Base Camp

The Base Camp is the hub area of Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, much in the same vein as Garreg Mach Monastery in Fire Emblem: Three Houses.


As the name implies, it is a modestly-sized military camp where Shez is stationed a year after Rhea's closing of the Officers Academy thanks to Solon's ousting, with the House Leader of Shez's choice two years prior having personally appointing Shez as a commander of their armies.



The Strategist is an NPC Paladin located in the Command Center. Talking to the Strategist takes the player to the chapter's War Map.

Record Keeper[]

The Record Keeper is an NPC female Bishop located in the Command Center, once Chapter 5 has been reached. Talking to the Record Keeper allows the player to partake in Auxillary Battles, replaying any battle or paralogue from Chapter 2 onwards. This includes battles from other routes if clear data from those routes are present on the current save file.


  • In Auxiliary Battles, all units from the player's current roster and "Others" roster (units that have been part of the roster at some point in the player's save file) are playable, though certain battles may exclude or force deployment of certain units. In battles where Shez is force-deployed on a first playthrough, any eligible unit can be deployed in their place.
    • For example, most paralogues require deploying their focus characters in their pre-specified slot, though any other unit can be used to replace Shez.
    • Certain main quest battles use fixed versions of playable characters whose equipment cannot be customised and that cannot gain experience. In these cases, the customisable versions of the character in the player's roster is not used.
  • Success or failure to recruit a character during a Main Quest replay does not affect the player's roster. Thus, killing a previously recruited character in a replay does not remove that character from the roster.
  • In Classic Mode, defeated player units will be permanently lost, including in the Prologue chapters (where defeated player units would not be lost on the first playthrough). Like with Classic Mode outside of the Record Keeper, permanent loss only applies if the battle is completed, however, and not if the battle is restarted or abandoned.
  • If any side quests are not completed on the War Map upon a chapter's completion, they are made available even if not unlocked on the War Map when the chapter was completed.
  • Extra quests are not replayable from the Records Keeper.

Facilities Master[]

The Facilities Master is located in the Command Center. Talking to the Facilities Master allows one to upgrade the Training Grounds, Tactics Academy, Blacksmith, Recreation Quarter, the Marketplace, the Battalion Guild, and the Supply Depot in a manner reminiscent of the Crest Market from the first Fire Emblem Warriors game, which each upgrade helping to improve the Camp's level.

Facility Upgrades[]

With every upgrade, the Camp's level increases, from E to S. As the levels increase, not only does the camp visually improve between chapters, so do the max amount of Training and Activity Points. At E rank, the player will be given 3 Activity and Training Points at the start of each chapter, with each higher rank adding 1 each of Activity and Training Points to the initial pool, to a maximum of 8 Activity and Training Points to start a chapter at S rank.

Once the player has obtained the amount of materials necessary to complete a facility upgrade, the player is notified of it, and the outline of that upgrade will pulsate.

