Lily's Poise

Lily's Poise is a skill introduced in Fire Emblem Fates.


In Fates, Lily's Poise serves as the Personal Skill of Elise, buffing adjacent allies' defenses against enemy attack by 3 and their offensives by 1.

In the Fódlan Series, Lily's Poise serves as Flayn's signature Ability, appearing as her Personal Ability in Fire Emblem: Three Houses, as well as the Unique Support Ability in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, with its workings differing in each iteration. In Three Houses, Lily's Poise worked as a slightly nerfed version of its Fates incarnation, simply buffing adjacent allies' defenses against enemy attack by 3 without buffing their offenses. In Three Hopes, Lily's Poise restores the health of Flayn's adjutant by a varying amount whenever she heals herself.


Fire Emblem Fates[]

Name Activation Capacity

Lily's Poise
Passive -
Effects Adjacent allies deal 1 additional damage and receive 3 less damage from enemy attacks
Users Elise
Notes Personal skill of Elise.

Fire Emblem Three Houses[]

Name Activation Capacity

Lily's Poise
Passive -
Effects Adjacent allies receive 3 less damage from enemy attacks
Users Flayn
Notes Personal ability of Flayn.

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes[]

Name Activation Capacity

Lily's Poise Lv 1
Unit recovers HP -
Effects The unit's adjutant recovers half the amount of the restored HP.
Users Flayn
Name Activation Capacity

Lily's Poise Lv 2
Unit recovers HP -
Effects The unit's adjutant recovers three-quarters the amount of the restored HP.
Users Flayn
Name Activation Capacity

Lily's Poise Lv 3
Unit recovers HP -
Effects The unit's adjutant recovers an equal amount of the restored HP.
Users Flayn


Skills that predate the Skill system