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The Swordmaster is a combat physical class that debuted in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War.

What is the Swordmaster class in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War? toggle section

In Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War, the Swordmaster is a combat class that evolves from the Sword Fighter class. They are experts in swordsmanship. The Sword Fighter class can evolve into either the Swordmaster or Hero class. This class is exclusive to characters Ayra, Larcei, and Shanan. Despite their high skill level, Swordmasters require the critical skill or unique factors to execute critical hits.

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What is the relationship between the Swordmaster and Myrmidon classes in Fire Emblem? toggle section

In Fire Emblem, Myrmidons, or Sword Fighters, primarily wield swords. The Swordmaster class is an advanced form of the Myrmidon class. Specifically, in Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade, Myrmidons solely promote into Swordmasters. In other versions like The Sacred Stones and Awakening, Myrmidons can also advance into the Assassin class, besides the Swordmaster class.

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What other class can the Sword Fighter class promote into besides the Swordmaster? toggle section

The Sword Fighter class, apart from promoting into the Swordmaster, can also advance into the Hero class. In specific games like Fire Emblem: Thracia 776, this class has the option to promote into the Mercenary class, another Hero equivalent. Additionally, in Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones, the Sword Fighter class, also known as Myrmidons, can promote into the Assassin class.

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How does the Swordmaster class differ from the Hero class in Fire Emblem? toggle section

In Fire Emblem, Swordmasters, used by characters such as Ayra, Larcei, and Shanan, are limited to swords, possess high strength, but require a critical skill for critical hits. Conversely, Heroes, which can be pre-promoted or promoted from the Sword Fighter class, offer a balance of speed and defense. They can defend against and dodge attacks effectively. Swordmasters are promoted from the Myrmidon class.

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History in the Series[]

The Swordmaster class frequently appears in the Fire Emblem series, most often as a promoted form of the Myrmidon class. Swordmasters, like their name suggests, are unparalleled masters of the Sword.

In its original inception in Genealogy of the Holy War, the Swordmaster acts as one of two classes that the then newly-introduced Sword Fighter class can promote into, the other being the Hero class. As the class name suggests, Swordmasters are only able to use swords, and in Genealogy, the class is exclusive to Ayra, her daughter Larcei, and Shanan. Unlike its appearance in later titles, this incarnation of the Swordmaster has very high strength, and despite possessing high skill, Swordmasters are not able to perform critical hits without the critical skill or other unique factors.

In Fire Emblem: Thracia 776, the Swordmaster returns again as a promotion of the Swordfighter class. While no longer possessing high strength, Swordmasters are now able to perform critical hits without need of a specific skill to do so. Swordmasters possess the continue skill.

Beginning from Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade, the Swordmaster class is cleanly separated from the Hero class, instituted as the staple promoted form of the Sword Fighter/Myrmidon class.

The Blade Lord Lyndis from Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade and the Great Lord Eirika from Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones function similar to the Swordmaster class, given the fact that they share similar stat caps, growths, and can use the Wo Dao/Shamshir.

In Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, the Swordmaster class is further able to promote into the Trueblade class when the necessary requirements are fulfilled.

In Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE, the Swordmaster class is one of the promotion classes for Navarre. Enemy Mirages of this class are called Platinum Swordmasters, and they can be found in various locations. They are the final form of the Ironclad Myrmidon Mirages.

In Fire Emblem Fates, the Swordmaster class is treated as a Hoshidan class. The class is again one of the promoted forms of the Myrmidon/Samurai class.

In Fire Emblem Warriors, Swordmaster is the promoted class of Owain, with the Hoshidan variant of Swordmaster being the base class of Ryoma, which makes it unique among the classes of that game.

In Fire Emblem: Three Houses, the Swordmaster Class is an optional promoted class of the Commoner or Noble class if the unit passes the Certification Exam at Lv. 20 with a Sword Skill Level of A or higher and an Advanced Seal.

In Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, the Swordmaster appears as the game's sole promotion from the Mercenary class, due to the absence of the Hero class in a playable capacity. It also functions as an intermediate promotion between Shez and Byleth's unique classes.

Other Games[]

In TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga Swordmasters promote from the Sword Fighter class. The class's bases and stat cap focus on speed and skill at the expense of defense and power.

In Vestaria Saga I, the Swordmaster is the promotion of the Swordfighter class. It wields Swords and Greatswords.



While the Defense of Swordmasters has risen since their promotion from Myrmidon, it is still considered to be comparatively lower than a number of other classes. While this remains a glaring weakness that the class carries over from its previous form, so too do its strengths. More prominent amongst these are its high Skill and Speed and generally average Strength, making for the delivery of attacks that are strong, swift and accurate. The high Speed of Swordmasters also renders them experts of evasion, allowing them to engage in very effective combat when facing against tougher bosses.

