Chrom/Heroes Quotes

Chrom (Awakening)[]

Bound Hero Battle[]

  • "Without you-know-who...we don't have a strategy. We also don't have time to worry about it. Come on, Lissa! Here we go!" (Intro with Lissa)


  • "I'm Chrom, leader of the Shepherds and Prince of the Halidom of Ylisse. For my friends... for peace... I'll fight."


  • "Seeing you and Alfonse together reminds me of the time I've spent with a friend of mine..."
  • "Care to spar? Or perhaps we could just work on self-defense drills so I don't break anything..."
  • "Keeping watch? Your dedication reminds me of a certain tactician. Don't push yourself too hard!"
  • "Back home, my shepherds deal with outlaws and monsters. It's strange that here we battle against Heroes."
  • "I was practicing my swing and wound up smashing a pot. Forgive me, Kiran."
  • "Ah, are you the master of this castle? I bring warm regards from Friend." (Greeting from friend)
  • "You know, when I first met you, you reminded me a lot of Robin. Not just your manner, but the way you plan, help everyone, and work to keep all of your allies alive. It seems like a lot of time has passed since you and I first met. At first I was bewildered, but... your guidance has made me stronger. May we ever remain side by side. There is no one I'd rather have guiding my steps. This bond we've built will last forever." (Upon reaching level 40)

Info Screen[]

  • "The bonds we forge are forever. I'll always come to your aid, friend."
  • "Damn it! Broke another training dummy."
  • "Hm."
  • "Is your Order of Heroes something akin to my Shepherds?"
  • "I hope things are well in Ylisse."
  • "That's an unusual weapon you have."
  • "Our bonds are far stronger than destiny."
  • "I miss the advice of my tactician."


  • "Yes?"
  • "All right."
  • "Let's go."

Level Up[]

  • "No one can stop me now!" (5-6 stats up)
  • "My strength comes form diligence." (3-4 stats up)
  • "Well, that was underwhelming." (1-2 stats up)
  • "I vow to use the power you grant me wisely and well." (New skill learned)


  • "I'll finish this!"
  • "Anything can change!"
  • "Our bonds give me strength!"
  • "I will not fail!"


  • "Gods..!"

Resplendent Hero[]

Info Screen[]

  • "I'm Chrom. This outfit seems to be from Múspell, the kingdom of flame."
  • "What, can't I dress a little differently? Come on, take a look if you're curious."
  • "My elder sister always said that understanding other cultures is a virtue."
  • "I can't help but wonder what kind of place the kingdom of flame is, and how its people live. I'd like to visit one day."
  • "Múspell's generals burn fiercely. I had better match their intensity."
  • "No matter what I may be wearing, I'm still the prince of Ylisse."
  • "The bond we share gives me the strength to fight. May we always stand together."


  • "Understood."
  • "Is that the best option...?"
  • "I'll lend you my strength."


  • "I'll break you!"
  • "Burn!"
  • "Your life ends now."
  • "Turn to ash!"


  • "Did I get too heated...?"

Chrom (Spring Festival)[]


  • "I'm Chrom, Prince of the Halidom of Ylisse. Enjoying the spring festival? I've dressed for the occasion!"


  • "We were right in the middle of celebrating the arrival of spring when I was summoned. Had I known I would be plucked from our castle like that, I would have come....better prepared."
  • "We have a custom of painting eggs during our spring festival. But I have a habit of crushing the eggs I make."
  • "Anna wants to master painting eggs for the spring festival. No doubt she wants to sell them."
  • "On patrol, Kiran? I know that this time of year can put a spring in our steps. Just remember that if you get tired, I'll take my turn."
  • "I have to take special care with my, er, weapon here. It chips easily. Hmm... I miss Falchion."
  • "Greetings from Friend. Do you enjoy the spring season, Kiran? I do!" (Greeting from friend)
  • "Ah, if it isn't Kiran! I just finished painting some spring-festival eggs. Not bad, if I say so myself. Take a look. What? Curious what all that lettering is? It's written in the language of Ylisse. It's a bit of a poem, I guess, that says how much I value your presence here. And see? On this side, I've painted a picture of you. Good likeness, don't you think? What, it isn't? Well, I tried, and at least now you know that I truly do value our strong bond. Now, may we spend many spring festivals together and...I promise to work on my painting skills." (Upon reaching level 40)

Info Screen[]

  • "That we met in the spring must be important. I hope it means our bond will grow ever stronger."
  • "I heard my sister Lissa hid eggs all over Ylisse. What a quest I'll have in store when I go home."
  • "Eggs and rabbits have been symbols of the spring festival for ages."
  • "My trusty Falchion has been replaced by... This."
  • "I'll stand out in battle going out dressed like this."
  • "Spring inspires me to give my all."
  • "Those in my group, the Shepherds, tell me to wear more dashing outfits. This dashing enough?"
  • "Hahahaha!"


