
Lifetaker is a passive class Skill introduced in Fire Emblem Awakening. It reappears as a passive weapon skill in Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia.


Fire Emblem Awakening and Fates[]

Name Activation Capacity
Lifetaker Passive -
Effects It recovers the user's HP by 50% if they defeat an enemy
Users Learned by Dark Knights at level 15.
Notes The skill will not activate if they are a supporting unit in a Pair Up or adjacent Dual System unit or if the user defeats an enemy during the enemy's phase.

Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia[]

Name Activation Capacity
Lifetaker Passive -
Effects It heals 50% of the user's HP after they kill an enemy.
Users Weapon Skill of: Shadow Sword and Devil Axe

Fire Emblem Three Houses[]

Name Activation Capacity
Lifetaker Passive -
Effects Unit recovers HP equal to 50% of damage dealt after defeating a foe.
Users Learned by mastering the Dark Bishop class.

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes[]

Name Activation Capacity
Lifetaker Passive -
Effects Restores a small amount of HP when an enemy commander is defeated.
Users Dimitri, Dedue, Sylvain, Rodrigue, Lorenz, Raphael, Holst, Balthus, Seteth, Jeritza, Jeralt (Dark Mage Mastery Rank 3)
Notes -

Skills that predate the Skill system