Great Knight

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The Great Knight is a horse-mounted combat physical class that recurrently appears across the Fire Emblem Series, beginning from Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War.

What is the promoted form of the Axe Knight class in Fire Emblem? toggle section

In Fire Emblem, the Axe Knight, a horse-mounted combat class specializing in Axes, has the option to promote into the Great Knight class. This promotion is particularly highlighted in Fire Emblem Awakening.

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What are the possible promotions for the Cavalier and Knight classes in Fire Emblem? toggle section

In Fire Emblem, Cavaliers can advance to Paladins or Great Knights, while Knights can progress to Generals or Great Knights. These promotions enhance character abilities and skills.

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What weapons can the Armored incarnation of the Great Knight wield in Fire Emblem? toggle section

In Fire Emblem, the Armored Great Knight can wield Swords, Lances, and Axes. Initially, in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War, the Great Knight, promoted from the Axe Knight class, used Axes exclusively. In subsequent games, such as Fire Emblem Awakening and Fire Emblem Fates, the Great Knight class expanded its arsenal to include all three melee weapons.

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Who teaches axe proficiency to the Great Knight in Fire Emblem? toggle section

In Fire Emblem, the Great Knight's axe proficiency is not taught by a specific character. It's an inherent skill of the class, which is the promoted form of the Axe Knight class. The Great Knight class, regardless of whether it's promoted from the Cavalier or Knight classes, maintains the ability to wield Axes as its main weapon.

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How does the Great Knight class recurrently appear across the Fire Emblem Series? toggle section

The Great Knight class in the Fire Emblem series is introduced in The Sacred Stones as a promoted version of the Cavalier and Knight classes, equipped with Swords, Lances, and Axes. It is considered an Armored unit with limited mobility. In Radiant Dawn, it is renamed as Axe Paladin. In Awakening, the Great Knight has Luna and Dual Guard+ skills and is unique in wielding all three melee weapons. In Fates, it is a Nohrian class and retains its armored status.

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History in the Series[]

Introduced as the promoted form of the Axe Knight class, the Great Knight has also been instituted as one of the possible promotions for the Cavalier and Knight classes. The Non-Armored incarnation wields Axes as their sole weapon of choice, while the Armored incarnation are known to be able to wield Swords and Lances in addition to Axes.

In its original inception in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War, the Great Knight class is established as the promoted form of the Axe Knight class, focusing on strength, and wielding Axes as its sole weapon of choice.

In Thracia 776, the Great Knight class is again the promoted form of the Axe Knight class, but this iteration can dismount, and is forced to do so for indoor chapters. When dismounted, Great Knights are entirely unable to use axes, and must arm themselves with Swords.

While TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga does not feature Great Knight, the Iron Knight class is retroactively similar to the Armored Great Knight incarnation introduced in the Sacred Stones, though it predates it. Like all armored units in the game, Iron Knight uses Swords exclusively.

The Great Knight class is absent until the onset of Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones, where it is one of the promoted forms of both the Cavalier and Knight classes. This version of the class is able to wield Swords, Lance, as well Axes as its weapons of choice. Additionally, Great Knights are classified as Armored units, and have lower move than the other mounted classes.

In Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, the class is renamed as the Axe Paladin in localized versions of the game to make them thematically similar to Lance Paladins and Sword Paladins. Radiant Dawn reverted the Great Knight class to the original unarmored, and axe specializing version of the class. Axe Paladins further promotes into the Gold Knight class when the necessary requirements are fulfilled.

The armored version of Great Knight appeared again in Fire Emblem Awakening. The Great Knight possesses the Luna, and Dual Guard+ class skills. Great Knight wielded all three melee weapons like in Sacred Stones, and due to Generals losing swords, they are the only class with this weapon combination.

In Fire Emblem Fates, the Great Knight class is treated as a Nohrian class, and is again an armored class with one of the promoted forms of both the Cavalier and Knight classes. While Great Knight can still use all three melee weapons, unlike other appearances, Lances are the Great Knight's main weapon as it is their highest weapon rank.

In Fire Emblem: Three Houses, the Great Knight class a optional promotion for the Noble and Commoner class. Great Knight is part of the Master Class curriculum, requiring qualifiable units to reach Level 30 to be able to take the Certification Exam for the class, requiring an A in Heavy Armor, as well as B+'s in Axes and Riding.

