Julia (Genealogy)

  • ️Invalid Date

“For the first time in my life I know what I'm here for. And that's to fight... I'm not scared anymore, Seliph.”
—Julia in the Final Chapter of Genealogy of the Holy War.

Julia is a playable character from Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War. She is the daughter of Arvis and Deirdre, the younger twin sister of Julius, and the younger half-sister of both Seliph and Saias. She is the descendant of Heim on her mother's side, Fjalar on her father's side, and Saint Maera on both sides. Cigyun, Kurth, and Victor are her grandparents.

Through the blood of Heim, she is a distant relative of Linoan. Through the blood of Fjalar, she is a distant relative of Hilda and her children, Ishtore and Ishtar, the latter of whom is her brother's lover.


Sometime before the second generation begins, Julius obtains the Loptous tome from Manfroy and is thus possessed, causing him to kill Deirdre. Before her death, however, Deirdre managed to warp Julia out of the castle to safety. As a result of the trauma she suffers from the incident, Julia ends up losing her memories. Julia is then found by Lewyn, who cares for her until Seliph chances upon them after retaking Ganeishire, whereupon Julia will join the liberation army. Seliph will then give her either the Nosferatu or Aura tome, who picks it up at the castle he conquers after her enlistment.

In the beginning of Chapter 10, Julia is abducted by Manfroy and thereafter taken to Chalphy Castle. Her memories are restored here, and she will meet with her father Arvis momentarily before Manfroy takes her away once again. In the Final Chapter, after a short conversation with Julius, Manfroy brainwashes Julia to fight Seliph's army. She is later freed from the spell when Manfroy is slain and is spoken to by Seliph. Lewyn then reveals that Arvis swiped the Book of Naga from Belhalla and hid it in Velthomer. An enchantment is then placed over the tome, causing it to be unlockable by Deirdre's circlet, an item which Arvis entrusts to Julia prior to going to battle with Seliph.


After the war, Julia will reside in Grannvale and assist Emperor Seliph. Though she can potentially marry any second generation male, her ending text is not affected by any possible pairing in any way.


When she first appears in Chapter 6, Julia seems to be shy and quiet, due to her losing memories of her past, but as the story progresses, she gains confidence in her magical abilities and the courage to fight. It is also noted that she is capable of selflessness by increasing Seliph's magic resistance despite the fact that the spell is known for taking a toll on the caster.

Once she recovers her memories in the Final Chapter, Julia immediately realizes that Julius is being possessed by the evil god Loptous, indicating that she can be quite perceptive. After Manfroy is killed, Seliph can talk to Julia and break her free of the spell controlling her. She then claims that she finally knows her purpose, and that it's to fight Julius with the power of Naga coursing through her veins.

Overall, Julia is a kind-hearted person with great inner-strength that she was able to develop during her journey with Seliph. She faces the ordeals ahead of her with unwavering will and will not hesitate to put her life on the line for everyone.


Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War[]

Base Stats[]

  • - Minor Holy Blood
  • - Major Holy Blood
Starting ClassHoly Blood
Light PriestessNaga
SkillsWeaponStarting Items
Staff - B
Light -

Growth Rates[]

(With Holy Blood Bonuses)

HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
90% 10% 100% 20% 30% 30% 10% 50%

Promotion Gains[]

Promoted Class
0 +7 +5 +8 0 +2 +1
Weapon Levels


Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.

Statistically, Julia will always gain a point in magic upon leveling up, and will gain a point in resistance half the time. However, her atrocious Skill and Speed growths will most likely cause problems for her in the long run. This can be fixed by giving her the Nosferatu tome, which will help to offset any damage she may sustain during battles, and is a better choice over the heavy Aura tome.

As a result of her strong growths in Magic, Julia will always make an extremely competent healer, so ensure Lana/Muirne speaks to her in Chapter 6, after Ganeishire Castle is subjugated (This will result in her attaining a Mend Staff).

Another thing to note about Julia is her promotion. Her promotion gives her huge stat gains, the most important ones being the +8 to Speed and the +5 to Skill - two stats that she has a poor growth in (although her good base Speed somewhat makes up for the poor growth). Julia will reach 19 to 23 speed on average after promotion, making her able to double many enemies, especially the ones wielding Axes and Lances. The +1 to movement also helps her get through Gen 2's huge maps, although she will still lag behind your mounted units.

