
FE4 Chapter 8 - Dragon Knights of Thracia Crop Conote

Conote as it appears in Chapter 8.

Conote (コノート, Conōto) is a location from Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Fire Emblem: Thracia 776. It is one of the four kingdoms of the Munster District, along with Munster, Leonster and Ulster.


Conote is found on an island created as the River Thracia flowed into the ocean. As such, it is completely bordered by water, forming a natural moat around Conote Castle, the capital. It is the easternmost of the four kingdoms of the Munster District. Like Munster, it appears to be smaller than its western neighbors, Leonster and Ulster. This does not mean it lacks in prestige, in fact, House Conote possesses holy blood. Prior to the Thracian invasion, it was ruled by King Carl.

Just outside of the capital lies the orphanage in which Asaello and Daisy lived after they lost their parents, local hunters of the area, caught in the conflict between the Munster District and Thracia. Despite not being born there, Patty and Febail lived in the same orphanage. In adulthood, Febail and Asaello continued to look after the children they grew up with, working as mercenaries to earn coin.


After the Aed Massacre, Conote's army marched under the guise of aiding Leonster and Munster in the fight against Thracian invaders. During the battle, Conote attacked Leonster from the rear by order of the powerful Conote noble Raydrik, annihilating their army. The Munster District became one kingdom under Travant of Thracia's control.

Yet it was not long before the Grannvale Empire subdued Thracia and took control of the Munster District from them. Emperor Arvis assigned Duke Bloom of Friege as King of the Munster District, renamed "Northern Thracia". He ruled from Ulster with an iron fist, though as cruel as he was, he refused to participate in the Child Hunts. Years later, Seliph and the Liberation Army forced Bloom out of Ulster and into hiding in Conote. At Conote, Bloom was ultimately defeated. Travant again tried to conquer the Munster District, yet the Liberation Army was once again victorious, and the kingdoms of the Munster District were free once more.

Notable citizens of Conote[]

Playable characters[]

  • Daisy - A childish thief who steals for the orphans she cares for.
  • Asaello - A powerful Bow Fighter known as the "Hitman of Conote" and Daisy's older brother.
  • Patty - A cheerful young thief who targets imperials and ruffians alike, stealing for the orphans she cares for.
  • Febail - Inheritor of the Holy Yewfelle, this bow-wielding hero was raised in an orphanage alongside his sister, Patty.
  • Fergus - A travelling mercenary rumoured to be the son of a Conote princess and Beowolf.

Other characters[]

  • Carl - The young king of Conote, who trusted in Raydrik
  • Raydrik - Originally a noble of Conote, through collusion with the Grannvale Empire he was promoted to duke of Munster
  • Lina - A childhood friend of Patty, she appears only in the side story of Fire Emblem 25th anniversary staff Book.


Conote is a phonetic spelling of Connacht, a province of Ireland.


Artwork of Asaello defending his home by by mattsun for Fire Emblem 0 (Cipher).

Artwork of Asaello defending his home by by mattsun for Fire Emblem 0 (Cipher).