Nameless Blade

Nameless Blade is a Sword and a weapon skill exclusive to Fir and Karel in Fire Emblem Heroes. The skill functions as an enhanced Slaying Edge, with the additional refinement effect of +10 to damage when a special is activated.

Weapon Stats[]

Name Type

Nameless Blade


Mt Rng SP Rarity
16 1 400

Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count -1)

Name Cost

Nameless Blade

400 SP, 500, 200
Type HP Mt Spd Def Res
+5 + 2
+5 + 3
+5 + 4
+5 + 4
HP +3. Deals +10 damage when
Special triggers.
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count -1).

Special Swords

Armorslayer - Axe Splitter - Bamboo Sword - Barrier Blade - Bellringer - Dark Greatsword - Berserk Sword - Defender Sword - Devil Sword - Brave Sword - Cake Cutter - Carrot Cudgel - Conjurer Curios - Dual Katana - Elite Sword - Firesweep Sword - Geishun - Glass Sword - Golden Dagger - Guard Sword - Heart's Blade - Ilwoon - Instant Sword - Kadomatsu - Killing Edge - King Sword - Ladyblade - Laguzslayer - Lancereaver - Longsword - Meisterschwert - Melee Bouquet - Ninja Katana - Nohrian Blade - Obtuse Sword - Petal Parasol - Pledged Blade - Practice Katana - Prayer Sword - Pure Sword - Quick Sword - Raider Katana - Ruby Sword - Sandfort Spade - Scimitar - Sea Sword - Shadow Sword - Shadowkiller - Shamshir - Silence Sword - Slaying Edge - Sleep Sword - Soothing Sword - Spirit Katana - Steadfast Sword - Sunrise Katana - Superior Edge - Swordslayer - Thief Sword - Unbound Blade - Venge Katana - Venin Edge - Wing Clipper - Wingthresher - Winter Rapier - Wo Dao - Wyrmslayer - Zweihänder

Game exclusive

Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FEAmatsu Mitsurugi - Ame-no-Murakumo - Answerer - Claiomh Solais - Dainsleif - Deathbringer - Epee - Grand Rapier - Hi-no-Kagustsuchi - Laevateinn - Masakado's Sword - Masamune - Matador - Mill Cutter - Mo Ye - Murasame - Yatsuka Sword
TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes SagaEstoc - Luna Sword - Main Gauche - Shield Sword - Stellar Sword - ☆Dullahan - ☆Mainstar - ☆Rukuud - ☆Seiken Canaan - ☆Seiken Leda - ☆Seiken Reeve - ☆Seiken Salia - ☆Shramm
TearRing Saga: Berwick SagaAdrasteia - Bastard Sword - Broad Sword - Dark Mace - Grimhild - Harperia - Imperial Sword - Knight Sword - Old Imperial Sword - Over Scimitar - Poison Mace - Royal Army Sword - Saber - Sensual - ☆Brimranger - ☆Cutlass - ☆Lord Gram - ☆Over Cutlass - ☆Raze Tar - ☆Seiken Vajra - ☆Seiken Vritra - ☆Succeed - ☆Zweihander


PlayableKiran - Alfonse - Sharena - Anna - Gustav - Henriette* - Askr¥ - Ash¥ - Bruno* - Veronica - Letizia - Embla¥ - Elm* - Nifl - Fjorm¥ - Gunnthrᥠ- Hríd¥ - Ylgr - Múspell - Surtr - Laegjarn - Laevatein - Helbindi - Hel¥ - Eir¥ - Ymir - Líf¥ - Thrasir¥ - Ganglöt§ - Loki - Thórr¥ - Peony¥ - Mirabilis¥ - Plumeria¥ - Triandra¥ - Freyr¥ - Freyja¥ - Eitr§ - Ginnungagap§ - Niðavellir - Reginn¥ - Ótr¥ - Fáfnir* - Þjazi§ - Dagr¥ - Nótt¥ - Eitri¥ - Seiðr¥ - Heiðr¥ - Gullveig - Kvasir¥ - Nerþuz¥ - Ratatoskr¥ - Hræsvelgr¥ - Heiðrún¥ - Eikþyrnir¥ - Níðhöggr¥ - Læraðr¥ - Rune¥
Non-playableFeh - Fehnix - Hvergel - Menja - Angrboða - Alfaðör - Alfrik - Billingr - Dvalinn - Grer - Sindri - Veðrfölnir - Njörðr - Baldr - Höðr