  • E to D: 10 Upgrades
  • D to C: 30 Upgrades
  • C to B: 50 Upgrades
  • B to A: 70 Upgrades
  • A to S: 90 Upgrades
Upgrade Effects Gold Cost Materials Prerequisites
Install a Training Dummy Increase training slots to 4. 500 G x10 Crude Building Material None
Install Another Training Dummy Increase training slots to 5. 1,000 G x10 Basic Building Material
x10 Recruit Training Gear
Install a Training Dummy completed
Install Yet Another Training Dummy Increase training slots to 6. 1,500 G x10 Quality Building Material
x10 Veteran Training Gear
Install Another Training Dummy completed
Install the Final Training Dummy Increase training slots to 7. 2,000 G x10 Lavish Building Material
x10 Elite Training Gear
Install Yet Another Training Dummy completed
Install the Actual Final Training Dummy Increase training slots to 8. 2,000 G x10 Lavish Building Material
x10 Elite Training Gear
Install the Final Training Dummy completed
Advanced Class Certification Exam Allows units to obtain Advanced-tier classes. 1,500 G x10 Quality Building Material
x10 Veteran Training Gear
Install a Training Dummy completed
Master Class Certification Exam Allows units to obtain Master-tier classes. 2,000 G x10 Lavish Building Material
x10 Elite Training Gear
Advanced Class Certification Exam completed
Procure Better Training Weapons Slightly reduces leveling up costs. 1,000 G x10 Basic Building Material
x10 Recruit Training Gear
Install a Training Dummy completed
Procure Finer Training Equipment Modestly reduces leveling up costs. 1,500 G x10 Quality Building Material
x10 Veteran Training Gear
Procure Better Training Weapons completed
Tutor Training Personnel Greatly reduces leveling up costs. 2,000 G x10 Lavish Building Material
x10 Elite Training Gear
Procure Finer Training Equipment completed
Order Training Swords Slightly increases Class EXP gain for sword classes while spending Training Points. 1,000 G x10 Basic Building Material
x10 Recruit Training Gear
Procure Better Training Weapons completed
Special-Order Training Swords Greatly increases Class EXP gain for sword classes while spending Training Points. 1,500 G x10 Quality Building Material
x10 Veteran Training Gear
Order Training Swords completed
Order Training Lances Slightly increases Class EXP gain for lance classes while spending Training Points. 1,000 G x10 Basic Building Material
x10 Recruit Training Gear
Procure Better Training Weapons completed
Special-Order Training Lances Greatly increases Class EXP gain for lance classes while spending Training Points. 1,500 G x10 Quality Building Material
x10 Veteran Training Gear
Order Training Lances completed
Order Training Axes Slightly increases Class EXP gain for axe classes while spending Training Points. 1,000 G x10 Basic Building Material
x10 Recruit Training Gear
Procure Better Training Weapons completed
Special-Order Training Axes Greatly increases Class EXP gain for axe classes while spending Training Points. 1,500 G x10 Quality Building Material
x10 Veteran Training Gear
Order Training Axes completed
Order Training Bows Slightly increases Class EXP gain for bow classes while spending Training Points. 1,000 G x10 Basic Building Material
x10 Recruit Training Gear
Procure Better Training Weapons completed
Special-Order Training Bows Greatly increases Class EXP gain for bow classes while spending Training Points. 1,500 G x10 Quality Building Material
x10 Veteran Training Gear
Order Training Bows completed
Order Training Gauntlets Slightly increases Class EXP gain for brawling classes while spending Training Points. 1,000 G x10 Basic Building Material
x10 Recruit Training Gear
Procure Better Training Weapons completed
Special-Order Training Gauntlets Greatly increases Class EXP gain for brawling classes while spending Training Points. 1,500 G x10 Quality Building Material
x10 Veteran Training Gear
Order Training Gauntlets completed
Order Training Tomes Slightly increases Class EXP gain for tome classes while spending Training Points. 1,000 G x10 Basic Building Material
x10 Recruit Training Gear
Procure Better Training Weapons completed
Special-Order Training Tomes Greatly increases Class EXP gain for tome classes while spending Training Points. 1,500 G x10 Quality Building Material
x10 Veteran Training Gear
Order Training Tomes completed
Upgrade Effects Gold Cost Materials Prerequisites
Research Basic Multi-Opponent Battle Tactics Allows units to be able to obtain a second Warrior Gauge. 1,000 G x10 Beginner Combat Manual None
Research Advanced Multi-Opponent Battle Tactics Allows units to be able to obtain a third Warrior Gauge. 2,000 G x10 Lavish Building Material
x10 Advanced Combat Manual
Research Basic Multi-Opponent Battle Tactics completed
Discover Hidden Potential Allows units to increase their stat caps and level cap. 2,000 G x10 Lavish Building Material
x10 Advanced Combat Manual
Research Advanced Multi-Opponent Battle Tactics completed
Research Medical Arts Allows units to be able to upgrade from Vulneraries to Concoctions. 1,000 G x10 Basic Building Material
x10 Beginner Combat Manual
Research Basic Multi-Opponent Battle Tactics completed
Research Advanced Medical Arts Allows units to be able to upgrade from Concoctions to Elixirs. 2,000 G x10 Lavish Building Material
