Armor Sword

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The Armor Sword is a variation of the Armor Knight introduced in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War. As their name implies, they exclusively wield swords.

History in the Series[]

The Armor Sword debuts in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War alongside the Axe Armor and Bow Armor classes. The sole playable representative of the armored line, Arden was a Sword Armor.

Armor returned in the direct follow up Fire Emblem: Thracia 776, though they were no longer a playable class.

Armor Swords wouldn't return to the series until Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn alongside the other Armor variants barring Bow Armor, where they promoted to the unique Sword General class and onward to their own version of the third tier Marshall class that focused on Sword. They are the only armored class to have a female representative.

Fire Emblem Heroes features Sword Armors as an enemy type. Like Radiant Dawn, they appear alongside the regular lance and axe variations. The class is identified by having a red palette. The class is known identified by the English name, Sword Knight. While technically no usable characters within Heroes have classes, playable characters who were Armor Swords in their original game like Arden retain the traits of the class including Armored status.


In its first two appearances, Armor Swords have the same stats as the other Armor variations, and should be treated similarly. In Genealogy of the Holy War, the low weight of swords meant sword armors had an advantage in speed.

In Radiant Dawn, the female Sword line has a slightly higher Resistance and Speed in exchange for two points lower Defense then the other armored classes. The unplayable male Armor Sword line has 1 point higher attack and 1 point lower skill then the other male Armored lines.


In Genealogy of the Holy War, Armor Sword promotes to General.

In Thracia 776 Armor Axe promotes to General so it can be assumed the same applies to Sword Armors as several enemy generals have Sword as their weapon rank.

In Radiant Dawn, Armor Sword promotes to Sword General which learns to use B rank Lances.


Base Stats[]

FE440905301005-- B-
FE520400008-59- E-
FE10 22/208/605/76/3012/94512/620/12 D-
FE17258061212047- ?-

Maximum Stats[]

FE10 4020102020302010512/620/12 A-
FE177542163917255116620- B-

Growth Rates[]



Base ClassPromotion MethodPromoted Class
FE4Sword ArmorChoose the "Class Change" option in the Home Castle when the relevant unit reaches Level 20.General
Armor Sword
Use a Master Seal on a Level 10+ Armor Sword or train an Armor Sword to Level 21.
Sword General
FE17 Sword ArmorUse Master Seal on Level 10+ Sword Armor.
Use Master Seal on Level 10+ Sword Armor with Lance or Axe Proficiency.
Great Knight

Notable Armor Swords[]

Genealogy of the Holy War[]

  • Arden - A shy retainer serving Chalphy known for his reliability.

Thracia 776[]

  • Weissman - A subordinate of Manster who took several citizens of the town of Fiana hostage.

Radiant Dawn[]


  • Armor Sword is given multiple names within the English version of Radiant Dawn. It is called Armored Axe in the class roll, but Armor Sword in the in-game status screens.
  • In TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga, all Armor Knights use swords making them similar to the Armor Sword class.


Sword Knight portrait in Heroes

Sword Knight portrait in Heroes

A Level 1 generic Armor Sword, as he appears in the first series of the TCG.

A Level 1 generic Armor Sword, as he appears in the first series of the TCG.

Arden, a Sword armor in FE4

Arden, a Sword armor in FE4

Djur, an Armor Sword in FE10

Djur, an Armor Sword in FE10

Meg, a female Armor Sword in FE10

Meg, a female Armor Sword in FE10

Map sprite of a sword armor in FE4

Map sprite of a sword armor in FE4

Map sprite of Meg, a female Sword armor in Fe10

Map sprite of Meg, a female Sword armor in Fe10

map sprite of a male armor sword

map sprite of a male armor sword