(*)indicates a Hero that is currently only available as a Special Hero
(‡)indicates a Hero that is obtained via Tempest Trials
(¥)indicates a Hero that is only available in Legendary and Mythic Hero Summoning Focuses
(§)indicates a Hero that is only available as a Rearmed Hero


World of MysteryMarth - Kris (M) - Kris (F) - Elice - Jagen - Cain - Abel - Draug - Gordin - Luke - Roderick - Norne - Caeda - Ogma - Barst - Darros‡* - Castor† - Nyna - Linde - Jeorge - Astram† - Michalis† - Minerva - Maria - Palla - Catria - Est - Julian - Lena - Matthis† - Rickard‡* - Merric - Arlen - Hardin - Wolf - Sedgar† - Vyland - Roshea - Yuliya - Camus† - Sirius - Sheena - Tiki (Young) - Nagi - Gotoh¥ - Bantu - Xane* - Eremiya† - Katarina - Clarisse† - Legion† - Navarre† - Phina - Wrys - Athena - Malice - Naga - Medeus¥ - Gharnef
World of ShadowsAlm - Lukas - Gray - Tobin‡ - Kliff - Faye - Silque - Clair - Clive‡ - Forsyth - Python - Celica - Mae - Boey - Genny - Saber - Valbar - Kamui - Leon - Mathilda - Luthier - Delthea - Palla - Catria - Est - Atlas - Sonya - Deen* - Tatiana - Zeke - Conrad† - Mycen - Rudolf* - Berkut - Rinea‡* - Fernand† - Duma¥ - Mila¥ - Marla† - Hestia - Brigand Boss
World of Holy WarSigurd - Arden‡ - Brigid - Edain - Midir - Arvis† - Azelle - Lex - Tailtiu - Quan - Ethlyn‡ - Ayra - Chulainn† - Jamke† - Lewyn - Annand - Díthorba† - Erinys - Eldigan - Lachesis - Deirdre - Silvia - Dew - Seliph - Larcei - Shannan - Scáthach - Arthur - Tine - Febail - Patty - Julia - Ares - Lene - Ced - Fee - Travant† - Arion† - Altena - Julius† - Ishtar - Hilda† - Ullr¥ - Leif - Finn‡ - Nanna - Eyvel - Mareeta - Osian - Tanya - August - Safy - Tina - Asbel - Lara - Ronan - Miranda - Karin - Reinhardt - Olwen - Saias† - Veld† - Sara - Salem† - Perne† - Lifis‡* - Galzus - Kempf
World of BladesRoy - Wolt* - Merlinus - Lilina - Bors - Gwendolyn - Ogier - Lugh - Raigh - Chad - Perceval - Cecilia - Klein - Clarine - Zephiel† - Murdock† - Brunnya‡ - Narcian† - Guinivere - Melady - Zeiss† - Galle† - Saul - Dorothy - Noah - Zelot‡* - Juno* - Thea - Shanna - Niime - Hugh - Sue - Bartre - Fir - Rutger† - Echidna - Elffin - Larum - Dieck - Geese* - Gonzalez† - Sophia - Fae - Igrene - Idunn - Cath - Elimine¥ - Mark* - Eliwood - Lyn - Hector - Harken - Isadora - Uther - Oswin - Matthew - Leila - Serra - Sain - Kent - Raven - Lucius - Wil - Rebecca - Pent - Louise - Erk - Priscilla - Dorcas - Vaida† - Heath† - Fiora - Farina - Florina - Canas‡ - Karel - Karla - Guy - Rath - Hawkeye - Ninian - Nils - Nergal - Limstella† - Sonia† - Lloyd† - Linus† - Jaffar - Ursula† - Nino - Legault - Fargus† - Athos¥ - Bramimond¥
The Sacred WorldEirika - Ephraim - Seth - Kyle - Forde - Orson† - Colm - Neimi - Lute - Artur* - Ross - Innes - Tana - Syrene - Vanessa - Gilliam - Vigarde† - Lyon† - Duessel - Selena - Glen† - Riev† - Valter† - Caellach† - Cormag† - Knoll - Natasha - Amelia - Joshua‡ - Gerik - Marisa‡ - Tethys - Ewan - L'Arachel - Dozla* - Rennac - Myrrh - Saleh‡* - Fomortiis¥