  • "What a season!"
  • "All right."
  • "Spring has sprung."

Level Up[]

  • "Ha! The spirit of spring moves through me." (5-6 stats up)
  • "In the spirit of spring, I will grow stronger!" (3-4 stats up)
  • "I'm not living up to the whole idea of spring growth here." (1-2 stats up)
  • "Whatever you did there is making this costume fit me better!" (New skill learned)


  • "You will not stop my festivity!"
  • "Spring's in bloom!"
  • "Spring gives me strength!"
  • "I say when winter's over!"


  • "It's over..."

Chrom (Winter's Envoy)[]


  • "Season's greetings! I'm Prince Chrom of the Halidom of Ylisse. Naughty or nice—which is it? Speak up!"


  • "I had Prince Alfonse try on this outfit. It annoys me how much better it suits him than it suits me."
  • "When the winter festival comes, we festoon the castle at Ylisstol in red and green. Do you think you'd like to do the same here?"
  • "Aren't you cold? I wouldn't be much of a Hero if I let our Kiran collapse. Here, take my cape."
  • "Can you show me to town after our next mission? I'd like to buy presents for all of these hardworking Heroes."
  • "I took a look inside this sack... Turns out it's full of presents for the entire army. I better not lose it, eh?"
  • "Season's greetings! I bring glad tidings and presents, too... If you've been good, that is." (Greeting from friend)
  • "Here for a chat? I appreciate that you braved the cold to come and find me, but spare a thought for your health. If you caught a cold, you wouldn't be able to enjoy the winter celebrations. In Ylisse, we have a tradition... On the day of the winter festival, we give gifts to our family and our closest friends. Normally, I'd be giving out the gifts. But hear me out, no matter how odd this sounds... It seems to me that, ever since I arrived in Askr, it's been you that's been giving gifts to me. Does that make any sense? Gifts aren't just things. You spend time with me. You're by my side, cheering me on. You make me stronger. That... makes me happier than you can guess. I'm truly grateful. I'll do what I can to do the same for you." (Upon reaching level 40)

Info Screen[]

  • "Lissa made me wear this."
  • "I wonder what kind of present you would like?"
  • "This is apparently a winter-celebration outfit from another world."
  • "Red is not my color."
  • "I suppose Falchion CAN be used to slice cake..."
  • "Change outfits ONCE and I get summoned...?"
  • "I suggest you hang a stocking somewhere tonight."


  • "OK."
  • "On it."
  • "Party?"

Level Up[]

  • "I've been graced with a present myself, it seems." (5-6 stats up)
  • "It's pretty tough to fight while lugging this sack around." (3-4 stats up)
  • "I guess I lost my holiday spirit for a moment there." (1-2 stats up)
  • "Is this your gift to me? I thank you!" (New skill learned)


  • "Here's your present!"
  • "Look what I got!"
  • "Parties give me strength!"
  • "I can hardly wait!"


  • "Going home..."

Chrom (The Branded King)[]


  • "I'm Chrom, prince of the Halidom of Ylisse. That look on your face... Rest easy! I know how to handle a horse."


