Maera is a background character in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War. He was the younger brother of Emperor Gair XVII, and was secretly hailed as a savior to the oppressed citizens of the Loptrian Empire. Maera, despite being a descendant of Gair I, was a good person who stood against the brutal practices of the Loptrian Empire and protected the citizens from their cruel practices.
Maera and his priestly followers attempted to stop discrimination by uniting Loptous with the old gods of the old Kingdom of Grann, placing Loptous amongst the higher gods of the fallen Kingdom's religious canon. This ultimately resulted in a major rebellion staged against the Loptrian Empire, with all the involved rebels eventually being defeated and exiled.
Maera's followers continued to aid the citizens of the Loptrian Empire, trying their best to protect them from harm. The future Crusader Bragi and others were later saved from perpetual sacrifices and murders and subsequently raised by Maera's followers. After Loptous and the Empire were eventually defeated by the Twelve Crusaders following the Miracle of Dahna, Bragi erected the Bragi Tower to mourn and honor Maera and his followers, who died to protect the people.
Maera is essentially the link to Loptous holy blood from the past, which continued to be passed on, largely in secret, to his future descendants, causing a majority of them to seek refuge and seclusion in the Spirit Forest for fear of persecution and reprisal even through the crusades had no intention of seeking ether of those on his descendents. Before he died, Maera passed down a warning that those who inherited his minor Loptous holy blood were to have only one child, as two children would allow the forbidden practice of enriching holy blood through a consanguineous sexual relationship. Cigyun broke this warning by having a son and daughter with Duke Victor of Velthomer and Prince Kurth of Grannvale respectively, which allowed the Loptr Church to use her children Arvis and Deirdre in their plans to revive Loptous and the Loptrian Empire.
First Generation Characters
Second Generation Characters