“See well Falchion, which you now hold. It was carved from the fang of Naga, ruler of dragons, to sever the gods. For Naga knew there was but a creeping madness waiting at eternity's end. It is a ruin all dragons share. And the only end is one of total destruction. Thus it was that Naga bestowed Falchion upon Duma. She did so to prepare for the day our madness would drive the land to ruin, that the people might have a means to destroy us. That Falchion might become the fangs they lack... and the hope they deserve.”
—Mila about the Valentian Falchion
Falchion is a Sword that debuted in Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light.
Falchion, also known as the Kingsfang, is a divine Sword that was forged by Naga from one of her fangs. Primarily appearing in the Archanea Series, Falchion is the first important sword in the franchise and, in its multiple appearances, has proven to be a pivotal weapon for slaying the main antagonists of the games it exists in.
Two separate blades are known as Falchion; one of which was wielded in Archanea and subsequently in Ylisse while the other was wielded in Valentia.
War of Shadows[]
During the war against the Degenerated Dragons, the leader of the Divine Dragons, Naga, created weapons from their own fangs. One became the base for the Fire Emblem which was used to seal the degenerated dragons in the Dragon's Table; the other was forged into Falchion. Due to its origin from a Divine Dragon's fang, it has the power to slay Dragons of any form.
When Medeus, the former guardian of the Dragon's altar led Manaketes to war with humanity, Falchion was given by Gotoh to the hero Anri to defeat Medeus and halt the Manakete's reign of tyranny. After Anri defeated Medeus, he founded the Kingdom of Altea where the blade was held and passed down the royal lineage until it was stolen by King Jiol of Gra after the death of Cornelius. Sometime after, Gharnef stole the blade from Gra in hopes of using it as leverage over the revived Medeus. The prince of Altea, Marth, eventually defeats King Jiol in hopes of recovering the blade, but learns that Gharnef currently had it in his possession. Gharnef is eventually killed by a member of Marth's army using the Starlight spell, allowing Marth to reclaim the blade and use it to eventually defeat Medeus once more.
In Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon, it is possible for Marth to procure a weaker version of Falchion from Nagi. While the origins of this version are unknown, it is probable that it was forged from one of Nagi's own fangs. In addition to being weaker than the original, this version of Falchion is also significantly heavier.
Gaiden/Echoes: Shadows of Valentia[]
When the Divine Dragon Duma was exiled from Archanea by Naga, Mila, his younger sister, accompanied him. Before their departure, a sword created from one of Naga's fangs in the event that he and Mila had lost control of themselves and degenerated; this sword was the first Falchion which Duma kept in his possession. The Valentian Falchion is different from the one that Marth used.
Thousands of years later, witnessing the corruption brought about by reliance on the gods and foreseeing that their descent into insanity would destroy Valentia, Emperor Rudolf of Rigel requests the blade from Duma himself to seal away Mila. Mila is eventually sealed within the sword, giving it the power to slay monsters created by Duma. However, Mila manages to also seal Falchion away from human use so that they could not use the blade against Duma.
After killing Rudolf and accepting his role in Rudolf's grand scheme, Alm enters Duma Tower and discovers Mila's remains with Falchion embedded in her forehead as well as Celica, who had been recently captured by Jedah to be sacrificed to Duma. Eventually reaching her prison cell, Alm fights Celica, now turned into a Witch. Seeing Alm's resolve and realizing her and her brother's mistakes, Mila's spirit calls out to Alm, requesting that he trust in Falchion and to attack Celica. Alm bitterly kills Celica with Falchion. Mila then uses her remaining energy to revive Celica and entrusts the two to end Duma, accepting that humanity does not need a Manakete to lead them.
Entering Duma's Domain, Alm and Celica, as well as their forces, face off against the remaining Duma Faithful and finally Duma himself. With the power of Falchion in hand, Alm is able to deal a decisive blow onto Duma, ending the degenerated dragon once and for all.
By the power of Mila's Turnwheel, phantom versions of Marth and Lucina can be summoned, both of which come pre-equipped with their respective versions of Falchion.
Fire Emblem Awakening[]
In the 2000 years since Marth originally wielded the Arcanean Falchion to end the War of Shadows, the blade was presumably continuously passed down through Marth's lineage, changing in appearance drastically. The discrepancy in its appearance across time is explained by Owain in his supports with Lucina. The hilt (along with the entirety of the Binding Shield) has gone through repeated breakages and re-forgings over the centuries. Only the blade of Falchion has survived the test of time as it never rusts nor dulls, with the Art of Awakening saying the blade is capable of self-repairing.