  • "What's on your mind? You have that look about you... How about a race to that hill over there? Fresh air always helps me blow away the cobwebs."
  • "Hm? This apple? Well...I was going to give it to my buddy here, but it looked so good... Want a bite? Go ahead, don't be shy!"
  • "Seems it's past time that I start my daily training. If I slack off, somebody will scold me--I just know it."
  • "I like to keep my feet firmly planted on the ground. But the view from this guy's back is nice, too... Feel that breeze!"
  • "If it isn't Kiran! I'm grooming my horse. Go ahead and pet him! He won't bite."
  • "" (Greeting from friend)
  • "I've got a question for you. When somebody says 'knight,' what does that mean to you? Someone noble--someone who would sacrifice themselves for their allies. Hmm... A warrior who battles with pride and who doesn't flinch in the face of battle? I see. So, that's not quite how I think about things... The willingness to sacrifice yourself to save someone else is admirable, certainly. Not everyone can do that. But think about it... If you sacrifice yourself, you'll end up hurting the people who care about you. Right? Yeah, you got me. I'm talking about you, Kiran. You face some hard decisions. If you want to protect others, you'd better protect yourself first. We can help each other. Let's talk about our hardships and share our ideals... We're comrades, now. That bond can't be broken--ever!" (Upon reaching level 40)

Info Screen[]

  • "Whoa!"
  • "Don't worry, I took a lesson on mounted combat a few years ago!"
  • "Did you call for me?"
  • "Mobility is one of the many strengths on being on horseback. If your friends need help, you can reach them in an instant."
  • "If you wanna learn how to make friends with a horse, just ask Frederick. His best friend is a horse!"
  • "Mastering different combat styles is sure to make me stronger."
  • "Now that I've been charging around on horseback, the amount of training dummies I've been able to break is increased nearly tenfold."
  • "If you're ever in trouble, just call for me. Wherever you are, I'll come running with the wind in my back."


  • "Be right there!"
  • "What now?"
  • "Here to help!"

Level Up[]

  • "We will tame the chaos. Gather under my banner!" (5-6 stats up)
  • "I vow here and now to set my sights on grander heights!" (3-4 stats up)
  • "That's it? Really? Well, it's probably my fault. Sorry!" (1-2 stats up)
  • "On my honor, this power will become your strength, too!" (New skill learned)


  • "I'm being helpful!"
  • "Charging on ahead!"
  • "I can't stop this thing!"
  • "Horse and man as one!"


  • "I'm sorry...everyone..."

Chrom (Crowned Exalt)[]


  • "I am Chrom, of the Halidom of Ylisse. If conflict threatens the peace of this world, we will face it together."


  • "My sister believed in the goodness of people's hearts—and that through such goodness, we will find peace."
  • "Just as evil takes many forms, so too does the power to seal it... I hope my strength can be useful in that regard."
  • "Why is it that all the tacticians I know concern themselves with minutiae? I wish you would relax now and then."
  • "Something troubling you? Nothing a little sparring can't fix! Come on. Exercise is a natural stress relief!"
  • "Hm... Is it just me or do these training swords shatter a bit too easily? Might want to look into that, Summoner..."
  • "Well then, this is your castle, is it, Kiran? Splendid! Oh, right! I've brought you a gift, from Friend." (Greeting from friend)
  • "When you fight for what you believe in, struggle is inevitable...but one can never know what tomorrow will bring. There are times when it feels as if you are entombed in darkness, like you will never see light again... But as we come together, our shared faith in one another can give rise to hope, which lights the way to victory. You may have more skill than I in the art of war, but I do know one thing... Fighting alone will just get you killed. Believe in the allies who rush to your side. Even if they cannot always be there, their willingness is enough. Bonds forged on the field can shatter the shackles of despair more cleanly than any blade. Let us walk our two paths together, and forge our bonds as well, for both paths lead to one destination—peace." (Upon reaching level 40)

Info Screen[]

  • "I'm Chrom. Huh? You think I'm a...Legendary Hero?"
  • "Oo-waaagh! Phew, it's just you... Don't scare me like that."
  • "After I performed the Awakening, the divine dragon Naga blessed me with her power."
  • "My world was saved thanks to my friends and allies."
  • "Robin is my closest ally, and friend. We trust each other fully."
  • "It can't be... Has Grima reappeared?"
  • "Since coming here, my bond with you has been the most valuable treasure I've gained."


  • "All right."
  • "Your plan?"
  • "You have my all."

Level Up[]

  • "Never give up on your ideals. That is the mark of true strength!" (5-6 stats up)
  • "I will train until I am strong enough to protect the peace... But I must first bring that peace about!" (3-4 stats up)
  • "My strength may falter, is in no way diminished. As long as the will to fight lives on in me, I'll never give in!" (1-2 stats up)
  • "On the holy name of the Halidom of Ylisse, I swear... I will use this power only in pursuit of peace!" (New skill learned)


  • "The future has changed!"
  • "I'll defeat you!"
  • "There's my chance!"
  • "Leave this to me!"


