Breakneck Pass

FE13 Chapter 7

Breakneck Pass as it appears in Chapter 7 of Fire Emblem Awakening.

Breakneck Pass is a location from Fire Emblem Awakening. Appearing in Chapter 7, it is where the Shepherds fight against Vasto's men to keep Emmeryn and the Fire Emblem safe from Plegia. Cordelia first appears here; she will join the Shepherds after the battle is finished. It is here that Chrom receives the Fire Emblem.

Located on the far east of Ylisse, Breakneck Pass is on the hidden path to the Ylissean eastern palace, a secret estate of the royal family that no other nation knows about. Deep in the mountains, the trek to the pass is not for the faint of heart. Nonetheless, the pass is scenic, with sheer cliffs above a mountain stream and trees lining the path.


Unfortunately, despite its rugged beauty, Breakneck Pass is susceptible to ambush, which is exactly what happens to Emmeryn's party during Chapter 7 of Awakening. Plegian wyvern riders fly in from the valley, while foot soldiers block the path down. An old advisor to the royal family had betrayed their location to Plegia, allowing Commander Vasto to ambush them. The traitor was rewarded for his cowardice with execution by Vasto's axe.

Though Vasto was eager to prove himself, he eventually falls to Chrom's forces. The victory is short-lived. Cordelia appears and informs him that more Plegian forces are not a half-day's march behind her, and that they had slaughtered all of her knight-sisters leaving her as the only survivor. While Phila comforts her, Emmeryn, perhaps shaken by Vasto's accusation that she is a coward, decides to return to Ylisstol to be with her people. She gives the Fire Emblem to Chrom and instructs him and a tearful Lissa to go to Ferox.


Lissa, Chrom, and Robin walk through Breakneck Pass.

Lissa, Chrom, and Robin walk through Breakneck Pass.