Eventually, the blade was wielded by a warrior, who was also known as the First Exalt of Ylisse. He used both Falchion and the Binding Shield to battle Grima the Fell Dragon who tried to bring the world to ruin. As the blade had been blessed by Naga after he had performed the Awakening ritual, it allowed him to seal the Fell Dragon for 1000 years. Unfortunately, the destruction he caused forced the continent to rebuild anew and many new nations sprung up from the ashes. The First Exalt eventually established the Halidom of Ylisse with Falchion and the Binding Shield as its national treasures. Due to the First Exalt removing four of the five jewels from the Fire Emblem at the request of the other nations of the world, Falchion lost much of its power from Naga's blessing.
During the events of Awakening, Falchion is currently wielded by Chrom, the prince of Ylisse. Chrom utilizes the blade throughout Awakening's storyline. Two years after the end of the Ylisse-Plegia war, trouble stirs not only from the impending invasion of Valm, but the threat of the resurrection of Grima by the Grimleal and its leader Validar. Although Grima is eventually resurrected, the five Gemstones are gathered and brought to Mount Prism, the holiest location of Naga's influence. Evoking the Awakening rite, the blade transforms into the Exalted Falchion. With Falchion at full power, Chrom is able to defeat Grima. Due in part to Falchion's power, Grima is incapacitated enough for Chrom and Robin to decide his fate. Chrom can use Falchion to seal Grima for 1,000 or Robin can turn Grima's power against himself, killing him and eradicating his influence on the world forever.
In the original future, the blade is used by Chrom until he is betrayed by a close ally. The blade eventually makes its way into the hands of Lucina. It is hinted in the Future Past and in some of Lucina's supports that she performed the Awakening ritual, but did not have all five Gemstones in the Fire Emblem, thus the blade was unable to unlock its full power. With the destruction of her future imminent, Naga sent Lucina and the children of the Shepherds into the past to prevent this ruinous future. Lucina brought back her Parallel Falchion to save her father and prevent her doomed future. While her version of Falchion has more power than Chrom's Falchion in its base form and can harm Grima more than most conventional weapons, it does not have the same power and appearance as Exalted Falchion, thus not able to seal Grima.
In the Future Past DLC trilogy, Grima has nearly destroyed the world, but the children of Awakening desperately gather the five Gemstones in order to give Lucina the power to seal Grima. Thanks to the efforts of the Shepherds summoned from another timeline by their world's Naga, all twelve children eventually reach Ylisstol with all five Gemstones present. Though Grima gloats that he killed Tiki and defiled Mount Prism, preventing Lucina from performing the Awakening, Tiki appears as a spirit. She announces that she has taken over the role of Naga for that world and that Lucina can perform the ritual in Ylisstol as Grima's defilement of Mount Prism and leaving Tiki's corpse in Ylisstol has caused the capital to become the holiest location of Naga's influence. After acknowledging Lucina's resolve during her Awakening, Falchion unlocks its full strength and finally seals Grima for another 1000 years.
Fire Emblem Fates[]
Falchion, in its Archanea series and Awakening forms, returns in Fates. They are weapons that are only used by scanning amiibo of Marth and Lucina respectively. Both are bound to Marth and Lucina's inventories and cannot be removed from them. Also when Chrom reappears in the Before Awakening Xenologue, he uses the same Falchion he used in Awakening. Chrom's Falchion is completely unobtainable.
Fire Emblem Engage[]
Emblem Marth, Lucina, and Chrom all wield their versions of the Archanean, Parallel, and Ylisean Falchions respectively. Units that Engage with them and have reached Bond 15 or more with their respective rings can utilize their respective Emblem versions of Falchion in battle.
Fire Emblem Heroes[]
In the spin-off title Heroes, the original Falchion appears in three forms of Archanea, Ylisse, and Valentia, which are in possession of Marth, Chrom/Lucina, and Alm respectively. The three forms share the same effect prior to refinery, capable of dealing effective damage against dragon foes and restoring HP to the users every third turn. Other versions of the Falchion also appear in the title including the Sealed Falchion, as an evolution of the Ylissean Falchion, the Exalted Falchion, in possession of Marth (Hero-King), the Dracofalchion, wielded by Alm (Imperial Ascent), and finally the Genesis Falchion, wielded by Marth (Prince of Light).
