Alert Stance

Alert Stance is a Skill that debuted in Fire Emblem: Three Houses.


Fire Emblem: Three Houses[]

Name Activation Capacity

Alert Stance
Effects If unit takes no action except Wait, grants Avoid +15 for 1 turn.
Users Learned by reaching B in Flying
Notes -
Name Activation Capacity

Alert Stance+
Effects If unit takes no action except Wait, grants Avoid +30 for 1 turn.
Users Learned by reaching A+ in Flying
Notes Replaces Alert Stance

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes[]

Name Activation Capacity

Alert Stance
Passive -
Effects Increases the invincibility window when dodging.
Users Class skill of Pegasus Knights.
Name Activation Capacity

Alert Stance+
Passive -
Effects Greatly increases the invincibility window when dodging.
Users Class skill of Falcon Knights.

Skills that predate the Skill system