The two skills Swordmasters can learn in Awakening and Fates are Astra and Swordfaire. When Astra is activated (the trigger percentage equals Skill divided by 2), the user unleashes five consecutive strikes at half damage, dealing a maximum of 2.5 times the normal damage. However, units with Astra should be especially careful around Counter units if they are engaging in melee combat, because the individual half-damage strikes from the skill's activation are less likely to secure kills on their own, and thus, are more likely to incur damaging - and possibly, even fatal - backlash. Swordfaire boosts the user's Strength by 5 if they are wielding a sword (Magic is upped by 5 if the user has a Levin Sword). Swordmasters tend to have average or below average Strength and poor Magic growths, so this skill is good for rectifying that problem.

Attacking these units outside their range with other high-accuracy classes with Magic or Bows is recommended, but only if the ranged unit in question is also blocked by a stronger class to prevent the Swordmaster's advance. Exploiting their flaws is therefore effectively easier when attacking behind walls, as their Resistance is generally quite low. However, the new Weapon Triangle in Fates puts bows at a disadvantage against swords, so attempting to hit them with arrows can now prove unwise, even for Snipers. Additionally, if Swordmasters carry Wakizashi, they can counterattack bow units (and rather accurately at that).

Swordmasters gain a critical boost upon promotion that varies depending on the game played (e.g. 30% in The Binding Blade and 15% in The Blazing Blade, Sacred Stones, the US version of Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn, where Trueblades, promoted Swordmasters, have a 20% boost, and Fates where Swordmasters gain a 10% critical boost along with a 10% avoid boost). In Awakening, Swordmasters do not receive a critical boost, but with the Swordfaire skill, the damage increase will usually make up for it.

In Genealogy of the Holy War, the Swordmaster class holds the highest Strength cap (tied with the traditional high strength classes such as Wyvern Lords), Skill cap, and Speed cap, alongside a fairly decent Defense cap. The Swordmasters in this title also boast excellent growths in these areas as well, further enhancing their formidability as compared to other classes. In Thracia 776 and beyond, the strength of the Swordmaster class is considerably lowered for balancing purposes.

In WiFi battles, Swordmasters are often used for their simplicity. Their high Speed and lack of obvious weaknesses make them decent units to deploy in the frontlines. Their main flaws take the form of their low Movement, lack of ranged weapons and Weapon Triangle rigidity. Swordmasters are among the easiest units to obtain, although some care needs to be taken with their generally low Defense.


★ - FE10 SP Class.

Base Stats[]

FE44012015150736-- A-
FE524/205/4189/1004-76/5- C-
TS2260101003-6-- 5-
FE621/196-1110/1205/42/369/6- C-
FE821/196-1110/1205/42/369/7- C-
FE921/195/4277/8052/3711/811/8 C-
FE10 30/3415/146/42021/22013/810/8711/811/8 C-
FE10 3517822230151271111 A-
FE11225111130638-- C-
FE12225111130638-- C-
FE13207211130646-- E-
FE1418627114556-- E-
FE16301781214101285-- A0
FE17216191144356- S-

Maximum Stats[]

FE480271530303022186-- A-
FE580202020202020-2020- A-
TS60211525253018-12-- 20-
FE66024/22-2930302223/251520- S-
FE76024/22-2930302223/251525- S-
FE86024/22-2930302223/251525- S-
FE96024/222029304024/2222/25711/811/8 S-
FE10 4024/231530303023/2215/17711/811/8 SS/S-
FE10 533018383830242271111 S-
FE1160242029303022237-- A-
FE1260242029303022237-- A-
FE1380383444464533386-- A-
FE1455302832353327316-- S-
FE176740254449372726712- S-
FEW (Owain)9661301301521489989815-- S-

Growth Rates[]

FE10 50/0%35/0%35/0%40/0%35/0%50/0%40/0%15/0%-----
FE10 95%70%55%85%80%75%50%55%-----
FE1625/40%10/20%0%0/10%20/30%0%0/25%-5%--- +35%

Class Modifiers[]


Class Skills[]

FE4ContinueClass skill of the Swordmaster, Ranger, Falcon Knight, Mage Fighter, Thief Fighter and Sage classes.
FE5ContinueClass skill of the Swordmaster and Sage classes.
FE6Critical +30Class skill of the Swordmaster class. Not Listed
FE7Critical +15Class skill of the Swordmaster class. Not listed.
FE8Critical +15Class skill of the Swordmaster class. Not listed.
FE9AstraOccult skill of the Swordmaster class; assign with an Occult Scroll.
Critical +10
Base skill of all foot units.
Class skill of the Swordmaster, Sniper and Sentinel classes.
FE11Hit Rate +10Innate.
Learnt at Level 5.
Learnt at Level 15.
Avoid +10
Critical +10
Learnt at Level 5 and above.
Learnt at Level 15 and above.
Sword Critical +10
Class Ability of the Swordmaster class.
Class Ability of the Swordmaster class.
Mastery Ability of Swordmaster.
FE17Run Through
Death Blow
Class Skill of Swordmasters.
Maddening mode skill.
FEW3H Swordfaire
Axe Buster Lv 3
Boost Critical
Expert Guard
Spd +5
Mortal Struggle
Finesse Blade
Apex Sword
Class ability.
Class ability.
1-star Class Mastery for certain units.
1-star Class Mastery for certain units.
1-star Class Mastery for certain units.
2-star Class Mastery for all units.
2-star Class Mastery for certain units.
2-star Class Mastery for certain units.
3-star Class Mastery for certain units.
3-star Class Mastery for all units.