x10 Advanced Combat Manual
Research Medical Arts completed
Learn Introductory First Aid Allows units to be able to use potions more often (increases recovery item uses to 3). 1,000 G x10 Basic Building Material
x10 Beginner Combat Manual
Research Basic Multi-Opponent Battle Tactics completed
Learn Intermediate First Aid Allows units to be able to use potions more often (increases recovery item uses to 4). 1,500 G x10 Quality Building Material
x10 Standard Combat Manual
Learn Introductory First Aid completed
Learn Advanced First Aid Allows units to be able to use potions more often (increases recovery item uses to 5). 1,500 G x10 Lavish Building Material
x10 Advanced Combat Manual
Learn Intermediate First Aid completed
Research Practical Combat Basics Allows units to be able to have 6 Ability slots. 1,000 G x10 Basic Building Material
x10 Beginner Combat Manual
Research Basic Multi-Opponent Battle Tactics completed
Research Intermediate Practical Combat Allows units to be able to have 8 Ability slots. 1,500 G x10 Quality Building Material
x10 Standard Combat Manual
Research Practical Combat Basics completed
Research Expert Practical Combat Allows units to be able to have 10 Ability slots. 2,000 G x10 Lavish Building Material
x10 Advanced Combat Manual
Research Intermediate Practical Combat completed
Research Efficient Training Allows units to raise their Unique Action Ability to Lv 2. 1,500 G x10 Quality Building Material
x10 Standard Combat Manual
Research Practical Combat Basics completed
Research Optimal Training Allows units to raise their Unique Action Ability to Lv 3. 2,000 G x10 Lavish Building Material
x10 Advanced Combat Manual
Research Efficient Training completed
Research Efficient Enlightenment Allows units to raise their Unique Support Ability to Lv 2. 1,500 G x10 Quality Building Material
x10 Standard Combat Manual
Research Practical Combat Basics completed
Research Optimal Enlightenment Allows units to raise their Unique Support Ability to Lv 3. 2,000 G x10 Lavish Building Material
x10 Advanced Combat Manual
Research Efficient Enlightenment completed
Tactical Thinking Allows units to raise their Unique Tactical Ability to Lv 2. 1,500 G x10 Quality Building Material
x10 Standard Combat Manual
Research Practical Combat Basics completed
Advanced Tactical Thinking Allows units to raise their Unique Tactical Ability to Lv 3. 2,000 G x10 Lavish Building Material
x10 Advanced Combat Manual
Tactical Thinking completed
Research General Crestology Allows Crest-bearing units to raise their Crest effects to Lv 2. 1,500 G x10 Quality Building Material
x10 Standard Combat Manual
Research Practical Combat Basics completed
Research Advanced Crestology Allows Crest-bearing units to raise their Crest effects to Lv 3. 2,000 G x10 Lavish Building Material
x10 Advanced Combat Manual
Research General Crestology completed
Upgrade Effects Gold Cost Materials Prerequisites
Provide Better Smithing Equipment 10% discount on using Blacksmith 1,000 G x10 Basic Building Material
x10 Apprentice Smithing Set
Review Smithing Process 15% discount on using Blacksmith 1,500 G x10 Quality Building Material
x10 Artisan Smithing Set
Provide Better Smithing Equipment completed
Improve Smithing Fuel 20% discount on using Blacksmith 2,000 G x10 Lavish Building Material
x10 Master Smithing Set
Review Smithing Process completed
Learn Introductory Blacksmithing Rank D weapons can be repaired 1,000 G x10 Basic Building Material
x10 Apprentice Smithing Set
Provide Better Smithing Equipment completed
Learn Intermediate Blacksmithing Rank C weapons can be repaired 1,500 G x10 Quality Building Material
x10 Artisan Smithing Set
Learn Introductory Blacksmithing completed
Learn Advanced Blacksmithing Rank B weapons can be repaired 2,000 G x10 Lavish Building Material
x10 Master Smithing Set
Learn Intermediate Blacksmithing completed
Learn Master Blacksmithing Rank A weapons can be repaired 2,000 G x10 Lavish Building Material
x10 Master Smithing Set
Learn Advanced Blacksmithing completed
Improve Forge Structure Rank D weapons can be reforged 1,500 G x10 Quality Building Material
x10 Artisan Smithing Set
Learn Introductory Blacksmithing completed
Improve Forge Materials Rank C weapons can be reforged 1,500 G x10 Quality Building Material
x10 Artisan Smithing Set
Improve Forge Structure completed
Improve Bellows Rank B weapons can be reforged 2,000 G x10 Lavish Building Material
x10 Master Smithing Set
Improve Forge Materials completed
Improve Bellows Rank A weapons can be reforged 2,000 G x10 Lavish Building Material
x10 Master Smithing Set
Improve Bellows completed
Research Crest-Based Smithing Technique Allows unleashing of hidden attributes of Heroes' Relics and Sacred Weapons 2,000 G x10 Lavish Building Material
x10 Master Smithing Set
Improve Forge Materials completed
Forge Heavier Hammer Slightly increases Might gained from Forging. 1,000 G x10 Basic Building Material
x10 Apprentice Smithing Set
Provide Better Smithing Equipment completed
Forge Larger Hammer Modestly increases Might gained from Forging. 1,500 G x10 Quality Building Material
x10 Artisan Smithing Set
Forge Heavier Hammer completed