  • "Agh... I'm...sorry."

Chrom (Fate-Defying Duo)[]


  • "I am Chrom of Ylisse. It is my pleasure to take part in the Day of Devotion with my companion Robin."


  • Chrom: "Putting your life on the line to protect those most precious to you... I think there could be no greater act of love."
  • Robin: "Having someone to express your love to is an amazing thing. There IS more to life than constant battle!"
  • Robin: "I made sure to research what everyone wanted as a gift. It's a special occasion, after all."
  • Chrom: "My sister loved her people. She led with warmth and benevolence. I plan on following her example."
  • Chrom: "Does Robin like these clothes? I find them somewhat embarrassing, but he wears them so well, and so proudly..."
  • Robin: "Hello! I come bearing an invitation to the Day of Devotion, compliments of Kiran." (Greeting from friend)

(Upon reaching level 40)

  • Chrom: Phew. Did we get to everyone? I'd never have guessed that showing we cared would be so...difficult. I think I'm more used to swinging a blade than delivering gifts. I'm more exhausted than I should be.
  • Robin: Hmm. Maybe the Shepherds' only goal isn't just protecting people from their enemies... Perhaps their role is also to support and care for those they protect, so everyone can live happily, in peace. At least...that's what I think...
  • Chrom: Protect not just their lives, but their happiness as well? I think you may be on to something, Robin. It's a noble goal, ensuring that those we care for feel supported. I will hold that in my heart from now on.

Info Screen[]

  • Robin: There's Lissa, Emmeryn, Lucina, Frederick... I think we've got gifts for everyone. Don't we?
  • Chrom: Well, all but one. What would you like your gift to be, Robin?
  • Robin: What? Me? You can't just come out and ask like that, you know. There are rules!
  • Chrom: You know I don't care about that. Just tell me what you want.
  • Robin: Truthfully...I can't think of anything.
  • Chrom: You don't want anything? Aw, come on. Think of the bind that puts me in.
  • Robin: You gave my life meaning when I had nothing—not even my memory. The sense of purpose I've found at your side, working for peace in the world, is all I could ever ask for.
  • Chrom: You're not alone in that, you know. I feel the same way. That's why I wanted to give you something nice. To show you how I feel.
  • Robin: All right, all right. In that case, why don't you give me one of those flowers you're wearing?
  • Chrom: It's only going to wilt.
  • Robin: I'll press it into one of my books. That way I'll never forget this Day of Devotion.
  • Chrom: You're too easy to please. If only Lissa could learn that from you. Speaking of, I'd better start passing out these gifts.
  • Robin: Don't be shy about it, Chrom. Remember, the whole point of this is to show your gratitude.
  • Chrom: I know, I know. No need to nag me, I'm not a child.
  • Robin: Hahaha...


  • Robin: "I wonder?"
  • Chrom: "Let's go say hello."
  • Robin: "I'm grateful to you."

Level Up[]

  • Chrom: "Even fate can be changed by love!" (5-6 stats up)
  • Robin: "Hmm... I suppose this is OK, but I can do better. I just want my strategy to prove useful to Chrom." (3-4 stats up)
  • Chrom: "Urgh. Was I not grateful enough?" (1-2 stats up)
  • Robin: "I can feel your love through this. You are a skillful leader indeed." (New skill learned)

Duo Support[]

  • Robin: "Be careful."
  • Robin: "Think of the plan."

Duo Skill[]

  • Chrom: "It's the day of devotion!"
  • Robin: "I'm excited!"
  • Robin: "Lean on me!"
  • Chrom: "Always do!"


  • Duo: "A token of our thanks!"
  • Duo: "Let's talk about... Our feelings!"
  • Chrom: "A gift for you."
  • Robin: "Will this do?"


  • Chrom: "Not very... thoughtful."

Chrom (Fated Honor)[]


  • "I am Chrom, of the Halidom of Ylisse. It is my duty as the exalt to wield this power for all those who seek peace!"