Fire Emblem Warriors[]
In the spin-off title Warriors, Falchion appears again in its Archanea series and Awakening forms as the personal weapons of Marth and Chrom under the names "Exalted Falchion" and "Falchion" respectively. Lucina's parallel version of Falchion also returns as her personal weapon, but, unlike its appearance in Awakening, it is identical to Chrom's version and does not have healing properties.
As weapons with six available slots, the three Falchions allows an amount of flexibility with what weapon attributes to forge into the sword. However, with a natural Dracoslayer slot for their seventh slot to reflect Falchion's history of dragon slaying, it forces players to forge only one foreign slayer-type weapon attribute to the swords.
As they are personal weapons, the Falchions can be upgraded by creating Mastery and Sanctuary Crests, drastically increasing the weapon's attack power, with Mastery Crests by increasing it by a factor of 3, and Sanctuary Crests by a factor of 9.
Weapon Stats[]
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light[]
Name | Type | ||||||
Falchion |
WLv | Uses | Mt | Hit | Crt | Rng | Wt | Worth |
- | ∞ | 10 | 100% | 0% | 1 | 3 | - |
Effect | |||||||
Wieldable only by Marth. Effective against Medeus; seals all non-dragon direct attacks. Can be used as an item to restore HP. |
Fire Emblem Gaiden[]
Name | Type | |||
Falchion |
Mt | Hit | Crt | Rng | Wt |
10 | 80% | 0% | 1 | 0 |
Effect | ||||
Wieldable only by Alm. Effective against monsters; restores 5 HP per turn. Capable of damaging Duma at 52 HP or less. |
Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem[]
Name | Type | ||||||
WLv | Uses | Mt | Hit | Crt | Rng | Wt | Worth |
- | ∞ | 10 | 100% | 0% | 1 | 10 | - |
Effect | |||||||
Wieldable only by Marth; effective against dragons. |
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon[]
Original Version[]
Name | Type | |||||||
Rank | Uses | Mt | Hit | Crt | Rng | Wt | WEx | Worth |
E | ∞ | 12 | 100% | 0% | 1 | 7 | 2 | - |
Effect | ||||||||
Wieldable only by Marth; effective against Manaketes and the Earth Dragon. Can be used to recover 10 HP. |
Nagi's Version[]
Name | Type | |||||||
Rank | Uses | Mt | Hit | Crt | Rng | Wt | WEx | Worth |
E | ∞ | 7 | 90% | 0% | 1 | 9 | 2 | - |
Effect | ||||||||
Wieldable only by Marth; effective against Manaketes and the Earth Dragon. Can be used to recover 10 HP. |
Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem[]
Name | Type | ||||||
Rank | Uses | Mt | Hit | Crt | Rng | WEx | Worth |
E | ∞ | 12 | 100% | 0% | 1 | 2 | - |
Effect | |||||||
Wieldable only by Marth; effective against Manaketes and the Earth Dragon. Can be used to recover 10 HP. |
Fire Emblem Awakening[]
Sealed Version[]
Name | Type | ||||||
Rank | Uses | Mt | Hit | Crt | Rng | WEx | Worth |
E | ∞ | 5 | 80% | 0% | 1 | ? | - |
Effect | |||||||
Wieldable only by Chrom; effective against dragon units. |
Parallel Version[]
Name | Type | ||||||
Rank | Uses | Mt | Hit | Crt | Rng | WEx | Worth |
E | ∞ | 12 | 80% | 5% | 1 | ? | - |
Effect | |||||||
Wieldable only by Lucina and Marth; effective against dragon units and evil dragon units. Can be used to recover 20 HP. |
Exalted Version[]
Name | Type | ||||||
Rank | Uses | Mt | Hit | Crt | Rng | WEx | Worth |
E | ∞ | 15 | 80% | 10% | 1 | 2 | - |
Effect | |||||||
Wieldable only by Chrom; effective against dragon units and evil dragon units. Can be used to recover 20 HP. |
Fire Emblem Fates[]
Original Version[]
Name | Type | |||||||