In the spinoff, Fire Emblem Warriors, the class does not feature the ability to use Lances or Swords for simplification, as well as being the base class of Frederick, though their ability to use Lances and Swords are referenced within Frederick's Awakening Special. Additionally, Great Knights can pop up under the Hoshidan flag unlike how it was in Fates, where they are called Steel Knights. Here, Great Knights can promote into Guardian Knights. The class is playable for all units in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, as the Master class promotion of the Fortress Knight class.

In Vestaria Saga I, the Great Knight is known as the Axe Lion. This incarnation of the class is very similar to it's Jugdral and Tellius incarnations, being non-armored and exclusively wielding Axes.



The Great Knight is a powerful horseback-mounted class that has higher Strength and Defense as compared to other physical damage-oriented mounted classes.

The Axe Cavalry variation of Great Knights that appears in Genealogy of the Holy War, Thracia 776 and Radiant Dawn is locked to Axes exclusively, but aside from this, it should, in most situations, be treated much as one would Paladins. Their high Strength at the cost of Skill means that they should have little difficulty with dispatching defensive units wielding lances or axes, but they will face more difficulties when dealing with faster Sword-using classes such as Swordmasters.

The armored variation of Great Knights can use Swords, Axes and Lances, giving them a better selection of weaponry compared to Paladins. However, they have poor Skill and Resistance caps (somewhat akin to that of Generals), which means they will miss more often and be more susceptible to magic attacks. They also have a Movement of 7 as a mounted unit, compared to other mounted units which have a movement of 8, which can cause problems when retreating.

In The Sacred Stones and Awakening, Great Knights are considered to be both an armored and a horseback-mounted unit. Because of this, both armor and horse "slayer" weapons (such as Armorslayer and Halberd) are effective against Great Knights, but weapons effective against armored and mounted foes, such as the Rapier, only inflict normal bonus damage (x3 weapon might instead of x9).

In Awakening, Great Knights learn two different skills. Luna, for one, causes the opponent's Defense/Resistance to be cut in half (Defense for all physical weapons such as axes, Resistance for all magical weapons such as Levin Swords and Tomes) when activated. This skill is excellent when facing units with high Defense or Resistance as it will allow them to deal greater damage to their foes. Dual Guard+, on the other hand, increases the chances for Dual Guard to activate by 10%, which can be helpful when facing strong enemies or protecting weakened units.

In Fates, Great Knights remain arguably parallel to their Awakening incarnation, but their Lance rank caps at A while Swords and Axes cap at B. Their Skill is also reasonably higher from what it was in Awakening in comparison to other classes, making them more likely to trigger Luna whenever needed. Their Dual Guard+ skill has been replaced by the outstanding Armored Blow, a very useful skill that allows them to push through most physical attacks, provided that they initiate battle (nothing they should have much issue with, given their wide range of Movement), matching their exceptional Defense perfectly. It is also possible to further improve their assets by making them spend time as a General in order to obtain the Wary Fighter skill, ridding them of any concerns of being double attacked due to their poor Speed, essentially turning them into wide-reaching, versatile and impenetrable physical walls.

In Three Houses, Great Knights are considered both Armored and Cavalry, taking bonus damage from attacks against either of those types. They innately have Canto, Axefaire, and Lancefaire, but lose 1 Movement compared to the Paladin. Stat-wise, they are also somewhat slower than Paladins, while not being as durable as Fortress Knights, and still being highly vulnerable to magic. As such, experienced players tend to view the Great Knight as an unfavorable class in Three Houses, given that Paladin is more mobile and not as slow, while War Master is a better choice for Axes thanks to its innate critical hit bonus. Wyvern Lord is also favored more due to better stats, flight capability, and better growth rates. If one intends to use an armored unit, however, it is still far better than Fortress Knight as it exceeds that class in every way besides 10% defense growth and 2 class bonus, arguably negligible as by level 30 the armor unit should have massively inflated Def anyway.