World of RadianceIke - Titania - Soren - Mist - Greil* - Oscar - Boyd‡* - Rolf‡* - Shinon - Gatrie - Mia - Elincia - Lucia - Geoffrey - Bastian - Ludveck† - Nephenee - Heather* - Bertram† - Zihark* - Sigrun‡ - Tanith - Marcia - Sephiran* - Astrid - Jill - Volke - Ashnard† - Black Knight‡ - Petrine† - Ilyana - Micaiah - Sothe - Edward - Leonardo - Rhys‡* - Jorge† - Pelleas† - Caineghis - Ranulf - Mordecai - Lethe - Kyza‡* - Lyre* - Dheginsea* - Kurthnaga* - Ena‡* - Tibarn - Rafiel* - Reyson - Leanne - Naesala† - Tormod* - Muarim† - Vika* - Nailah - Altina¥ - Sanaki - Zelgius - Oliver† - Jarod† - Haar† - Ashera¥ - Yune¥
World of AwakeningChrom - Robin (M) - Robin (F)† - Grima - Lissa - Emmeryn - Frederick - Sully - Stahl - Sumia - Maribelle - Vaike‡* - Miriel - Ricken - Kellam* - Cordelia - Phila - Libra - Gaius - Donnel - Basilio - Flavia - Lon'qu - Olivia - Gangrel† - Henry - Tharja - Mustafa - Validar† - Aversa† - Walhart† - Cervantes† - Yen'fay† - Say'ri - Virion - Cherche - Tiki (Adult) - Gregor - Nowi - Panne† - Priam - Anna - Lucina - Marth (Masked)‡ - Owain - Inigo - Brady - Laurent - Severa - Gerome‡ - Yarne - Morgan (M) - Morgan (F) - Noire* - Nah - Kjelle - Cynthia† - Naga¥
World of FatesCorrin (M) - Corrin (F) - Azura - Gunter - Felicia - Jakob - Lilith - Mikoto - Ryoma - Saizo - Kagero - Hinoka - Azama - Setsuna - Takumi - Hinata - Oboro - Sakura - Hana - Subaki - Kaze - Orochi - Reina* - Yukimura - Mozu - Rinkah - Fuga‡* - Hayato - Kaden - Garon† - Xander† - Laslow - Peri - Camilla - Selena - Beruka - Leo - Odin - Niles - Elise - Arthur - Effie - Silas - Charlotte - Benny - Iago† - Hans† - Flora - Keaton - Nyx - Candace† - Kana (M)† - Kana (F) - Shigure - Dwyer - Midori - Shiro - Kiragi - Selkie - Caeldori - Rhajat - Siegbert - Forrest - Velouria - Ophelia - Soleil - Nina - Arete† - Anankos
World of CrestsByleth (M) - Byleth (F) - Sothis¥ - Seiros¥ - Rhea - Edelgard - Hubert - Ferdinand - Linhardt - Caspar - Bernadetta - Dorothea - Petra - Dimitri - Dedue - Felix - Ashe - Sylvain - Mercedes - Annette - Ingrid - Claude - Lorenz‡* - Raphael* - Ignatz‡* - Lysithea - Marianne - Hilda - Leonie‡* - Yuri - Balthus - Constance - Hapi - Aelfric† - Seteth - Flayn - Manuela* - Catherine - Shamir - Jeralt† - Gatekeeper - Cyril† - Kronya† - Solon† - Cornelia† - Death Knight† - Flame Emperor† - Metodey† - Nemesis† - Shez (M) - Shez (F) - Arval¥ - Monica - Holst
World of RingsAlear (M) - Alear (F) - Lumera† - Clanne* - Framme* - Alfred§ - Etie - Céline - Chloé - Diamant - Alcryst§ - Lapis - Citrinne - Ivy§ - Kagetsu - Hortensia§ - Rosado - Goldmary* - Timerra§ - Merrin - Panette† - Fogado - Pandreo - Anna* - Yunaka§ - Seadall* - Veyle¥ - Zephia† - Zelestia - Mauvier† - Griss† - Marni† - Nel§ - Rafal
World of MirageItsuki‡ - Tsubasa - Mamori - Kiria - Eleonora