Falchion |
Rank | Uses | Mt | Hit | Crt | Avo | Rng | WEx | Worth |
E | ∞ | 13 | 85% | 10% | 0 | 1 | ? | 0 |
Effect | ||||||||
Locked to Marth. Effective against dragon units. Critical Evade +10. Can be used to recover 10 HP. |
Parallel Version[]
Name | Type | |||||||
Parallel Falchion |
Rank | Uses | Mt | Hit | Crt | Avo | Rng | WEx | Worth |
E | ∞ | 11 | 85% | 5% | 10 | 1 | ? | 0 |
Effect | ||||||||
Locked to Lucina. Effective against dragon units. Ability to double attack +3. Can be used to recover some HP. |
Chrom's Version[]
Name | Type | |||||||
Falchion |
Rank | Uses | Mt | Hit | Crt | Avo | Rng | WEx | Worth |
E | ∞ | 6 | 80% | 0% | 0 | 1 | ? | 0 |
Effect | ||||||||
Locked to Chrom. Effective against dragon units. |
Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia[]
Exalted Falchion[]
Name | Type | |||
Mt | Hit | Crt | Rng | Wt |
0 | 90% | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Effect | ||||
Parallel Falchion[]
Name | Type | |||
Mt | Hit | Crt | Rng | Wt |
0 | 90% | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Effect | ||||
Lucina's default weapon. |
Fire Emblem Engage[]
Marth's Falchion[]
Name | Type | ||||||
Rank | Uses | Mt | Hit | Crt | Wt | Rng | Worth |
D | ∞ | 12 | 80% | 0% | 10 | 1 | 100 |
Effect | |||||||
Engage Weapon. Sacred sword wielded by Emblem Marth. Effective: Dragon. |
Parallel Falchion[]
Name | Type | ||||||
Rank | Uses | Mt | Hit | Crt | Wt | Rng | Worth |
D | ∞ | 10 | 80% | 10% | 5 | 1 | 100 |
Effect | |||||||
Engage Weapon. Sacred sword wielded by Emblem Lucina. Effective: Dragon. |
Chrom's Falchion[]
Name | Type | ||||||
Rank | Uses | Mt | Hit | Crt | Wt | Rng | Worth |
D | ∞ | 13 | 80% | 10% | 12 | 1 | 100 |
Effect | |||||||
Engage Weapon. A legendary sword wielded by Emblem Chrom. Effective: Dragon. |
Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE[]
Name | Type | |||||||||
Power | ![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
16 | - | Weak | Resist | - | Weak | - | Resist | - | - | - |
Effect | Skills | Performa Required | ||||||||
- |
Caspar Force x1 |
Exalted Falchion[]
Name | Type | |||||||||
Power | ![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
135 | - | Weak | Resist | - | Weak | - | Resist | - | Resist | Resist |
Effect | Skills | Performa Required | ||||||||
Recovers a small amount of HP every turn |
Whitescale Force x1 |
True Sword Falchion[]
Name | Type | |||||||||
Power | ![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
150 | - | Weak | Resist | - | Weak | Resist | Repel | Resist | - | - |
Effect | Skills | Performa Required | ||||||||
Increases SP gauge. |
Caspar Force x1 |
Fire Emblem Heroes[]
Name | Type | ||
Falchion |
Mt | Rng | SP | Rarity |
16 | 1 | 400 | ![]() |
Effect | |||
Effective against dragons. | |||
Evolution | |||
Weapon | Cost | ||
Sealed Falchion* |
400 SP, 375 |
* Ylissean version only.
Other Versions[]
Name | Type | ||
Sealed Falchion |
Mt | Rng | SP | Rarity |
16 | 1 | 400 | ![]() |
Effect | |||
Effective against dragon foes. |
Name | Cost | ||||
Sealed Falchion |
400 SP, 500![]() ![]() | ||||
Type | HP | Mt | Spd | Def | Res |
![]() |
+5 | + 2 | |||
![]() |
+5 | + 3 | |||
![]() |
+5 | + 4 | |||
![]() |
+5 | + 4 | |||
![]() |
HP +3. At start of combat, if foe's HP ≥ 75%, grants Atk/Spd/Def+5 to unit during combat and foe cannot make a follow-up attack. | ||||
Effect | |||||
Effective against dragon foes. At start of combat, if unit's HP < 100% or if【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 during combat.