When Julia is re-recruited in the final chapter, she will obtain the Book of Naga upon visiting Velthomer. At this stage in the game, she becomes extremely formidable, as this tome increases her Speed, Skill, Defense and Resistance by 20 points each, and has the ability to nullify the effects of the Loptous tome. Naga's usability still hinges moderately on the stats Julia possesses by that point in the game, though this should only be a cause for worry when facing off against the Dark Warlords.


In Chapter 6, Lana/Muirne may speak to Julia, and she will gain a Mend Staff.

In Chapter 6, if Seliph captures Isaach Castle before seizing Sofala Castle, Julia may speak to him, and she will gain a tome of Nosferatu. Aura cannot be attained when this happens.

In Chapter 6, if Seliph captures Sofala Castle before seizing Isaach Castle, Julia may speak to Seliph, and she will gain a tome of Aura. Nosferatu cannot be attained when this happens.

In Chapter 8, if Ishtar has not made her appearance yet, Julia may speak to Seliph, and he will gain one point of luck.

In Chapter 9, after Grutia Castle is captured, Julia may speak to Seliph, and he will gain three points of magic defense.

In the Final Chapter, after Manfroy has been killed, Julia may be re-recruited if Seliph speaks to her. Nothing noteworthy will occur if she is spoken to before slaying Manfroy.

In the Final Chapter, after Velthomer Castle is captured, Julia may enter said castle. This will result in her having a conversation with a priest, whereupon she will gain the Book of Naga.


Julia is a unique character, in the sense that she possesses absolutely no love points or growths with anyone apart from Seliph, with whom she has a negative love growth, and their starting love points can be either 0 or 490, depending on certain obscure conditions. However, through exploitation of a bug caused by the Jealousy System with Lana/Muirne and Larcei/Creidne, it is possible to cause her and Seliph to fall in love. Furthermore, she still gains love points with units she is placed next to normally, so she can still end up with another lover if kept by their side for 100 turns.

Theoretically, there is enough time for any unit except possibly Coirpre/Charlot to fall in love with her by the end of the game, but realistically only units that are recruited in Chapter 6 stand a good chance. As the only male unit recruited in Chapter 6 who shares her pre-promotion movement rate, Arthur is the best choice.

Love Growths
Original and replacement characters have the same love growths, unless stated otherwise.

Character Bonus














Fire Emblem Awakening[]


Starting Class
SkillsWeaponStarting Items
Magic +2
Rally Magic
Rally Movement
Tome - A
Staff - B
Book of Naga*

*Enemy only, joins unequipped

Fire Emblem Heroes[]

Naga's Blood
Inheritor of the Book of Naga. Seliph's half sister by a different father. Gentle, yet faces her destiny with strength. Appears in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War.

Base Stats[]



Resplendent ✯✯✯✯✯


Dragon Gaze--
Dragon FangDragon Gaze-
A Resistance +1--
Resistance +2 Resistance +1-
Resistance +3 Resistance +2
C Breath of Life 1--
Breath of Life 2 Breath of Life 1-
Breath of Life 3 Breath of Life 2


Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.

Base Class[]

As one of the earliest units released in the initial months of Heroes, Julia helped to shape the Meta as one of the rare Infantry Green mages. Her standout Atk is remarkably high for a Mage and her Res allows great combat against blue mages and is situational against some green mages. Unfortunately, her middling Spd and pitiful physical bulk leave her vulnerable, and a frequent target of most sword units.

Nevertheless, Julia is blessed to wield a powerful Tome, Naga, shaping her into a powerful anti-dragon unit which has been a persistent meta threat since the Weapon Refinery mechanic was introduced. It also grants her a Bracing Stance 1 effect when an enemy initiates on her, granting her a small defensive buff. It is a minuscule buff, but ultimately inconsequential against her intended targets as they can freely choose to target her much lower Def since she is ranged unit. However, if refined, Naga forces dragon units to calculate their damage against her Res and grants her Close Counter when attacked by a Dragon unit, cementing her as one of the strongest counters against blue and green dragons and against some reds in certain situations. It also grants her a Bracing Stance 2 effect, giving her just a slightly better defensive buff when attacked.

Julia's remaining kit starts with Dragon Fang which takes full advantage of her high Atk. Her remaining kit is quite unassuming as Res +3 is a minor stat boost and Breath of Life heals 7 HP to allies adjacent to her when she initiates attack, which has applications, but more used in a gimmicky manner.


