Reese's Tome

Reese's Tome is a tome from Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem. It is a rare bonus item that can be obtained from Everyone's Conditions. It later appears in Fire Emblem Heroes as the personal tome of Katarina.

Weapon Stats[]

Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem[]

Name Type

Katarina's Book


Rank Uses Mt Hit Crt Rng WEx Worth
D 15 11 90% 10% 1-2 2 1,350*


* Worth zero when sold.

Fire Emblem Heroes[]

Name Type

Reese's Tome


Mt Rng SP Rarity
14 2 400 ✯✯✯

During combat, boosts unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res
by number of adjacent allies × 2.

Name Cost

Reese's Tome

400 SP, 500, 200
Type HP Mt Spd Def Res
+2 + 1
+2 + 2
+2 + 3
+2 + 3
At start of turn, inflicts Spd/Res-4 on foes
in cardinal directions with Res < unit's Res
through their next actions.
During combat, boosts unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res
by number of adjacent allies × 2.

Item Locations[]

Method Location
Everyone's Conditions Rare item


Katarina casting the incantations of Reese's Tome on an enemy Berserker.

Katarina casting the incantations of Reese's Tome on an enemy Berserker.

Katarina attacking with Reese's Tome.

Katarina attacking with Reese's Tome.

Katarina using Reese's Tome in Fire Emblem Heroes.

Katarina using Reese's Tome in Fire Emblem Heroes.

Standard TomesFire - Elfire - Bolganone - Arcfire - Rexflame
Special TomesMeteor - Fire Tail - Ember - Dying Blaze - Ox Spirit - Horse Spirit
Eponymous TomesReese's Tome - Micaiah's Pyre
Personal TomesCymbeline - Pupil's Tome - Ragnarok - Sell-Spell Tome - Sparking Tome
Legendary TomesValflame - Forblaze
Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE ExclusiveAgi - Maragi - Agilao - Maragilao - Agidyne - Maragidyne - Exhibition
TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga ExclusiveHell Fire - Ifrid - ☆Sunflame
Standard TomesBlizzard - Fimbulvetr
Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE ExclusiveElblizzard - Deep Freeze - Overfreeze - Bufu - Mabufu - Bufula - Mabufula - Bufudyne - Mabufudyne - Love For You

[view]Color Magic

Red Magic

GeneralFire - Elfire - Bolganone - Flux - Ruin - Fenrir - Rauðrwolf - Keen Rauðrwolf - Rauðrraven - Rauðrblade - Rauðrowl - Rauðrfox - Rauðrserpent - Rauðrrabbit - Rauðrlion
PersonalAgnea's Arrow - Ancient Codex - Arcane Eclipse - Aversa's Night - Banshee Θ - Book of Dreams - Brynhildr - Corvus Tome - Cymbeline - Dark Scripture - Dark Spikes Τ - Enclosing Dark - Eternal Tome - Fiery Bolganone - Flower of Plenty - Ginnungagap - Gleipnir - Grima's Truth - Hades Ω - Hermit's Tome - Iago's Tome - Imhullu - Kvasir - Loptous - Mirage Rod - Naglfar - Petrify - Pupil's Tome - Ragnarok - Reese's Tome - Retainer's Report - Scarlet Breidablik - Sell-Spell Tome - Sparking Tome - Studied Forblaze - Tome of Despair - Tharja's Hex - Valflame
SeasonalBridal Orchid - Candelabra - Celestial Globe - Child's Compass - Conch Bouquet - Dragon Bouquet - Dawn Suzu - Fell Candelabra - Flowery Scroll - Fruit of Iðunn - Gilt Goblet - Grimoire - Gullinkambi Egg - Loyal Wreath - Luminous Grace - Mögþrasir - Múspell Fireposy - Peachy Parfait - Ring of Affiance - Sevenfold Gifts - Soothing Scent - Sun's Percussors - Tomato Tome - Unity Blooms - Þjálfi

Blue Magic

GeneralThunder - Elthunder - Thoron - Light - Ellight - Shine - Blárwolf - Keen Blárwolf - Blárraven - Blárblade - Blárowl - Blárserpent - Blárfox - Blárrabbit
PersonalArgent Aura - Aura - Aureola - Azure Breidablik - Blue-Crow Tome - Book of Orchids - Dark Aura - Death - Demonic Tome - Dire Thunder - Father's Tactics - Fimbulvetr - Flower of Joy - Icy Fimbulvetr - Ivaldi - Missiletainn - Mjölnir - Odin's Grimoire - Prayer Wheel - Professorial Guide - Sagittae - Spirit Forest Writ - Tactical Bolt - Tome of Favors - Tome of Grado - Tome of Storms - Total War Tome - Tome of Thoron - Thani - The Cycle's Turn - Valaskjálf - Veiled Valaskjálf - Virtuous Naga - Wargod's Tome - Weirding Tome - Wind Genesis
SeasonalBlárblooms - Blue Egg - Blue Gift - Blessed Bouquet - Bright-Shell Egg - Dawnsweet Box - Dancer's Score - Divine Whimsy - Drifting Grace - Eagle's Egg - Fell Flambeau - Fresh Bouquet - Flora Guide - Guide's Hourglass - Huginn's Egg - Imbued Koma - Juicy Wave - Knightly Manner - Lofty Leaflet - Love Bouquet - Magical Lantern - Niðavellir Lots - Pact Blooms - Sealife Tome - Silver Goblet - Spider Plush - Spooky Censer - Tannenbit - True-Love Roses - Vessel of Cheer - Worldsea Wave

Green Magic

GeneralWind - Elwind - Rexcalibur - Gronnwolf - Keen Gronnwolf - Gronnraven - Gronnblade - Gronnowl - Gronnrabbit - Gronnserpent - Gronnfox - Gronnvulture
PersonalArch-Sage Tome - Blizzard - Blood Tome - Book of Shadows - Chaos Manifest - Charging Horn - Dark Excalibur - Divine Naga - Dancing Flames - Élivágar - Excalibur - Flower of Sorrow - Forseti - Giga Excalibur - Golden Curse - Grafcalibur - Grim Brokkr - Heiðr - Ífingr - Inscribed Tome - Iris's Tome - Jade Breidablik - Körmt - Light of Dawn - Master's Tactics - Morph Fimbulvetr - Naga - Obsessive Curse - Professorial Text - Seiðr - Saintly Seraphim - Tactical Gale - Thunderhead - Tiger Spirit - Tome of Luxuries - Tome of Order - Tome of Reason - Tome of Reglay - Wind's Brand - Winds of Change - Winds of Silesse - Windy War Tome
SeasonalAmity Blooms - Bond of the Álfar - Buoyboard - Caring Conch - Crow's Crystal - Dancer's Ring - Divine Draught - Exotic Fruit Juice - Green Egg - Green Gift - Gronnblooms - Hibiscus Tome - Hrist - Madness Flask - Magic Rabbits - Melon Float - Muninn's Egg - Nifl Frostflowers - Ninjutsu Scrolls - Peppy Cane - Plegian Torch - Sandwiches! - Spectral Tome - Teacake Tower - Teatime Set - Veðrfölnir's Egg - Vafþrúðnir