Forge Sturdier Hammer Greatly increases Might gained from Forging. 2,000 G x10 Lavish Building Material
x10 Master Smithing Set
Forge Larger Hammer completed
Forge Sturdier Anvil Slightly increases Durability gained from Forging. 1,000 G x10 Basic Building Material
x10 Apprentice Smithing Set
Provide Better Smithing Equipment completed
Forge Smoother Anvil Modestly increases Durability gained from Forging. 1,500 G x10 Quality Building Material
x10 Artisan Smithing Set
Forge Sturdier Anvil completed
Forge Higher Quality Anvil Greatly increases Durability gained from Forging. 2,000 G x10 Lavish Building Material
x10 Master Smithing Set
Forge Smoother Anvil completed
Upgrade Effects Gold Cost Materials Prerequisites
Buy Basic Cooking Utensils Slightly expands the number of dishes for cooking. 500 G x10 Crude Building Material None
Buy Specialty Cooking Utensils Expands the number of dishes for cooking. 1,500 G x10 Quality Building Material
x10 Basic Furnishings
Buy Basic Cooking Utensils completed
Buy the Latest Cooking Utensils Greatly expands the number of dishes for cooking. 2,000 G x10 Lavish Building Material
x10 Luxurious Furnishings
Buy Specialty Cooking Utensils completed
Learn Basic Culinary Arts Slightly increases the chance of successful cooking. 500 G x10 Basic Building Material
x10 Humble Furnishings
Buy Basic Cooking Utensils completed
Learn Intermediate Culinary Arts Increases the chance of successful cooking. 1,500 G x10 Quality Building Material
x10 Basic Furnishings
Learn Basic Culinary Arts completed
Learn Advanced Culinary Arts Greatly increases the chance of successful cooking. 2,000 G x10 Lavish Building Material
x10 Luxurious Furnishings
Learn Intermediate Culinary Arts completed
Learn the Basics of Cleaning Slightly increases the chance of successful volunteering. 500 G x10 Basic Building Material
x10 Humble Furnishings
Buy Basic Cooking Utensils completed
Learn the Basics of Organizing Increases the chance of successful volunteering. 1,500 G x10 Quality Building Material
x10 Basic Furnishings
Learn the Basics of Cleaning completed
Learn the Basics of Teamwork Greatly increases the chance of successful volunteering. 2,000 G x10 Lavish Building Material
x10 Luxurious Furnishings
Learn the Basics of Organizing completed
Survey Wooded Surroundings Forest is unlocked for Expeditions. 1,000 G x10 Basic Building Material
x10 Humble Furnishings
Learn the Basics of Cleaning completed
Survey Wet Surroundings Waterfront is unlocked for Expeditions. 1,500 G x10 Quality Building Material
x10 Basic Furnishings
Survey Wooded Surroundings completed
Survey High-Altitude Surroundings Mountains is unlocked for Expeditions. 2,000 G x10 Lavish Building Material
x10 Luxurious Furnishings
Survey Wet Surroundings completed
Upgrade Effects Gold Cost Materials Prerequisites
Expand Merchant Network Adds more gifts to the Item Shopkeeper's wares. 500 G x10 Crude Building Material None
Greatly Expand Merchant Network Adds more gifts to the Item Shopkeeper's wares. 1,500 G x10 Quality Building Material
x10 Merchant's License
Expand Merchant Network completed
Drastically Expand Merchant Network Adds more gifts to the Item Shopkeeper's wares. 2,000 G x10 Lavish Building Material
x10 Purveyor's License
Greatly Expand Merchant Network completed
Stockpile Some Goods Adds more items to the Item Shopkeeper's wares. 1,500 G x10 Quality Building Material
x10 Merchant's License
Greatly Expand Merchant Network completed
Stockpile Countless Goods Adds more items to the Item Shopkeeper's wares. 2,000 G x10 Lavish Building Material
x10 Purveyor's License
Stockpile Some Goods completed
Establish Rudimentary Luxuries Distribution Small discount when purchasing gifts. 1,000 G x10 Basic Building Material
x10 Sutler's License
Expands Merchant Network completed
Establish Mid-Tier Luxuries Distribution Modest discount when purchasing gifts. 1,500 G x10 Quality Building Material
x10 Merchant's License
Establish Rudimentary Luxuries Distribution completed
Establish Highly-Efficient Luxuries Distribution Large discount when purchasing gifts. 2,000 G x10 Lavish Building Material
x10 Purveyor's License
Establish Mid-Tier Luxuries Distribution completed
Solicit Lower-Grade Weapons Dealer More weapons can be bought from the Armorer. 1,000 G x10 Basic Building Material
x10 Sutler's License
Expands Merchant Network completed
Solicit Mid-Grade Weapons Dealer Even more weapons can be bought from the Armorer. 1,500 G x10 Quality Building Material
x10 Merchant's License
Solicit Lower-Grade Weapons Dealer completed
Solicit High-Grade Weapons Dealer Even more weapons can be bought from the Armorer. 2,000 G x10 Lavish Building Material
x10 Purveyor's License
Solicit Mid-Grade Weapons Dealer completed
Refurbish War Chest Cart Wheels Adds a gold percentage increase when winning a battle. 1,000 G x10 Basic Building Material
x10 Sutler's License
Solicit Lower-Grade Weapons Dealer completed
Expand War Chest Cart Bed Bigger gold percentage increase when winning a battle. 1,500 G x10 Quality Building Material
x10 Merchant's License
Refurbish War Chest Cart Wheels completed
Increase War Chest Cart Horses Larger gold percentage increase when winning a battle. 2,000 G x10 Lavish Building Material
