (EDI)

Project Name: Homeownership Assistance Voucher Program (Homewise)

Recipient: Homewise, Inc.

Address: 1301 Siler Road, Santa Fe NM 87507

Amount Granted: $750,000

Project Description and Explanation: The funding would be used to provide a $30,000 Homeownership Assistance Voucher for 25 families in Northern New Mexico as a pilot project for a total request of $750,000.

Signed Disclosure Letter: Click here

Subcommittee: Department of Housing and Urban Development - Economic Development Initiative (EDI)

Project Name: One Generation’s Indigenous Farm Hub.

Recipient: Tides Center (fiduciary agent for One Generation)

Address: 6370 Corrales Rd. Corrales, New Mexico 87048-8785

Amount Granted: $960,000

Project Description and Explanation: The funding would be used for establishing a shared-use facility, an agricultural training facility, and business incubator operated out of Sandoval County primarily serving Indigenous people in northwest and central New Mexico. This program develops core farming and ranching production and business skills. It also preserves traditional Indigenous agricultural practices, known to be ecologically and environmentally sound, sustainable, and regenerative to damaged lands.

Signed Disclosure Letter: Click here

Subcommittee: Department of Housing and Urban Development - Economic Development Initiative (EDI)

Project Name: Raton Film Studio and Education Center

Recipient: The City of Raton

Address: PO Box 910, 224 Savage Avenue, Raton, New Mexico 87740

Amount Granted: $3,000,000

Project Description and Explanation: The funding would be used to rehabilitate Kearny Elementary School into a film production and workforce development facility. The facility will provide training in all areas and trades associated with film production in partnership with Santa Fe Community College and El Raton Media Works. Funding is sought for facility renovation and studio-related equipment.

Signed Disclosure Letter: Click here

Subcommittee: THUD, DOT - Highway Infrastructure Projects

Project Name: Taos Pueblo Spider Rock Road Improvement Project

Recipient: Taos Pueblo

Address: 1075 Veterans Highway/P. O. Box 1846, Taos, NM 87571

Amount Granted: $4,000,000

Project Description and Explanation: The funding would be used to provide grade, drain, and hot asphalt concrete pavement to a mostly dirt and gravel road. The users of the project include, but are not limited to, 2,600 tribal community members, 300 employees, 300 school children, thousands of Native American and others who obtain services from the Indian Health Service Taos-Picuris Health Center.

Signed Disclosure Letter: Click here

Subcommittee: USDA - Community Facilities Grants

Project Name: Mora County Hub for Community-based Services (HELP NM)

Recipient: HELP New Mexico, Inc.

Address: 508 State Highway 518 Mora New Mexico 87732

Amount Granted: $750,000 

Project Description and Explanation: The funding would be used to plan, design, construct, renovate, equip, and install capital improvements to the former Cleveland Alcohol Treatment Center to develop the Mora County Hub for Community-based Services.

Signed Disclosure Letter: Click here



Subcommittee/Agency/Account: Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies/Agriculture/ReConnect Program

Project Name: Broadband for Española

Recipient: City of Española

Address: 405 N. Paseo de Oñate, Española, New Mexico 87532

Amount Granted: $879,506

Project Description and Explanation: The funding would be used for installing 30, five-gigahertz signal distribution points—antennas that will send and receive wireless signal—at nine sites to provide highspeed, fixed wireless service to Española residents and businesses. The establishment of this network of antennas will make highspeed, wireless Internet available to at least 5,000 homes and 380 businesses in our community.

Signed Disclosure Letter: Click here

Subcommittee/Agency/Account: Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies/Agriculture/Community Facilities Grants

Project Name: Gallinas River Park

Recipient: Hermit’s Peak Watershed Alliance

Address: 289 County Road A2, Sapello, New Mexico 87745

Amount Requested: $969,580.38

Project Description and Explanation: The funding would be used for the revitalization of Gallinas park. The project would create climate change solutions with carbon sequestration, flood mitigation and community resilience to drought. Moreover, it would promote a healthy environment that enlivens our rural community with a strong connection to the land. A revitalized Park would feed our communities’ spirit with outdoor recreation opportunities accessible to all. This nature-based park would demonstrate green infrastructure to treat stormwater and reduce urban temperatures. Finally, it would spur our economy with sustainable rural development that honors our history and culture.

Signed Disclosure Letter: Click here

Subcommittee/Agency/Account: Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies/Agriculture/Community Facilities Grants

Project Name: San Felipe Community Center

Recipient: Pueblo of San Felipe

Address: 127 Hagen Road, San Felipe, New Mexico 87001

Amount Granted: $1,500,000

Project Description and Explanation: The funding would be used for the construction of a new community center. This center would be used for several community functions. For example, it would provide WIFI for students on the Pueblo who often broadband connectivity. In addition, the new facility would include classrooms where youth and elders take part in intergenerational cultural sessions to preserve the Keresan language. Finally, the new Council Chambers will help to provide a more efficient government with space big enough to accommodate administrative staff.