★ - SP Class

Base Stats[]

FE4401207701039-- A-
FE5245/416/56/405/4-9/69- E D-
FE821/208/6-4/66/7011/93613/10- E D D-
FE1033/3518/115/116/616/8015/1010/3911/836/33 C-
FE10 3820718180171291136 A-
FE13261106501417-- E E E-
FE14211006631027-- E E E-
FE1634181014101217107-- B+ A B+-
FE17269285313268- B^ B^ B^-

Maximum Stats[]

FE480271522223025189-- A-
FE580202020202020-2020- A A-
FE86028/26-24/2624/253029/2825/261520- S S S-
FE104526152523/253024/2216911/836/33 S-
FE10 583417332930282291136 SS-
FE1380482034374548307-- A A A-
FE1465352529272837287-- B A B-
FE177542194325305122820- B^ B^ B^-

Growth Rates[]

FE10 105%75%55%80%60%80%60%55%-----
FE1630/50%10/22%0%0%-10/-20%0%5/55%-5/-10%--- +3 +3 +35%

Class Modifiers[]


Class Skills[]

FE4Re-MoveHidden base skill of all flying and mounted units.
FE10CantoBase skill of all flying and mounted units.
Dual Guard+
Learnt at Level 5.
Learnt at Level 15.
Armored Blow
Learnt at Level 5 and above.
Learnt at Level 15 and above.
Defiant Defense
Class Ability of Great Knights.
Class Ability of Great Knights.
Class Ability of Great Knights.
Mastery Ability of Great Knights
FE17Allied Defense
Warding Stance
Class Skill of Great Knights.
Maddening mode skill.
FEW3H Impregnable
Lance Buster Lv 4
Armored Cavalry's Ploy
Armored Cavalry's Wisdom
Armored Strike
Armor Smasher
Def +10
Defiant Def
Nullify Armored Effect
Stalwart Stance
Inspiring Agility
Class ability.
Class ability.
1-star Class Mastery for certain units.
1-star Class Mastery for certain units.
1-star Class Mastery for certain units.
1-star Class Mastery for certain units.
2-star Class Mastery for Dedue.
2-star Class Mastery for certain units.
2-star Class Mastery for certain units.
2-star Class Mastery for certain units.
3-star Class Mastery for certain units.
3-star Class Mastery for certain units.
3-star Class Mastery for certain units.
Innate Ability for certain units.
Innate Ability for certain units.


Base ClassPromotion MethodPromoted Class
FE4Axe KnightChoose the "Class Change" option in the Home Castle when the relevant unit reaches Level 20.Great Knight
FE5Axe KnightUse a Knight Proof on a Level 10+ Axe Knight.Great Knight
FE8CavalierUse a Knight Crest on a Level 10+ CavalierGreat Knight
FE8 KnightUse a Knight Crest on a Level 10+ KnightGreat Knight
FE10Axe KnightUse a Master Seal on a Level 10+ Axe Knight or train an Axe Knight to Level 21.
Axe Paladin
Axe Paladin
Use a Master Crown on a Level 10+ Axe Paladin or train an Axe Paladin to Level 21.
Gold Knight
FE13CavalierUse a Master Seal on a Level 10+ Cavalier.Great Knight
FE13 KnightUse a Master Seal on a Level 10+ Knight.Great Knight
FE14CavalierUse a Master Seal on a Level 10+ Cavalier.Great Knight
FE14 KnightUse a Master Seal on a Level 10+ Knight.Great Knight
FE16Any classUse a Master Seal on a Level 30+ unit and pass the Great Knight Certification Exam.Great Knight
FE17 Sword ArmorUse Master Seal on Level 10+ Sword Armor with Lance or Axe Proficiency.Great Knight
FE17 Lance ArmorUse Master Seal on Level 10+ Lance Armor with Sword or Axe Proficiency.Great Knight
FE17 Axe ArmorUse Master Seal on Level 10+ Axe Armor with Sword or Lance Proficiency.Great Knight
Great Knight
Use a Master Seal on Frederick.
Guardian Knight
FEW3H Fortress KnightUse a Master Seal on a unit that has mastered the Fortress Knight class. Great Knight

Notable Great Knights[]

Genealogy of the Holy War[]

Thracia 776[]

The Sacred Stones[]

Radiant Dawn[]



Three Houses[]


Vestaria Saga I[]

  • Jamulan - A capable Axe Knight and the Ordom Clan's greatest warrior.