Julia's low physical bulk is an easy target for all manner of physical units. Just about all red non-dragon physical units easily run through her while most bow units can as well, leaving her vulnerable to a wide range of common, high meta units. Kagero's Poison Dagger easily rends her as well. High speed red mages like Celica, Katarina, and Tharja can run through her with their superior Spd, despite having to target her high Res. Some explosive Red Mages, such as Lilina and Sanaki, can simply overwhelm her with powerful attacks.

Skill Inheritance Options[]

Save for her Weapon, most of Julia's kit requires a huge overhaul. Dragon Fang is her recommended special, but one could also opt for Iceberg in certain situations. Draw Back is a safe skill to manipulate allies and pull them from danger while keeping her out of harm's way when doing so.

Julia's focus on her Refined Naga tome suggests that she be built defensively to counter these units. She can take Atk/Res Bond to boost herself during combat when adjacent to allies or an alternative, which requires sacrificing a Gharnef, can give her Mirror Stance, further pushing her Res when attacked by her intended Dragons and Mages while gifting her a boost to her Atk. Fury is a general usage inheritance with a solid stat boost, but mainly for the flat Atk and Res boost and just a bit more Def to give her a little more survivability against some units. Her low Spd makes her an excellent candidate for Quick Riposte as it negates her Spd issue and guarantees a follow-up granted that she is within the HP threshold. Her Skill C is flexible, though Atk Wave skills are good for the self buff. Her Res is also high enough that Ploy skills work well on her as well.

Julia can also perform as an offensive turn nuke as she has the Atk to potentially ORKO some units if she takes Death Blowas her A skill and Special Spiral to accelerate her special cooldown. Her skill c is still the same as above as the self-buff or ploy effect works to her overall favor. Her Special can be changed to Luna to negate half of her enemy's res. This is a slightly more gimmicky load out, but still functional as she still can maintain her enemy turn capabilities, but fit to perform in both turns rather than a pure focus.

Meet Some of the Heroes[]

Naga's Blood Julia
Julia is the princess of the Grannvale Empire. During her early childhood, she had a happy upbringing, surrounded by a warm and kind family.
But one day, her older brother Julius changed completely! He stole the throne from their father, Emperor Arvis, and even attempted to kill Julia.
Julia was so shocked and devastated that she lost her memories. Protected by Lewyn, she was then entrusted to Seliph, who was fighting against Grannvale.
At the time, neither had any idea that they were actually half siblings, though they would learn that later on. The bonds shared by Heroes really can be surprising at times!
Closely Associated Characters
Seliph Inheritor of the sacred sword Tyrfing. A savior in his time, but dislikes battle. Julia's half brother.
Deirdre A central figure of the tragedy at Belhalla. Brought three children into the world as dictated by the whims of fate. Julia's mother.
Lewyn Prince of Silesse. A descendant of Ced, one of the 12 legendary crusaders, and inheritor of the wind tome Forseti. Protects Julia.

Crusader of Light
Princess of Grannvale. As the inheritor of the Book of Naga, she must perform her duties in spite of the obstacles before her. Appears in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War.

Base Stats[]

Rarity: ✯✯✯✯✯

Crusader of Light
Virtuous Naga
Dragon Gaze


Virtuous Naga--
Dragon Gaze--
Dragon FangDragon Gaze-
A Warding Blow 1--
Mirror Strike 1 Warding Blow 1-
Mirror Strike 2 Mirror Strike 1-
Mirror Impact Mirror Strike 2
B Light and Dark-
Light and Dark II Light and Dark
C Atk/Res Oath 1--
Atk/Res Oath 2 Atk/Res Oath 1-
Atk/Res Oath 3 Atk/Res Oath 2
Threaten Res 1--
Threat Atk/Res 1 Threaten Res 1-
Threat Atk/Res 2 Threat Atk/Res 1-
Atk/Res Menace Threat Atk/Res 2


Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.

Base Set[]

As if to literally counter her brother, Legendary Julia is designed to heavily counter dragon units and improve on her base form's role as a Blue tome user, thus has color advantage and can exploit Loptous' weakness. She has monstrous Atk at 56 neutral with her weapon and workable magical bulk. Unfortunately, she has mediocre Spd and abysmal Def. Nonetheless, Legendary Julia is built to rend dragon teams but still hold herself in a general setting.