x10 Purveyor's License
Expand War Chest Cart Bed completed
Solicit Lower-Grade Food Supplier Adds more Ingredients. 1,000 G x10 Basic Building Material
x10 Sutler's License
Expand Merchant Network completed
Solicit Mid-Grade Food Supplier Adds even more Ingredients. 1,500 G x10 Quality Building Material
x10 Merchant's License
Solicit Lower-Grade Food Supplier completed
Solicit High-Grade Food Supplier Adds even more Ingredients. 2,000 G x10 Lavish Building Material
x10 Purveyor's License
Solicit Mid-Grade Food Supplier completed
Establish Rudimentary Ingredient Distribution Slight discount when purchasing foodstuffs. 1,000 G x10 Basic Building Material
x10 Sutler's License
Solicit Lower-Grade Food Supplier completed
Establish Mid-Tier Ingredient Distribution Modest discount when purchasing foodstuffs. 1,500 G x10 Quality Building Material
x10 Merchant's License
Establish Rudimentary Ingredient Distribution completed
Establish Highly-Efficient Ingredient Distribution Large discount when purchasing foodstuffs. 2,000 G x10 Lavish Building Material
x10 Purveyor's License
Establish Mid-Tier Ingredient Distribution completed
Upgrade Effects Gold Cost Materials Prerequisites
Hold Simple Qualification Test Adds authority level D battalions to be hired. 1,000 G x10 Basic Building Material
x10 Squire's Insignia
Hold Middling Qualification Test Adds authority level C battalions to be hired. 1,500 G x10 Quality Building Material
x10 Knight's Insignia
Hold Simple Qualification Test completed
Hold Specialized Qualification Test Adds authority level B battalions to be hired. 1,500 G x10 Quality Building Material
x10 Knight's Insignia
Hold Middling Qualification Test completed
Hold Far-Too-Detailed Qualification Test Adds authority level A battalions to be hired. 2,000 G x10 Lavish Building Material
x10 Hero's Insignia
Hold Specialized Qualification Test completed
Loan Basic Battalion Equipment Slightly increases the endurance of hired battalions. 1,000 G x10 Basic Building Material
x10 Squire's Insignia
Hold Simple Qualification Test completed
Loan General-Use Battalion Equipment Modestly increases the endurance of hired battalions. 1,500 G x10 Quality Building Material
x10 Knight's Insignia
Loan Basic Battalion Equipment completed
Loan High-Quality Battalion Equipment Greatly increases the endurance of hired battalions. 2,000 G x10 Lavish Building Material
x10 Hero's Insignia
Loan General-Use Battalion Equipment completed
Renovate the Encampment Slightly increases the number of hireable battalions. 1,000 G x10 Basic Building Material
x10 Squire's Insignia
Hold Simple Qualification Test completed
Build Additional Housing Modestly increases the number of hireable battalions. 1,500 G x10 Quality Building Material
x10 Knight's Insignia
Renovate the Encampment completed
Expand the Encampment Greatly increases the number of hireable battalions. 2,000 G x10 Lavish Building Material
x10 Hero's Insignia
Build Additional Housing completed
Conduct Unskilled Negotiations Slight discount while hiring battalions. 1,000 G x10 Basic Building Material
x10 Squire's Insignia
Hold Simple Qualification Test completed
Conduct Competent Negotiations Modest discount while hiring battalions. 1,500 G x10 Quality Building Material
x10 Knight's Insignia
Conduct Unskilled Negotiations completed
Conduct Skilled Negotiations Large discount while hiring battalions. 2,000 G x10 Lavish Building Material
x10 Hero's Insignia
Conduct Competent Negotiations completed
Upgrade Effects Gold Cost Materials Prerequisites
Form a Supply Squad Materials will be periodically collected (3 per battle). 1,000 G x10 Basic Building Material
x10 Storage Bag
Expand the Supply Squad Increases the amount of materials that are collected (to 5 per battle). 1,500 G x10 Quality Building Material
x10 Storage Chest
Form a Supply Squad completed
Expand the Supply Squad Further Further increases the amount of materials that are collected (to 7 per battle). 2,000 G x10 Lavish Building Material
x10 Storage Compartment
Expand the Supply Squad completed
Expand the Supply Line Adds the type of tradable items. 1,000 G x10 Basic Building Material
x10 Storage Bag
Form a Supply Squad completed
Further Expand the Supply Line Adds more tradable items. 1,500 G x10 Quality Building Material
x10 Storage Chest
Expand the Supply Line completed
Vastly Expand the Supply Line Adds more tradable items. 2,000 G x10 Lavish Building Material
x10 Storage Compartment
Further Expand the Supply Line completed
Collect Some Surplus Goods Get more Smithing Stones when trading in items. 1,500 G x10 Quality Building Material
x10 Storage Chest
Expand the Supply Line completed
Collect Many Surplus Goods Get more Smithing Stones when trading in items. 2,000 G x10 Lavish Building Material
x10 Storage Compartment
Collect Some Surplus Goods completed
Research Standard Market Prices Reduces the cost in Smithing Stones when trading for items. 1,500 G x10 Quality Building Material
x10 Storage Chest
Expand the Supply Line completed
Research Nonstandard Market Prices Reduces the cost in Smithing Stones when trading for items. 2,000 G x10 Lavish Building Material
x10 Storage Compartment
Research Standard Market Price completed