  • In Genealogy of the Holy War, all default and potential Great Knights hail from the duchy of Dozel. Additionally Dozel's squadron of knights, Grauen Ritter was composed mostly of Great Knights.
  • In Awakening, the Great Knight's Magic cap is the lowest of all promoted classes, while it is tied with many unpromoted classes for said stat.
    • The Great Knight's Skill cap is also the lowest of all promoted classes available.
  • The Great Knight, Bride, Conqueror, and Dread Fighter classes are the only ones to be able to use 3 different types of equipment with ranks in Awakening.
  • The helmet worn by generic Great Knights in Fates, with minor differences, uses the same design as the helmet for the unused female variant of the generic Great Knight from Awakening.


Concept artwork of the male variant of the Great Knight class from Awakening.

Concept artwork of the male variant of the Great Knight class from Awakening.

Concept artwork of the female variant of the Great Knight class from Awakening.

Concept artwork of the female variant of the Great Knight class from Awakening.

Concept artwork of the Great Knight mount from Awakening.

Concept artwork of the Great Knight mount from Awakening.

Concept art of a female Great Knight from Fates.

Concept art of a female Great Knight from Fates.

Concept art of a male Great Knight from Fates.

Concept art of a male Great Knight from Fates.

Concept art of a Great Knight's mount from Fates.

Concept art of a Great Knight's mount from Fates.

A Level 1 generic Great Knight, as he appears in the second series of the TCG.

A Level 1 generic Great Knight, as he appears in the second series of the TCG.

Generic CG portrait of the Great Knight class from The Sacred Stones.

Generic CG portrait of the Great Knight class from The Sacred Stones.

Generic portrait of the Great Knight class from Awakening.

Generic portrait of the Great Knight class from Awakening.

Generic class portrait of a Great Knight from Fates.

Generic class portrait of a Great Knight from Fates.

Generic portrait of a male Great Knight in Three Houses.

Generic portrait of a male Great Knight in Three Houses.

Battle model of Iuchar, a Great Knight from Genealogy of the Holy War.

Battle model of Iuchar, a Great Knight from Genealogy of the Holy War.

Battle model of Brighton, a Great Knight from Thracia 776.

Battle model of Brighton, a Great Knight from Thracia 776.

Critical animation of Amelia, a Great Knight from The Sacred Stones.

Critical animation of Amelia, a Great Knight from The Sacred Stones.

Battle model of Kieran, a male Axe Paladin from Radiant Dawn

Battle model of Kieran, a male Axe Paladin from Radiant Dawn

Battle model of Titania, a female Axe Paladin from Radiant Dawn.

Battle model of Titania, a female Axe Paladin from Radiant Dawn.

Lombroso as a Axe Paladin in Radiant Dawn

Lombroso as a Axe Paladin in Radiant Dawn

Frederick's unique Great Knight model from Awakening.

Frederick's unique Great Knight model from Awakening.

Battle model of Kellam, a male Great Knight from Awakening.

Battle model of Kellam, a male Great Knight from Awakening.

Battle model of Kjelle, a female Great Knight from Awakening.

Battle model of Kjelle, a female Great Knight from Awakening.

Battle model of Peri, a female Great Knight from Fates.

Battle model of Peri, a female Great Knight from Fates.

Lorenz as a Great Knight in Three Houses

Lorenz as a Great Knight in Three Houses

Map sprite of the Great Knight class from Genealogy of the Holy War.

Map sprite of the Great Knight class from Genealogy of the Holy War.

Map sprite of the Great Knight class from Thracia 776.

Map sprite of the Great Knight class from Thracia 776.

Map sprite of the Great Knight class from The Sacred Stones.

Map sprite of the Great Knight class from The Sacred Stones.

Map Sprite of Kieran as an Axe Paladin from Radiant Dawn

Map Sprite of Kieran as an Axe Paladin from Radiant Dawn

Map sprite of Titania as an Axe Paladin from Radiant Dawn.

Map sprite of Titania as an Axe Paladin from Radiant Dawn.

Map sprite of the Great Knight class from Awakening.

Map sprite of the Great Knight class from Awakening.

Map sprite of the Great Knight class from Fates.

Map sprite of the Great Knight class from Fates.