Virtuous Naga grants her an additional flat +3 Atk and retains its dragon effective damage. If her Atk is higher than her opponent's, she gains an additional +6 Atk/Res. As such, very few units have the base Atk to avoid this effect and Julia can use inherited skills and buff to ensure that she gains this massive buff when attacking. Light and Dark inflicts a -2 debuff to her enemy's four cores stats during combat and also prevents her dragon foes from targeting her lower Def with their adaptive damage effects.

Dragon Fang takes full advantage of her monstrous Atk by granting her a 50% Atk boost when it activates. Mirror Impact grants her a further +6 Atk and +10 Res boost during combat and also prevents follow-up attacks from her enemy. Attack Resistance Oath grants herself a further +5 Atk/Res buff when she starts off next to an ally.


Legendary Julia is at her strongest battling Dragon units and can decently check most mages. She is especially potent during her turn. However, during the enemy phase, she is extremely vulnerable and cannot withstand a physical hit of any kind. It is unwise to try and bait her as she can surprisingly overcome some color disadvantages and at the very least, deal critical damage against even some of the bulkiest enemies.

Skill Inheritance[]

Draw Back helps Legendary Julia move allies backwards and potentially out of danger. Draconic Aura charges much faster than Dragon Fang and the 30% boost leads to stronger damage output in the long term thanks to its faster cooldown. Fury is her overall better Skill A as the flat boost to her stats, namely her Atk, ensures that she can consistently activate Virtuous Naga over essentially the entire unmerged Heroes roster.

Meet Some of the Heroes[]

Crusader of Light Julia
Julia is descended from the bloodlines of two of the Twelve Crusaders who once saved the continent of Jugdral long ago. She inherited the power of Heim through her mother, Deirdre, and that of Fjalar through her father, Arvis.
She also had a twin brother: the fearsome Julius, who was possessed by the dark dragon Loptous. Corrupted by Loptous, Julius seized control of the Grannvale Empire, and his rule was marked by tyranny and cruelty.
Julius tried to kill Julia, but she managed to escape with her mother's intervention. However, the trauma of what happened that day caused her to lose her memories.
Eventually, she found her half-brother, Seliph, and together they challenged Loptous. With the power of the Crusaders awakened, Julia and Seliph succeeded in triumphing over the darkness!
Closely Associated Characters
Seliph Inheritor of the sacred sword Tyrfing. A savior in his time, but dislikes battle. Julia's half-brother.
Julius Prince of the Grannvale Empire and Julia's brother. Was once a kind boy but suddenly developed a cruel nature.

Heart Usurped
Inheritor of the Book of Naga. Manipulated by Manfroy, she has grown hostile towards Seliph. Appears in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War.

Base Stats[]

Rarity: ✯✯✯✯✯

Heart Usurped
Dark Scripture
Chilling Wind


Dark Scripture--
Chilling Wind--
IcebergChilling Wind-
A Atk/Res Solo 1--
Atk/Res Solo 2 Atk/Res Solo 1
Atk/Res Solo 3 Atk/Res Solo 2
Atk/Res Solo 4 Atk/Res Solo 3
B Light and Dark-
C Panic Smoke 1--
Panic Smoke 2 Panic Smoke 1-
Panic Smoke 3 Panic Smoke 2


Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.

Base Set[]

Fallen Julia is a Red tome infantry unit who is oddly the antithesis of her other two forms. While she is much slower and a bit less physically bulky, she trades this for higher magical bulk and most notably an even higher Atk stat than even her legendary form. Ideally, she is a solo oriented unit, best used on the frontline, initiating on characters or baiting out green mages.

Dark Scripture is a powerful tome that immediately grants her an additional base 3 Atk to her already impressive Atk. She has two conditions she needs to meet to activate the secondary effect. Fallen Julia must both not be adjacent to an ally and must not be battling a unit who has a weapon or status that gives them effective damage against dragons. If this condition is met, she inflicts Atk/Res -6, boosting her damage and reducing theirs. She is also given a guaranteed follow-up attack, amending her terrible Spd. Without such a unit on her enemy's team, she is extremely problematic to deal with and could wipe out the enemy team with ease.