【Bonus】 All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance). |
Name | Type | ||
Exalted Falchion |
Mt | Rng | SP | Rarity |
16 | 1 | 400 | ![]() |
Effect | |||
Effective against dragon foes. Grants Spd+3. |
Name | Cost | ||||
Exalted Falchion |
400 SP, 500![]() ![]() | ||||
Type | HP | Mt | Spd | Def | Res |
![]() |
+5 | + 2 | |||
![]() |
+5 | + 3 | |||
![]() |
+5 | + 4 | |||
![]() |
+5 | + 4 | |||
![]() |
HP +3. If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 and bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current penalty on each of unit's stats × 2. (Example: if unit has -7 penalty to Atk, grants Atk+18, for a net bonus of Atk+11.) Calculates each stat bonus independently. | ||||
Effect | |||||
Effective against dragon foes. Grants Spd+3. Grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current bonus on each of unit's stats. Calculates each stat bonus independently. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 50% or if 【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit during combat.
【Bonus】 All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance). |
Name | Type | ||
Dracofalchion |
Mt | Rng | SP | Rarity |
16 | 1 | 400 | ![]() |
Effect | |||
Effective against dragon foes. Grants Atk+3. If the number of foes within 2 spaces (excluding target) ≥ the number of allies within 2 spaces (excluding unit), grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 during combat. |
Name | Cost | ||||
Dracofalchion |
400 SP, 500![]() ![]() | ||||
Type | HP | Mt | Spd | Def | Res |
![]() |
+5 | + 2 | |||
![]() |
+5 | + 3 | |||
![]() |
+5 | + 4 | |||
![]() |
+5 | + 4 | |||
![]() |
HP +3. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit during combat, and also, if foe uses sword, lance, axe, bow, dagger, or beast damage and unit's Spd > foe's Spd, neutralizes effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks and foe cannot counterattack. | ||||
Effect | |||||
Effective against dragon foes. Grants Atk+3. At start of turn, unit can move 1 extra space. (That turn only. Does not stack.) If unit initiates combat or is not adjacent to an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit during combat. |
Name | Type | ||
Genesis Falchion |
Mt | Rng | SP | Rarity |
16 | 1 | 400 | ![]() |
Effect | |||
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Effective against dragon foes. If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 during combat, and also grants effects based on the total value of bonuses on the 3 allies with the highest bonus totals: if> 10, neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attack and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks during combat. if > 25, grants an additional Atk+5 during combat, and also, if unit deals damage to foe during combat, restores 5 HP to unit. (Trigger even if 0 damage is dealt.) If > 60, if foe initiates combat, unit csan counter attack before foe's first attack. |
Fire Emblem Warriors[]
Sealed Version[]
Name | Type | |||
Falchion |
Rank | Mt | Worth | Slots | Seventh Slot |
E | 30 / 240 / 720 | - | 6 | Dracoslayer |
Effect | ||||
Effective against Dragon Units |
Parallel Version[]
Name | Type | |||
Parallel Falchion |
Rank | Mt | Worth | Slots | Seventh Slot |
E | 30 / 240 / 720 | - | 6 | Dracoslayer |
Effect | ||||
Effective against Dragon Units |
Exalted Version[]
Name | Type | |||
Exalted Falchion |
Rank | Mt | Worth | Slots | Seventh Slot |
E | 80 / 240 / 720 | - | 6 | Dracoslayer |
Effect | ||||
Effective against Dragon Units |
Item Locations[]
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light[]
Method | Location |
Dropped | Gharnef (Ch. 23) |
Fire Emblem Gaiden[]
Method | Location |
Treasure | Ch. 5 - Chest in Basement 1 of Duma's Temple. |
Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem[]
Method | Location |
Dropped | Gharnef (Final-2) |
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon[]
Original Version[]
Method | Location |
Dropped | Closest Gharnef (Ch. 23) |
Nagi's Version[]
Method | Location |
Event | Ch. 24x - End of chapter. |
Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem[]
Method | Location |
Dropped | Gharnef (Ch. 23) |
Fire Emblem Awakening[]
Sealed Version[]
Method | Location |
Inventory | Chrom |
Parallel Version[]
Method | Location |
Inventory | Lucina |
Exalted Version[]
Method | Location |
Event | Ch. 24 - End of chapter. |
Fire Emblem Fates[]
Original Version[]
Method | Location |
Inventory | Marth amiibo (bound) |
Parallel Version[]
Method | Location |
Inventory | Lucina amiibo (bound) |
Fire Emblem Warriors[]
Ylissean Version[]
Method | Location |
Inventory | Chrom (bound) |
Parallel Version[]
Method | Location |
Inventory | Lucina (bound) |
Archanean Version[]
Method | Location |
Inventory | Marth (bound) |
Non-Canon Apperances[]
Kirby Super Star/Kirby Super Star Ultra[]
The Archanea version of Falchion appears as a piece of treasure in the Great Cave Offensive, where it is worth 375,000 G. It is correctly named in the Japanese version, but the English localization did not pick up on the reference and renamed it to "Sword." The English translation of Kirby Super Star Ultra fixed this, and Falchion is correctly named in all regions.
