Steel Bow

“A weighty but more powerful bow.”
—In-game description, Shadow Dragon and New Mystery of the Emblem.

The Steel Bow is the second-most common Bow that exists in the Fire Emblem series. This Bow awards more Weapon Experience to its wielder than the Iron Bow does. An enemy-exclusive close-ranged version of the weapon, the Steel Shortbow (鋼の近撃弓 lit. Steel Proximity Bow), also appears in Fire Emblem Fates.

The Bow is no exception to the standard relationship shared between Iron and Steel weapons, in the sense that the latter is both stronger and more expensive than the former. Despite this, however, the fact that the Steel Bow is heavier and less accurate than the Iron Bow sometimes renders the extra power that it possesses to be redundant. To this end, most bow users are better off wielding either Iron Bows or Short Bows until they become strong enough to equip heavier bows without suffering any Attack Speed penalties.

Weapon Stats[]

Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light[]

Name Type

Steel Bow


WLv Uses Mt Hit Crt Rng Wt Worth
3 28 7 80% 0% 2 3 560

Effective against Flying Units.

Fire Emblem Gaiden[]

Name Type

Steel Bow


Mt Hit Crt Rng Wt
3 70% 0% 1~5 1

Effective against Flying Units.

Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem[]

Name Type

Steel Bow


WLv Uses Mt Hit Crt Rng Wt Worth
3 28 9 90% 0% 2 7 560

Effective against Flying Units.

Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War[]

Name Type

Steel Bow


Rank Uses Mt Hit Rng Wt Worth
B 50 14 70% 2 8 3,000

Effective against Flying Units.

Fire Emblem: Thracia 776[]

Name Type

Steel Bow


Rank Uses Mt Hit Crt Rng Wt WEx Worth
D 30 10 60% 0 2 12 1 3,200


TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga[]

Name Type

Steel Bow


WLv WHp Power Hit Crt Rng Wt Worth
8 40 10 65% 0% 2 8 2,000


Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade[]

Name Type

Steel Bow


Rank Uses Mt Hit Crt Rng Wt WEx Worth
D 30 9 65% 0 2 9 1 720


Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade and Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones[]

Name Type

Steel Bow


Rank Uses Mt Hit Crt Rng Wt WEx Worth
D 30 9 70% 0% 2 9 1 720


Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance[]

Name Type

Steel Bow


Rank Uses Mt Hit Crt Rng Wt WEx Worth
D 35 9 70% 0% 2 9 2 840


Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn[]

Name Type

Steel Bow


Rank Uses Mt Hit Crt Rng Wt WEx Worth
C 35 10 80% 0% 2 10 3 1,050


Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon[]

Name Type

Steel Bow


Rank Uses Mt Hit Crt Rng Wt WEx Worth
D 35 8 80% 0% 2 8 3 770


Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem[]

Name Type

Steel Bow


Rank Uses Mt Hit Crt Rng WEx Worth
D 35 8 80% 0% 2 3 770


Fire Emblem Awakening[]

Name Type

Steel Bow


Rank Uses Mt Hit Crt Rng WEx Worth
C 35 9 80% 0% 2 ? 910


Fire Emblem Fates[]

Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia[]

Fire Emblem Heroes[]

Name Type

Steel Bow


Mt Rng SP Rarity
6 2 100

Effective against flying foes.

Fire Emblem Warriors[]

Name Type

Steel Bow


Rank Mt Worth Slots Seventh Slot
C 40~60 3000 0-6 Wingslayer

Effective against Flying Units

Item Locations[]

Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light[]

Method Location
Inventories GordinWolfSedgarJeorge
Armories Ch. 5Ch. 6Ch. 7Ch. 8Ch. 9Ch. 10Ch. 11Ch. 13Ch. 14Ch. 15Ch. 16Ch. 18Ch. 20Ch. 22

Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem[]

Method Location
Dropped Book 1: Enemy Archer (Ch. 8) • Enemy Sniper (Ch. 9) • Enemy Hunter (Ch. 15)
Inventory Book 1: Gordin
Book 2: Gordin
Armories Book 1: Ch. 7Ch. 8Ch. 11Ch. 12Ch. 13Ch. 17
Book 2: Ch. 5Ch. 7Ch. 8Ch. 9Ch. 15

Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War[]

Method Location
Inventories Generation 1: Brigid
Vendors Generation 1: Ch. 2
Generation 2: Ch. 7Ch. 8

Fire Emblem: Thracia 776[]

Method Location
Armories Ch. 9Ch. 14Ch. 17B

TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga[]