Signed Disclosure Letter: Click here

Subcommittee/Agency/Account: Energy and Water/Interior/Bureau of Reclamation

Project Name: Navajo-Gallup Water Supply Project

Recipient: Bureau of Reclamation (non-federal sponsors: New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission, Navajo Tribal Utility Authority, City of Gallup)

Address: 1235 La Plata Highway, Farmington, NM 87401

Amount Granted: $67,342,000

Project Description and Explanation: The funding would be used for supporting the operations, maintenance, and continued development of the Navajo-Gallup Water Supply Project (NGWSP). The NGWSP was authorized by Congress in 2009 to provide sustainable potable water to the rural communities within and around the Navajo Nation, the Jicarilla Apache Nation, and the City of Gallup in northwestern New Mexico. In the 21st century, nobody should live without access to running water.

Signed Disclosure Letter: Click here

Subcommittee/Agency/Account: Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies/Education/Elementary and Secondary Education

Project Name: Big Brothers, Big Sisters (BBBS) and Boys and Girls Clubs (BGC) mentoring services and social programs

Recipient: Big Brothers, Big Sisters (BBBS) and Boys and Girls Clubs (BGC)

Address: BBBS of Central New Mexico located at 308 N. Locke Ave., Farmington, New Mexico 87401; BBBS of the Mountain Region located at 1229 S. ST Francis DR # C, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505; and the BGC of Central New Mexico located at 4600 Sundt RD NE, Rio Rancho, New Mexico 87124.

Amount Granted: $225,000

Project Description and Explanation: The funding would be used to provide group and one-to-one mentoring services and programs that promote social-emotional learning to at-risk K-12 youth in Sandoval, San Juan, and Santa Fe counties. BBBS would recruit and screen high school-aged and adult volunteer mentors to engage youth in programs that cultivate the skills they need to excel in school and later in life.

Signed Disclosure Letter: Click here

Subcommittee/Agency/Account: Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies/Health and Human Services/Health Resources and Services Administration

Project Name: Roosevelt Special Hospital Expansion

Recipient: Roosevelt Special Hospital

Address: 42121 W. Hwy 70 in Portales, NM 88130

Amount Granted: $600,000

Project Description and Explanation: The funding would be used for purchasing land and funding construction of a clinic expansion. This would allow Roosevelt General Hospital and Clinics to expand primary and specialty care services in the rural and underserved area of Clovis, New Mexico. It would also include constructing a facility to house lab and X-ray diagnostics. Funding would also support monthly visits for behavioral health and pediatric services from the Portales, New Mexico clinic into Clovis, New Mexico.

Signed Disclosure Letter: Click here

Subcommittee/Agency/Account: Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies/Health and Human Services/Health Resources and Services Administration

Recipient: San Juan College

Address: 4601 College Blvd., Farmington, NM 87402

Amount Granted: $1,100,000

Project Description and Explanation: The funding would be used for the establishment of an on-site student health center that would provide medical and mental health care and support. A Student Health Center would bring preventative and immediate care, as well as counseling, health education and outreach to the College’s students. Students learn better when they are healthy and are more likely to persist and succeed.

Signed Disclosure Letter: Click here

Subcommittee/Agency/Account: Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies/Department of Housing and Urban Development/Economic Development Initiative (EDI)

Project Name: Broadband Expansion for the Curry County Fairgrounds

Recipient: Curry County

Address: 417 Gidding Street, Suite 100, Clovis, NM 88101

Amount Granted: $250,000

Project Description and Explanation: The funding would be used to design, purchase, and install an expanded WiFi network at the Curry County Fairgrounds. This expansion would provide broadband connectivity to underserved families and children in the community. Further, it would allow the fairgrounds to host more events and livestream those events to reach more people. This project would help to spur growth in the region.

Signed Disclosure Letter: Click here

Subcommittee/Agency/Account: Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies/Department of Housing and Urban Development/Economic Development Initiative (EDI)

Project Name: Historic Taos County Courthouse

Recipient: Taos County

Address: 105 Albright Street, Suite I, Taos, NM 87571

Amount Granted: $1,263,973

Project Description and Explanation: The funding would be used to rehabilitate the Historic Taos County Courthouse. It would encompass numerous elements from stabilizing the building shell to providing ADA access to installing energy-efficient equipment. Further, the rehabilitation would make the building, including its WPA murals, more accessible to the local businesses and residents for educational activities, meetings, and events.

Signed Disclosure Letter: Click here

Subcommittee/Agency/Account: Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies/Department of Housing and Urban Development/Economic Development Initiative (EDI)

Project Name: Santa Fe Public Housing Re-Roofing Project

Recipient: Santa Fe County - Housing Authority

Address: 52 Camino de Jacobo Santa Fe, NM 87507

Amount Granted: $1,044,172

Project Description and Explanation: The funding would be used for a re-roofing project for Public Housing rental units and facilities owned and operated by the Santa Fe County Housing Authority. This project is critical to ensure the structural integrity and safety of our public housing rental units, and to further promote the Housing Authority’s mission statement of providing safe and decent housing for the low-income residents of Santa Fe County. The benefits of this project include providing safety for our residents, increased emergency efficiency for our units, and access to affordable housing for the residents of Santa Fe County.

Signed Disclosure Letter: Click here