Reward Master[]

The Reward Master is an NPC Pegasus Knight located in the Command Center. The Reward Master offers rewards based on the amount of in-game Achievements players obtain, as well as allowing to see what Achievements are already unlocked.

Reward Master's Rewards[]

For the full list of Achievements and Rewards, see here.

Training Instructor[]

The Training Instructor is an NPC Grappler located in the Training Grounds. He offers various facets to train the player's units, making them stronger:


With the Train feature, one can use Training Points to grant units class experience to a class of their choosing. Up to eight training slots are available for each training session (three initially, with more being granted by facility upgrades). Each training slot can be filled with up to two units, for a maximum total of sixteen units trained in each session. Only units currently in the roster (not units in the "Others" section) can partake in training.

In each training session, the class experience gained is determined as follows:

  • 60 class experience is gained at base in each session.
  • Up to 12 extra class experience is gained from facility upgrades, if the relevant upgrade to increase class experience gain is purchased.
  • If a unit trains with a partner with equal or higher weapon rank in the weapon type they train in, they gain a Partner Bonus; 6 extra class experience is earned if the partner has an equal weapon rank, with 2 extra experience for every higher rank that the partner has over the unit (from lowest to highest, the weapon ranks are E < D < C < C+ < B < B+ < A). Since the weapon rank can differ by up to six ranks, a maximum of 18 extra class experience can be gained this way.
  • 10 extra class experience is gained if the unit is training in one of their preferred classes. Preferred classes are marked with blue upward-facing chevrons in the "Change Class" screen.
  • If relevant Battle Suggestions are active, extra class experience can be gained by all units that train in the affected weapon type. (12 extra class experience? Needs confirmation)

Each training slot will receive a result (independent of other slots) in each training session: a "Nice" awards the amount calculated above, while a "Great" or "Perfect" multiplies the class experience gained by 1.5x or 2x respectively. Support points will be gained between all units paired together in each slot.

Level Up/Reset[]

The Level Up/Reset feature allows one to spend gold to level up units, or reset a unit's level.

When leveling up, any unlocked unit (whether in the player's roster or in the "Others" section) can be leveled up to the highest level attained by any unit. The cost to level up units is the same for every unit, and can be discounted by up to 20% via facility upgrades.

Any unit can be reset to level 1 (even if they join above level 1) using the "Reset Level" command (pressing "+" button while on the level up interface). This reset's a unit's stats to their base values, though any permanent stat boosts applied to the unit (via stat boosters or survey spots) will be retained. No compensation is made for resetting levels, including for gold spent leveling up the character previously.

Acquire Class[]

Template:Main The Acquire Class feature allows one to attain classes for units upon mastering previous classes, allowing them to obtain new skills and improving their weapon ranks.

Mock Battle[]

The Mock Battle feature allows one to partake in a practice battle against level 1 enemies, which can be used to test units' movesets or mechanics. Up to two unlocked units (whether they are in the player's roster or not) can be selected.

  • The "enemy" commanders cycle between a Myrmidon, Soldier, axe-wielding Fighter, and Monk.
  • Although values for damage taken are seen if a unit is damaged by opponents or by other sources (e.g. the Lifeforce ability or using Heroes' Relics without a Crest), no damage is actually incurred on the unit. Thus, units cannot be lost in a mock battle, nor can Defiant skills and similar be activated.
  • No experience is earned from defeating units in the mock battles.
  • Commanders frequently drop rainbow-colored vials, which fully heal the unit and fully restore their Warrior and Awakening gauges, as well as large purple crystals which fully restore a weapon's durability.
  • The pause menu allows one to change the units' equipped items from the Convoy, or to change the participating units from the Battle Map in a manner similar to how units are changed before battle.

Tactics Instructor[]

The Tactics Instructor is a noble NPC located in the Tactics Academy, once Chapter 6 has been reached. Talking to the Tactics Instructor allows the player to spend gold to upgrade a unit's traits, such as increasing their number of Warrior Gauges, improving their personal abilities, or improving their Crests.

Tactics can either be taught to one unit at a time, or in a group session consisting of units the player selects (this defaults to all units currently in the player's roster, but the list of partaking units can be adjusted by the player). All unlocked units, whether or not they are in the player's roster, can learn tactics.

Every tactic that can be taught must first be unlocked via completing the facility upgrade that enables it.

