Light Priestess

The Light Priestess is a combat and support magical class that first appeared in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War.

History in the Series[]

The original iteration of the Shaman class was introduced in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and employs Light magic and Staves as its equipment of choice. Julia's Shaman class promotes to Sage, while Deirdre cannot promote.

In Fire Emblem: Thracia 776, the Shaman is referred to as the Sister and is able to employ all forms of Anima magic in addition to Light Magic and Staves. Both games' Shamans promote into Sages.

In Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, it serves as the promoted form of the Light Sage class and as such the Light Priestess class is exclusive to Micaiah, wielding Light magic and Staves as its equipment of choice. This iteration functions as a stronger version of the Saint class used by some optional units.



This class is defined by very high figures in the Magic department, positing it as a very powerful magical class that is prolific in fulfilling both combat and support roles. Like Saints, the Light Priestess class is immune to Ashera's "Silence All" Judge attack in Radiant Dawn.


Base Stats[]

FE430087703105-- A B
FE514012500-53- E E E D E
FE104231919200820666 A B

Maximum Stats[]

FE480152322223018255-- A B
FE580202020202020-2020- A A A A A
FE105022403533402340666 SS SS

Growth Rates[]


Class Skills[]

Base skill of all foot units.
Mastery skill of the Light Priestess class.


Base ClassPromotion MethodPromoted Class
FE4 (Julia)ShamanChoose the "Class Change" option in the Home Castle when the relevant unit reaches Level 20.Sage
FE5SisterUse a Knight Proof on a Level 10+ Sister.
Visit the Church in Chapter 21 (Linoan).
FE10Light SageBefore Chapter 4E-1 commences.Light Priestess

Notable Light Priestess[]

Genealogy of the Holy War[]

Thracia 776[]

Radiant Dawn[]


  • Curiously, promoting Shamans in Genealogy of the Holy War actually lowers one of their weapon ranks (their Light magic rank goes down to B from A). This is not noticeable in the actual gameplay, as both playable shamans have Major Naga holy blood, ensuring that they possess the highest Light Magic rank possible.


Battle model of the Light Priestess class from Genealogy of the Holy War.

Battle model of the Light Priestess class from Genealogy of the Holy War.

Micaiah's Light Priestess model from Radiant Dawn.

Micaiah's Light Priestess model from Radiant Dawn.

Map sprite of the Light Priestess class from Genealogy of the Holy War.

Map sprite of the Light Priestess class from Genealogy of the Holy War.

Map sprite of the Sister class from Thracia 776.

Map sprite of the Sister class from Thracia 776.

Map model of the Light Priestess class from Radiant Dawn.

Map model of the Light Priestess class from Radiant Dawn.