Super Smash Bros. Series[]
In the Super Smash Bros. series, the Archanean Falchion is the insignia representing all characters hailing from the Fire Emblem series since Melee.
Falchion is the main weapon of Marth in all four of his appearances in the series. Its design is similar to Falchion's first design from Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light, though with some minor redesigns in each game. Marth's Falchion deals more damage if the opponent is struck by the tip of the sword.
Falchion, in its Fire Emblem Awakening form, is Lucina's main weapon in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U and later in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Lucina uses Marth's original moveset as the basis for hers. Unlike Marth's Falchion, her Falchion does not have his unique tip mechanic, instead having even power through her entire weapon.
Chrom also uses his normal Falchion in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U during Robin's Final Smash Pair Up. The Mii Swordfighter costume designed in his likeness also uses a Falchion for its sword. Chrom made his playable debut in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate using Roys moveset as his basis. Unlike Roy's Binding Blade, which deals additional damage at the hilt of the blade, Chrom's has even power throughout the entire weapon.
Monster Hunter Frontier G[]
The Awakening version of Falchion makes a cameo appearance as a part of the Fire Emblem crossover for Monster Hunter Frontier G. Chrom's regular Falchion and Lucina's Parallel Falchion are the base versions of their weapon set. If forged and upgraded, Chrom's Falchion will turn into Exalted Falchion, complete with the same golden glow on the blade while Lucina's will upgrade to an improved Parallel Falchion with a silver glow.
Code Name: S.T.E.A.M.[]
Falchion makes an appearance in Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. in both its original and Awakening versions wielded by Marth and Lucina respectively.
Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE[]
Falchion is Itsuki Aoi's default and weakest Carnage. Exalted Falchion and True Sword Falchion also appeared as two of Itsuki's Carnage weapons.

Parallel Falchion accessory in Miitomo.
Parallel Falchion was released in Miitomo as an in-game accessory which could be bought for 3500 coins as part of the Fire Emblem collaboration event.
Dragalia Lost[]
In Dragalia Lost, Falchion was released as a five star fire-type sword during the second Fire Emblem Heroes crossover event. It existed in the game in this form:
As of the 2.0 update in September 2020, however, the weapon was changed into a cosmetic skin and lost its ability and stats.
A Falchion is a common-made medieval arming sword with a single blade edge much like a Chinese dadao or a modern machete.
Its name is derived from the Old French word for "sickle", fauchon.
- To commemorate the launching of Shadow Dragon, Nintendo had an actual sword forged in the likeness of Falchion.
- During Cornelius's fight with Gharnef in the Fire Emblem OVA, Falchion is depicted as twice its original size, in stark contrast with the OVA's VHS cover and its appearance in the games themselves.
- In both Shadow Dragon and New Mystery of the Emblem, Marth displays no unique animations while wielding Falchion.
- In its Awakening manifestation, the markings on Falchion read "Sniamer llits erutuf eht tsol si esle lla nehw", which, when reversed, is "When all else is lost the future still remains", a quote by American author Christian Nestell Bovee.
- In Awakening, a blue glow fills up the teardrop-shaped hole in the sword during certain points in the story, although the reason for this is not revealed. It has been theorized that this phenomenon occurs each time history is rewritten.
- In Awakening, despite the Parallel version being the same one as Chrom's (as Lucina inherited it upon his death in the future), he cannot wield it.
- However, the DLC/SpotPass versions of Marth in Awakening can wield all three versions of Falchion in that game, making him the only character able to do so in the entire game.
- Although the Falchion is named after a single edged sword type, it has always been depicted with two edges.
- Through Lucina's supports with any of her potential siblings, it is revealed that not all with exalted blood can wield Falchion. It is also shown in the same support that if Falchion is not used by it's chosen wielder, it will be dull and unable to cut anything.
- This may explain why Chrom cannot wield the Parallel Falchion and vice versa, as each version of the blade has only chosen one person to wield it.
- In Awakening, even after recruiting Lucina, Parallel Falchion's description still reads "Marth only".