(†) indicates a Hero that is obtained via Grand Hero Battles
(‡) indicates a Hero that is obtained via Tempest Trials
(*) indicates a Hero that is currently only available as a Special Hero
(¥) indicates a Hero that is only available in Legendary and Mythic Hero Summoning Focuses
(§) indicates a Hero that is only available as a Rearmed, Attuned, or Aided Hero

Important Weapons

Book I/VIAskrBreidablik - Fólkvangr - Fensalir - Nóatún - Glitnir - Illuminating Horn - Horn of Opening
EmblaÉlivágar - Enclosing Dark - Valaskjálf - Hliðskjálf - Körmt - Fang of Closure - Enclosing Claw
Book IINiflLeiptr - Blizzard - Gjöll - Sylgr - Frostbite Breath - Nifl's Bite
MúspellLaevatein - Níu - Sinmara - Býleistr - Flamelick Breath - Flame of Múspell
Book IIIHelSökkvabekkr - Ífingr - Hel's Reaper - Arcane Éljúðnir - Arcane Downfall
YmirLyfjaberg - Everliving Breath - Ymir, Everliving
Book IVLjósálfheimrFlower of Joy - Flower of Ease - Dream Horn - Flower of Caring
DökkálfheimrFlower of Sorrow - Flower of Plenty - Nightmare Horn - Flower of Tribute - Arcane Euphoria
GinnungagapArcane Nihility - Arcane Void
Book VNiðavellirLyngheiðr - Lofnheiðr - Hreiðmarr - Gramr - Járngreipr - Scalding Breath - Grim Brokkr - Niðavellir Ballista - Dvergr Wayfinder
JötunheimrSkinfaxi - Hrímfaxi - Veðrfölnir's Edge - Arcane Giant Axe
Book VIIVanaheimrSeiðr - Heiðr - Horn of the Land - Kvasir - Gullveig - Golden Curse
Book VIIIYggdrasillWorld-Tree Tail - Quieting Claw - Dosing Fang - Quieting Antler - Nectar Horn - Enticing Dose - Quieting Branch
Book IXÁsgarðrThökk - Mjölnir - Óðr of Creation - Sun Sword - Dusk Rifle