Method Location
Shops M10 • M12

Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade[]

Method Location
Inventory Dorothy
Armories Ch. 7Ch. 10BCh. 11ACh. 13Ch. 14Ch. 17BCh. 18BCh. 19BCh. 20A

Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade[]

Method Location
Inventories Eliwood/Hector's Stories: Wil (Normal Mode only) • Geitz
Armories Lyn's Story: Ch. 10
Eliwood's Story: Ch. 15Ch. 17Ch. 20Ch. 23Ch. 29
Hector's Story: Ch. 16Ch. 18Ch. 21Ch. 24Ch. 25Ch. 31

Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones[]

Method Location
Armories Ch. 5Ch. 9ACh. 10BCh. 17SerafewPort KirisBethroen • Narube River

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance[]

Method Location
Inventories ShinonGeoffrey
Vendors (Easy/Normal) Ch. 12Ch. 13Ch. 14Ch. 15Ch. 16Ch. 17Ch. 18Ch. 19Ch. 20Ch. 21Ch. 23Ch. 24Ch. 25Ch. 26Ch. 28Endgame
Vendors (Hard) Ch. 10Ch. 12Ch. 14Ch. 16Ch. 18Ch. 20Ch. 21Ch. 23Ch. 24Ch. 25Ch. 26Ch. 27Ch. 28Endgame

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn[]

Method Location
Dropped Part 1: Enemy Archer (Ch. 2)
Inventories AstridRolf
Vendors Part 1: Ch. 6Ch. 7Ch. 8Ch. 9Endgame
Part 2: Ch. 3Endgame
Part 3: Ch. 2Ch. 3Ch. 4Ch. 5Ch. 6Ch. 7Ch. 8Ch. 9Ch. 10Ch. 11Ch. 12Ch. 13Endgame
Part 4: PrologueCh. 1Ch. 2Ch. 3Ch. 4Ch. 5 • Rebirth

Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon[]

Method Location
Inventories Gordin (Hard Mode only)SedgarJeorge
Armories Ch. 5Ch. 7Ch. 8Ch. 9Ch. 10Ch. 11Ch. 13Ch. 14Ch. 15Ch. 16Ch. 18Ch. 20Ch. 22Online Shop

Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem[]

Method Location
Inventories Gordin (Only if he was not recruited in the Prologue) • WarrenNorneRobertTomas (BS1) • Wolf (BS2) • Robert (BS4)
Armories Ch. 3Ch. 5Ch. 7Ch. 9Ch. 15Ch. 19

Fire Emblem Awakening[]

Method Location
Dropped Ch. 7Ch. 16
Inventories Morgan (Only if his/her starting class wields Bows as its weapon of choice) • Noire
Armories Plegia Castle Courtyard • The Searoad • The Twins' HideoutKidnapper's Keep
Merchants Arena FeroxBorder PassYlisstolBreakneck PassBorder SandsThe FarfortThe Twins' TurfPeaceful Village


Concept artwork of the Steel Bow from Fire Emblem: Three Houses.

Official artwork of the Steel Bow from the TCG.

Official artwork of the Steel Bow from the TCG.

Concept artwork of the Steel Bow from Path of Radiance.

Concept artwork of the Steel Bow from Path of Radiance.

Artwork of the Steel Bow from TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga.

Artwork of the Steel Bow from TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga.

Concept artwork of the Steel Bow from Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia.

The Steel Bow, as it appears in the first series of the TCG.

The Steel Bow, as it appears in the first series of the TCG.

Shinon wielding the Steel Bow in Path of Radiance.

Shinon wielding the Steel Bow in Path of Radiance.

Rolf wielding the Steel Bow in Radiant Dawn.

Rolf wielding the Steel Bow in Radiant Dawn.

Virion wielding the Steel Bow in Awakening.

Virion wielding the Steel Bow in Awakening.

The quiver of the Steel Bow attached to Virion's back in Awakening.

The quiver of the Steel Bow attached to Virion's back in Awakening.

Shura wielding the Steel Bow in Fates.

Shura wielding the Steel Bow in Fates.

The quiver of the Steel Bow attached to Shura's back in Fates.

The quiver of the Steel Bow attached to Shura's back in Fates.

Setsuna wielding the Steel Shortbow in Fates.

Setsuna wielding the Steel Shortbow in Fates.

The quiver of the Steel Shortbow attached to Setsuna's back in Fates.

The quiver of the Steel Shortbow attached to Setsuna's back in Fates.

In-game model of the Steel Bow from Heroes.

In-game model of the Steel Bow from Heroes.