Tactics Academy Courses[]

Upgrade Effects Gold Cost Prerequisites
Increase Warrior Gauge 1 Adds a second Warrior Gauge for a selected unit. 500 G Research Basic Multi-Opponent Battle Tactics completed
Increase Warrior Gauge 2 Adds a third and final Warrior Gauge for a selected unit. 1,500 G Research Advanced Multi-Opponent Battle Tactics completed
Enhance Unique Action Ability 1 Enhances a selected unit's Unique Action Ability to Level 2. 1,000 G Research Efficient Training completed
Enhance Unique Action Ability 2 Enhances a selected unit's Unique Action Ability to Level 3. 1,500 G Research Optimal Training completed
Enhance Unique Support Ability 1 Enhances a selected unit's Unique Support Ability to Level 2. 1,000 G Research Efficient Enlightenment completed
Enhance Unique Support Ability 2 Enhances a selected unit's Unique Support Ability to Level 3. 1,500 G Research Optimal Enlightenment completed
Enhance Unique Tactical Ability 1 Enhances a selected unit's Unique Tactical Ability to Level 2. 1,000 G Tactical Thinking completed
Enhance Unique Tactical Ability 2 Enhances a selected unit's Unique Tactical Ability to Level 3. 1,500 G Advanced Tactical Thinking completed
Research New Recovery Items 1 Units now use Concoctions. 500 G Research Medical Arts completed
Research New Recovery Items 2 Units now use Elixirs. 1,500 G Research Advanced Medical Arts completed
Increase Recovery Item Uses 1 Units can use potions 3 times mid-battle. 500 G Learn Introductory First Aid completed
Increase Recovery Item Uses 2 Units can use potions 4 times mid-battle. 1,000 G Learn Intermediate First Aid completed
Increase Recovery Item Uses 3 Units can use potions 5 times mid-battle. 1,500 G Learn Advanced First Aid completed
Increase Ability Slots 1 Units can have 6 Ability slots. 500 G Research Practical Combat Basics completed
Increase Ability Slots 2 Units can have 8 Ability slots. 1,000 G Research Intermediate Practical Combat completed
Increase Ability Slots 3 Units can have 10 Ability slots. 1,500 G Research Expert Practical Combat completed
Raise Crest Level 1 Improve the proc rate or effect of a Crest-bearing unit's Crest(s). 1,000 G Research General Crestology completed
Raise Crest Level 2 Greatly improve the proc rate or effect of a Crest-bearing unit's Crest(s). 1,500 G Research Advanced Crestology completed
Increase Stat Limits Doubles the unit's max stat total. 1,500 G Discover Hidden Potential completed.

Kitchen Master[]

The Kitchen Master is located in the Recreation Quarter. By using Activity Points, Shez can cook meals for two other units (though if only one is available, they can still cook for that one unit[1]). Each dish has ingredient requirements, which must be sourced from the Item Shopkeeper, the Supply Master or from survey spots (though this requirement can be waived with a Battle Suggestion that removes this requirement).

Each dish has an effect that boosts certain battle effects for the remainder of the chapter. Five different effects can result from cooking: *an increase in the fill rate of the Warrior or Awakening Gauges

  • filling the Warrior or Awakening Gauges both to a certain amount and while starting a battle
  • or reducing weapon durability loss from using combat arts or magic.

Support points will be gained between the trio, with Shez getting more points with the two invited units than these two units gain between each other. The amount gained may vary depending on the selected units' tastes for the dish, as well as the outcome of Shez's cooking. Regardless, all involved units gain one tier of morale.

Units can be invited to meals only if they are in the player's roster and if they have not been invited to share a meal since the last side quest, main quest or paralogue was completed (replaying Record Keeper battles do not reset this). If no unit can be invited because of this, no meals can be cooked.

Chore Master[]

The Chore Master is an NPC Monk located in the Recreation Quarter. By using Activity Points, Shez can do chores with two other units (if only one is available, they can still do chores with just one unit). There are five different chores, each with different units suitable for the task.

From each chore, support points will be gained between the trio, with the two invited units gaining more support points with each other than with Shez. The amount of support gained varies depending on the outcome. Regardless, all involved units gain one tier of morale.

The outcome of the chore also determines the reward, aside from the aforementioned support points and morale gain:

  • With a "Nice" result, 1 Renown is gained.
  • With a "Great" result, 2 Renown is gained.
  • With a "Perfect" result, 2 Renown is gained, as well as a random Gift.

Unlike with cooking, the outcome may be influenced by the selected units' aptitude for the chore; those who like the chore will increase the odds of getting a better result, whereas the reverse is true for those who dislike the chore.

Units can be invited to do chores only if they are in the player's roster and if they have not been invited to do chores since the last side quest, main quest or paralogue was completed (replaying Record Keeper battles do not reset this). If no units can be invited because of this, chores cannot be undertaken.