CampaignBook IPreface - P: World of Zenith - C1: World of Mystery - C2: World of Conquest - C3: World of Binding - C4: World of Awakening - C5: Back to Mystery - C6: World of Birthright - C7: World of Blazing - C8: Back to Awakening - C9: Heroes Invade - C10: World of Radiance - C11: Rite of Shadows - C12: Bitter Enemies - C13: Diabolical Bloodline - Int: A Power Awakens - Int: The Rite of Blades
Book IIC1: The Flame - C2: Princess of Ice - C3: Guided by a Dream - C4: Fiery Resolve - C5: Blood and Snow - C6: The True Quarry - C7: Snow and Ash - C8 Rite of Frost - C9: Hellfire - C10: The King's Demise - C11: Prince of Ice - C12: Seeping Poison - C13: A Way Home
Book IIIC1: Death - C2: The Dread Gate - C3: Countdown - C4: A King's Worth - C5: A Father's Legacy - C6: Realm of the Dead - C7: A Home Unknown - C8: Truth of a Name - C9: Cohort of the Dead - C10: Omnicidal Witch - C11: Where it Began - C12: Lethal Swordsman - C13: Marvelous Dream
Book IVC1: The Dream - C2: Missing You - C3: Gullinkambi - C4: On Dark Wings - C5: Twisted Reality - C6: Dreaming Reality - C7: Steeped in Twilight - C8: Wallowing in Love - C9: Violent Fantasies - C10: Lack - C11: Plumeria's Dream - C12: Triandra's Dream - C13: Reality
Book VC1: Machine Dominion - C2: Kingsbrother - C3: Forest of the Sage - C4: The Vital Blade - C5: Night and Day - C6: Treachery - C7: Bound Elsewhere - C8: Serpent's Whispers - C9: Echoes of Truth - C10: Howling Descent - C11: Deceit - C12: What Remains - C13: Specter of Niðavellir
CampaignBook VIC1: Darkness - C2: Curse Directive - C3: Calling of Blood - C4: Princess Alone - C5: Evil Ways - C6: Revealing Lies - C7: To Be Emperor - C8: Closing In - C9: Opening a Way - C10: God of Openness - C11: One Last Chance - C12: Princess and Prince - C13: Askr and Embla
Book VIIC13: Time - C5: Divine Foretelling - C6: King of Light - C7: Goddess Reunion - C8: Seeing the Present - C2: World of the Past - C3: Within Wheels - C4: Ouroboros - C9: The Innocent - C10: Light's Fading - C11: Without Limits - C12: Seer of the Past - C1: Golden Seer
Book VIIIC1: Healing - C2: Traitor - C3: Bait - C4: Imperial Blood - C5: A Royal Target - C6: Hand Reveal - C7: Ceremony Day - C8: The World-Tree - C9: Healing Nectar - C10: Trading Lives - C11: Quieting Blade - C12: Quieting Dose - C13: Healing Heart
Book IXC1: Heavenly Realm - C2: Mortal Verdict - C3: Celestial Trickery - C4: Misteltån
ParaloguesP1: Family Bonds - P2: Sibling Bonds - P3: Blazing Shadows - P4: Spring Festival - P5: World of Shadows - P6: Bridal Blessings P7: Echoes of Mystery - P8: Ylissean Summer - P9: Nohrian Summer - P10: The Sacred World - P11: Brave Heroes - P12: Performing Arts - P13: World of Holy War - P14: Trick or Defeat! - P15: Farfetched Heroes - P16: Winter's Envoy - P17: Happy New Year! - P18: Love Abounds - P19: Hares at the Fair - P20: Bridal Bloom - P21: Summer's Arrival - P22: A Sketchy Summer - P23: Festival in Hoshido - P24: Arrival of the Brave - P25: The Land's Bounty - P26: Brave Redux - P27: Adrift - P28: Gifts of Winter - P29: New Year's Wish - P30: Hostile Springs - P31: Greil's Devoted - P32: Regal Rabbits - P33: A Season for Picnics - P34: Bridal Belonging - P35: Summer Returns - P36: Summer Refreshes - P37: Brave Echoes - P38: A Splendid Soiree - P39: Treat Fiends - P40: Glorious Gifts - P41: Renewed Spirit - P42: A Star is Born - P43: Lovely Gifts - P44: Familial Festivities - P45: The Start of It All - P46: Bridal Beloveds - P47: Summer Passing - P48: Overseas Memories - P49: Pirate's Pride - P50: To Stay Dreaming - P51: Dragons Harvest - P52: In the Moment - P53: A Festival Miracle - P54: Beyond Dreaming - P55: Dark Desert Rituals - P56: Love of a King - P57: Willful Rabbits - P58: Childhood Encounter - P59: Bridal Grace - P60: Summer Vibrance - P61: Summer's Dream - P62: Perilous Seas - P63: Scions of Twelve - P64: Shared Bounty - P65: Ninja Training - P66: Winter Dreamland - P67: Like Clockwork - P68: Of Lost Kingdoms - P69: Here with Me - P70: Hop-and-Go-Seek - P71: Unlikely Friends - P72: Bridal Blossoms - P73: Summer Vacation - P74: Taken by the Tide - P75: Risk and Reward - P76: Bite of Flame - P77: Divine Harvest - P78: Wyvern Ninja - P79: Holiday Handoff - P80: Gods Renewed - P81: Sage of Khadein? - P82: A Special Gift - P83: Spring Eternal - P84: No Matter Where - P85: Bridal Dreams - P86: Summer Longing - P87: Summer Firsts - P88: Invitation to Tea - P89: Winds Offered - P90: Merchant's Harvest - P91: Our Path Ahead - P92: Holiday Lessons - P93: Ring In the Year - P94: Nabata's Shield - P95: May This Last - P96: A Place to Rest - P97: Double Vision - P98: Brides to Be - P99: Flush Summer - P100: Loving Sea - P101: Timidity Trials - P102: Icy Invitation - P103: Festival Guide - P104: Family Ninja Class
XenologuesX1: Detached Princess - X2: The Brink of Chaos - X3: The People's Hero - X4: Whispers of Death - X5: Heavenly Witness