- In Fates, both the Classic and Parallel Falchions each have a weaker replica that can be wielded by anyone. They are called Marth's Spatha and Lucina's Estoc.
- In Warriors, Chrom would later be given his own replica Falchion called Chrom's Training Sword, though unlike Marth's Spatha and Lucina's Estoc, it is not a one-to-one replica as it has duller colors. It also can only be wielded by Chrom and not anyone else.
- In both Awakening and Fates, the base Might of Chrom's Falchion is the same as that of an Iron Sword. This creates something of an inconsistency between the two games, as the Iron Sword in Fates is one might higher than the Iron Sword in Awakening, which in turn causes Falchion to also be slightly stronger than normal in the Before Awakening DLC map.
- Conversely, Lucina's Parallel Falchion, which also makes an appearance in Fates via DLC, suffers the opposite problem of being weaker than its original counterpart: possessing a might of 11 instead of 12, along with its healing properties being reduced to 10 HP instead of 20 - though it does somewhat make up for this by being one of the few more powerful swords in the game that does not inflict any negative status effects on its wielder when used.
- In both cases, this was most likely done for balancing reasons in order to account for the lack of a Durability mechanic for most weapons.
- Conversely, Lucina's Parallel Falchion, which also makes an appearance in Fates via DLC, suffers the opposite problem of being weaker than its original counterpart: possessing a might of 11 instead of 12, along with its healing properties being reduced to 10 HP instead of 20 - though it does somewhat make up for this by being one of the few more powerful swords in the game that does not inflict any negative status effects on its wielder when used.
- Falchion is, as with many other items from the Nintendo universe, found in the Kirby game "Kirby Super Star", and it's remake "Kirby Super Star Ultra" in the game "The Great Cave Offensive". This is actually the first time a Fire Emblem item was ever found in a video game in the west (as Super Star was released in 1996.
- In Heroes, Falchion is the only weapon to have different models depending on the user.
- Falchion is the only legendary weapon that has more than one in existence, as a second Falchion was given to Duma in Valentia.
- Although what became of the Archanean Falchion owned by Marth is clearly defined, being passed down and continuously remodeled to the eventual Ylissean design being owned by Chrom and Lucina, the fate of the Valentian Falchion owned by Alm is unknown. One possible theory is that Walhart or one of Alm's descendants held onto it for safekeeping if it were needed to fight against another dragon or the Valentian Falchion was lost in the conflict during the unification of Valm.
- Strangely enough, in Shadows of Valentia, despite how Marth's Exalted Falchion can be used to defeat Duma like Alm's Falchion can, Lucina's Parallel Falchion cannot do the same, despite being the very same Falchion that Marth uses.
- This is likely due to Parallel Falchion not having its full power released due to Lucina having performed a partial Awakening, whereas Marth's Exalted Falchion already holds Falchion's full might.
CG still of the tapestry in the opening preamble of Mystery of the Emblem, featuring Naga entrusting humanity with Falchion and the Binding Shield.
Screenshot of Falchion from the anime, where it is wielded by Cornelius.
The real-life forged rendition of Falchion, photographed amidst other Fire Emblem-related paraphernalia during a Nintendo World launch event.
Screenshot of Marth preparing to perform a critical attack with Falchion in New Mystery of the Emblem.
Lucina wielding Parallel Falchion in Awakening.
Chrom wielding Exalted Falchion in Awakening.
In-game model of Falchion wielded by Marth from Heroes.
In-game model of Falchion wielded by Alm from Heroes.
Acts and Battles
Campaign | P: Alm and Celica* - A1: Zofia's Call - A2: The Pilgrimage - A3: War of Deliverance - A4: Land of Sorrow - A5: Together to the End - A6: Thabes Labyrinth* |
DLC Chapters (Xenologues)* | Fledgling Warriors: The Astral Temple - Band of Bandages - Wretches and Riches Undaunted Heroes: Wealth Before Health - The Inner Sanctum - Lords of the Grave Lost Altars: Altar of the Destrier, Altar of the Titan, Altar of the Skylord, Altar of the Sorceress, Altar of the Faerie, Altar of the Ogre, Altar of the Marksman, Altar of the Savant, Altar of the King, Altar of the Queen Rise of the Deliverance: Battle of Zofia Harbor - Outpost Rescue - Flight from the Ruins - Siege of Zofia Castle Cipher Companions: Cipher Legends I, Cipher Legends II |