In an ironic twist to her original two forms, weapons that hold Dragon effectiveness like Falchions, Legendary Tiki's Divine Mist, or Naga tome immediately shut down Fallen Julia's guaranteed follow-up effect. This makes Naga the character a huge bane to her existence as she can grant her allies a dragon effective status to their weapons. She is at her strongest when initiating combat, but will easily go down to physical weapons due to her low physical bulk. Finally, she can be a victim to bad AI, who may end up keeping her close to her ally, therefore disabling her Tome and Skill A effects. Otherwise, bulky blues like Selkie, Mathilda, and Fiora who can easily take a shot or two from her the neither retaliate immediately with Distant Counter or just do so on their turn.

Skill Inheritance[]

Draw Back helps Fallen Julia move allies out of danger and is the sole Skill slot that needs be filled. Otherwise, her kit is nearly perfect and ready to immediately be put to work. She can theoretically use an AOE special as she can use her huge Atk to inflict massive damage against her foes using the difference between her Atk and their Res, then immediately double attack her enemy.

Meet Some of the Heroes[]

Heart Usurped Julia
Julia's always been so sweet and gentle, but... Is it just me, or are her eyes burning red right now? Do you think she's having trouble sleeping?
No, that's not it at all! It looks like Manfroy, the leader of the Loptr Church, is controlling her with his magic!
While under the influence of Manfroy's spell, Julia was a loyal servant of the dark god Loptous. She showed no mercy to anyone who defied Loptous, no matter who they were!
I fear that Julia will remain this way as long as Manfroy's black magic is in effect... I hope Seliph comes to save her soon!
Closely Associated Characters
Julius Prince of the Grannvale Empire. Was once a kind boy but suddenly came to have a cruel nature. Older brother of Julia.
Seliph Inheritor of the sacred sword Tyrfing. A savior in his time, but dislikes battle. Julia's half brother.


Genealogy of the Holy War[]

—Julia's battle quote as an enemy, in the Final Chapter

“Please stop! Where am I being taken?!”
—Julia's defeat quote

“Ahh, Sir Seliph...”
—Julia's death quote

“Uuh... Ahh... Sir Seliph...”
—Julia's death quote as an enemy, in the Final Chapter


“You will fall here, scoundrel...”
—Julia's battle quote as an enemy, in Champions of Yore 1

“You speak poetry, milady. But not reality.”
—Julia's battle quote versus Lissa in Champions of Yore 1

“I fight for Seliph, my lord brother!”
—Julia's battle quote as an enemy, in Champions of Yore 3

“No war could be worse than the one my elder brothers fought. [...] Er, no. I mean it was heartbreaking to...Never mind. Have at you!”
—Julia's battle quote versus Lissa in Champions of Yore 3

“No one will ever manipulate me again. I decide my own future!”
—Julia's battle quote as an enemy, in Lost Bloodlines 1

“Then I beg you stand down, sir, for I cannot.”
—Julia's battle quote versus Male Morgan in Lost Bloodlines 1

“Stand aside!”
—Julia's battle quote as an enemy, in Lost Bloodlines 3

“Why do you insist on tormenting us?”
—Julia's battle quote as an enemy, in Rogues & Redeemers 2

“Go home! You have nothing more to gain from this!”
—Julia's battle quote as an enemy, in Rogues & Redeemers 3

“I don't want to avoid it. I'm tired of running!”
—Julia's battle quote versus Sumia in Rogues & Redeemers 3

“Are you... truly brigands?”
—Julia's death quote as an enemy, in Champions of Yore 1

“Aaah...stay vigilant, brother...Their might is great...”
—Julia's death quote as an enemy, in Champions of Yore 3

“I chose to fight...I regret...nothing...”
—Julia's death quote as an enemy, in Lost Bloodlines 1

“Press on, then...if your cause be true...”
—Julia's death quote as an enemy, in Lost Bloodlines 3

“Nngh... This is just the beginning...isn't it...”
—Julia's death quote as an enemy, in Rogues & Redeemers 2

“Why do you persist... Is there some...purpose?”
—Julia's death quote as an enemy, in Rogues & Redeemers 3


Julia/Heroes Quotes


Genealogy of the Holy War[]

And, at Seliph's side, there is the presence of [...] The Imperial Princess Julia, who's watching over him warmly.

Non-Canon Appearances[]

Fire Emblem 0 (Cipher)[]

Julia is illustrated in the trading card game with the following cards:


Round Placement Character Version Votes


Julia is the feminine manifestation of Julius, a Roman family name that is associated with the line of emperors.



See main article: Julia (Genealogy)/Gallery.

First Generation Characters

Second Generation Characters