Performing Arts

Performing Arts is the twelfth paralogue of Fire Emblem Heroes.

The names of the three parts of this paralogue are A Heartfelt Dance (歌姫とダンサー, Utahime to Dansā lit. The Songstress and the Dancer), A Bittersweet Melody, (踊り子と歌い手 Odoriko to Utaite lit. The Dancer and the Singer), and The Finale (フィナーレ, Fināre lit. Finale).

Part 1: A Heartfelt Dance[]

Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.

You will have 4 units on your team. You will also have 4 opponents: Inigo (Indigo Dancer), Azura (Lady of Ballads), an Emblian Sword Fighter, and an Emblian Blue Mage.

Part 2: A Bittersweet Melody[]

You will have 4 units on your team. You will also have 4 opponents: Olivia (Festival Dancer), Shigure (Dark Sky Singer), an Emblian Axe Cavalier, and an Emblian Sword Flier.

Part 3: The Finale[]

You will have 4 units on your team. You will also have 4 bosses: Olivia (Festival Dancer), Inigo (Indigo Dancer), Azura (Lady of Ballads), and Shigure (Dark Sky Singer).