The Blacksmith is an NPC Brawler located in the Blacksmith, once Chapter 5 has been reached. Talking to the Blacksmith will allow one to forge their weapons and accessories to make them stronger.

Forging and Reforging Weapons[]

Weapons can be forged to either increase their might, durability, or both. Each weapon uses a particular type of smithing resource; each forge costs 3 of the smithing resource and some gold. The cost in gold to forge a weapon increases the more forges it currently has.

Each weapon has a limit to how many times they can be forged for increased might or durability. Additionally, weapons can be reset, removing all their forges.

Once a weapon has been forged at least ten times, a weapon can be reforged to increase the limits to which they can be forged, or reforged into a different weapon entirely, retaining their attributes where possible (albeit losing all of the boosts from forging). In the case where a weapon with two attributes is reforged into a different weapon with a guaranteed attribute, only one pre-existing attribute (of the player's choice) can be carried over to the new weapon.

Even with reforging, each weapon can only be forged a maximum of 100 times, with a limit of 50 forges each for increased might and durability. Despite this, high-leveled enemies can sport forged weapons whose might is increased more than 50 times, as since they have no need for durability, all of their weapons' forges go fully into increasing might.

Repairing Weapons[]

Broken weapons, occasionally dropped by enemies and monsters, can be repaired at the Blacksmith. Repairing broken weapons costs significantly more than a forge, but repaired broken weapons come with a higher than normal cap of maximum forges (before reforging) and better weapon attributes.

Unleashing Effects[]

When the "Research Crest-Based Smithing Technique" facility upgrade is completed, a special "Unleash Effects" menu will be made available. There, the player can unleash a Sacred Weapon or Hero's Relic's effects.

For the case of weapons, they gain greatly increased might and durability, in addition to unlocking hidden attributes (for Heroes' Relics, this attribute is usually unique to them). For accessories, their provided stat increases are doubled, in addition to unlocking any hidden attributes it may have.


The Armorer is located in the Blacksmith. Talking to the Armorer allows one to buy and sell common weapons. The assortment of weapons sold by the Armorer increase with facility upgrades.

Item Shopkeeper[]

The Item Shopkeeper is located in the Marketplace. They sell exam seals, gifts, and ingredients (for making meals), and can purchase unwanted items in the player's Storehouse to give the player gold.

Intermediate Seals are already available when the Base Camp is first accessible, with Advanced and Master seals being sold starting from Chapter 7 and in Part II respectively (these seals are immediately available in New Game+). On the other hand, a small variety of gifts and ingredients are initially available, with more available through facility upgrades.

Only finitely many of each item can be bought in each chapter, with the item shop being restocked at the start of each chapter. Certain survey spots allow the item shop to restock, effectively doubling the number of items purchasable in a chapter if optimised.

Battalion Master[]

The Battalion Master is a female NPC Archer located in the Marketplace once Chapter 5 is reached. They enable Battalions to be hired, which grant advantages over certain weapon types by reducing damage taken from them. The Battalions available vary based on route and also facility upgrades (which may enable higher-rank battalions to be hired).

Supply Master[]

The Supply Master is located near the Blacksmith once Chapter 5 is reached. The Supply Master provides a barter system using Smithing Stones as currency, and once the "Form a Supply Squad" facility upgrade is purchased, collects random materials, ingredients and ore after each battle which can be employed for various uses.

Unwanted weapons, materials and ore can be delivered to the Supply Master, which provides Smithing Stones for use in the Blacksmith, or for trading them back in for building materials or ore. The cost of trading can be improved in favor of the player via certain facility upgrades, which increase the amount of Smithing Stones gained from trading in items, or decrease the Smithing Stone cost to obtain an item.

Anna's Shop[]

From Chapter 5 onwards, if Anna is located on the War Map during a chapter, Anna will appear in the Base Camp, near the Item Shopkeeper, and will be available as a shopkeeper for the duration of the current chapter. She sells extra exam seals (in addition to the seals sold by the Item Shopkeeper), stat-boosting items, and ores.


  • While the exam seals and ores are replenished every chapter, the stat-boosting items are not replenished; thus only one of each stat booster is available in each playthrough.
  • Anna does not need to be located in chapters with no side quests, as well as the final chapter of each route; in these chapters, she automatically appears in the Base Camp.
  • During the final chapter, Anna sells exam seals in unlimited supply, thus removing the limits on the number of classes a player can certify in each playthrough.

Personal Quarters[]

Similar to Byleth's personal quarters at the Officers Academy in Three Houses. Arval can be found and interacted with here, and Shez's journal can be accessed to set the physical appearance of units in and out of battle. The journal can also be used to spend Renown on stat-boosting items, with additional features becoming available in a New Game+.

Documents found in the Base Camp (and from survey spots on the War Map on occasion) can also be viewed in the journal, providing additional lore to the game's setting.