  • "Emm... This was the correct path to follow, right?"
  • "Ah! I'm sorry, did I startle you? It's surprisingly difficult to gauge my strength with this armor on..."
  • "Ylissean armor symbolizes justice. If I am to live up to that idea, I must refrain from any rash behavior."
  • "I will cross oceans and even time itself for the sake of a peaceful world. That is why I have this power."
  • "I remember this malevolence... Is the Fell Dragon here?!"
  • "I'm not suited to acting like a king, so I think I'll accompany you on your rounds for a while, if that's OK." (Greeting from friend)
  • "Oops! I bump into you a lot, don't I? I'm sorry, but could you spare a bit of your time while we're here? It's just... It's no good. No matter what I try, I can't seem to sit still. It isn't as if I'm hoping for a battle, but... Well, I think I must be too accustomed to fighting. I enjoyed leading the Shepherds and never intended to become a ruler... but fate can have unexpected plans. No matter the world, life never seems to go as we expect it to. Still, my friends and I fought against that. Guided by the bonds I had formed with all of them, I vowed to change our dark future—to change our fate! In truth, I know that prayer alone cannot prevail against power. But my heart tells me something else. People's wishes, their pleas for help... They are never in vain. I will believe in that for as long as I live. If there is a name for that feeling, it must be justice. I'm sure you have your own justice that you believe in. So, let us each live our lives to the fullest, to protect those feelings as we carry them in our hearts." (Upon reaching level 40)

Info Screen[]

  • "Another training dummy...damn. I hope they're not in short supply."
  • "If my power can be used to promote peace, then I will happily go wherever I'm needed."
  • "Ah! Don't strike me out of the blue, friend! Even with this armor, it still hurts."
  • "This is the armor of a great lord. It takes a lot of training to earn this...and to wear it well."
  • "You think Lucina takes after me? I-I'm not sure what to say..."
  • "For the good of the people, no matter who or where they are. Isn't that right, Emmeryn?"
  • "You called on me. Now it's my turn to live up to that, and do my part. "


  • "Your orders?"
  • "Message received."
  • "I'll handle this."

Level Up[]

  • "Even if a future of despair is all that awaits us, we will believe in each other and fight! We will change fate!" (5-6 stats up)
  • "I will not let anyone else be lost. That is what I fight for, and why I must win!" (3-4 stats up)
  • "So this is my limit right now... Still, I won't give up, no matter what!" (1-2 stats up)
  • "I will carry the hopes and prayers of all my friends. I swear it on the holy name of the Halidom of Ylisse." (New skill learned)


  • "This should do it!"
  • "Believe in me."
  • "Coming through!"
  • "How about this?"


  • "Is this how it ends?"

Chrom (Rearmed)[]


  • "Who calls me? My name is... Chrom. I am the king of corpses. Where I go... despair follows..."


  • "Robin... I shall never again... feel the joy of hearing your voice..."
  • "Those who were once my friends... are no more. Only the Risen remain..."
  • "The land and its people... all come to ruin. Nothing remains but... a wasteland of despair."
  • "The Fire Emblem... is nothing before the despair that approaches, but..."
  • "If your future is one of loss... is set in stone... it is best not to dally with hope to begin with..."
  • "[Summoner]... [Friend]'s castle will soon descend into... despair..." (Greeting from friend)
  • "All with physical form... shall fall to ruin. The country and people... the history and traditions... will crumble. Destruction cares not of mercy. It consumes the people... their bonds... their love... their very hearts... None... can escape... this fate... do not believe Askr to be the exception, [Summoner]..." (Upon reaching level 40)

Info Screen[]

  • "Back away..."
  • "I am Chrom... Exalt over these Fell forces."
  • "All corpses now... everyone... in Ylisse... is gone."
  • "I cannot protect a thing..."
  • "Fate is inevitable... there is no changing it."
  • "You must follow fate's decree."
  • "Emmeryn... Lissa... Robin..."


  • "Find me an enemy."
  • "Where now?"
  • "Haa..."

Level Up[]

  • "All is fated... to fall... to ruin..." (5-6 stats up)
  • "You shall count yourself... among the dead." (3-4 stats up)
  • "If this power were mine... back then..." (1-2 stats up)
  • "You would... block my path..." (New skill learned)


  • "Death!"
  • "Useless effort."
  • "This is your fate..."
  • "No resistance..."


  • "Fate cannot change..."