Base ClassPromotion MethodPromoted Class
FE4Sword FighterChoose the "Class Change" option in the Home Castle when the relevant unit reaches Level 20.Swordmaster (Ayra and Larcei)
FE5Sword FighterUse a Knight Proof on a Level 10+ Sword Fighter.Swordmaster (Shiva, Mareeta and Troude)
TSSword FighterUse a Knight Proof on a Level 10+ Sword Fighter.Swordmaster
FE6MyrmidonUse a Hero Crest on a Level 10+ Myrmidon.Swordmaster
FE7MyrmidonUse a Hero Crest on a Level 10+ Myrmidon.Swordmaster
FE8MyrmidonUse a Hero Crest on a Level 10+ Myrmidon.Swordmaster
Use a Master Seal on a Level 10+ Myrmidon.
Use a Master Seal on a Level 10+ Myrmidon or train a Myrmidon to Level 21.
Use a Master Crown on a Level 10+ Swordmaster or train a Swordmaster to Level 21.
FE11MyrmidonUse a Master Seal on a Level 10+ Myrmidon.Swordmaster
FE12MyrmidonUse a Master Seal on a Level 10+ Myrmidon.Swordmaster
FE13MyrmidonUse a Master Seal on a Level 10+ Myrmidon.Swordmaster
FE14SamuraiUse a Master Seal on a Level 10+ Samurai.Swordmaster
FE16Any classUse an Advanced Seal on a Level 20+ unit and pass the Swordmaster Certification Exam.Swordmaster
FE17 Sword FighterUse Master Seal on Level 10+ Sword Fighter.Swordmaster
FEW MyrmidonUse a Master Seal on Owain.Swordmaster
FEW SwordmasterUse a Master Seal on Ryoma.High Prince
FEW3H Mercenary
Use an Advanced Seal on a unit that has mastered either the Mercenary, Fluegel or Silverheart classes. Swordmaster
FEW3H SwordmasterUse a Master Seal on a unit that has mastered the Swordmaster class. Mortal Savant
Saint (replaces Mortal Savant for Rhea)
Dancer (requires unlocking the class)
Asura (Shez only)
Enlightened One (Byleth only)

Notable Swordmasters[]

Genealogy of the Holy War[]

Thracia 776[]

TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga[]

The Binding Blade[]

  • Gel - Brunnya's lieutenant, he defends the Sacaen city of Bulgar under her orders.
  • Karel - The former "Sword Demon", he is known as the "Sword Saint" in this title. Brother-in-law of Bartre and the uncle of Fir.
  • Promotion for: Rutger and Fir.

The Blazing Blade[]

The Sacred Stones[]

  • Ismaire (Creature Campaign only) - The queen of Jehanna and Joshua's mother.
  • Carlyle - the former leader of Jehanna's army who betrays Jehanna and sides with Grado.
  • Promotion for: Joshua and Marisa.

Path of Radiance[]

Radiant Dawn[]

Shadow Dragon[]

New Mystery of the Emblem[]



  • Sumeragi - The former king of Hoshido and the father of Ryoma, Hinoka, Takumi and Sakura.
  • Ryoma - The military leader and oldest royal child of Hoshido.
  • Shiro (Heirs of Fate only) - The child of Ryoma, and cousin of Kiragi
  • Promotion for Hana, Hinata and Hisame.

Three Houses[]

  • Catherine - Teacher at the Officers Academy and skilled Knight of Seiros. She has a strong, albeit sometimes blind, loyalty towards Rhea.
  • Byleth (Cindered Shadows DLC only) - Professor at the Officers Academy. Also the child of Jeralt and a former member of his band of mercenaries.
  • Felix - A member of the Blue Lions and the heir of House Fraldarius.


Vestaria Saga I[]

  • Marlena - A notorious swordmaid travelling with her husband. Has a story to tell.
  • Promotion for Haldyn and alternate class for Eddard.

Vestaria Saga: The Holy Sword of Silvanister[]

  • Asuram - A swordsman from the Solvian Empire who suffers from an incurable disease.
  • Haldyn - A warrior from the mainland who was in the employ of the Gallachians.
  • Slone - A Swordmaster who serves as Haldyn's substitute if he dies before Chapter 10.
  • Ravinia - Haldyn's sister who is under the control of Valerius.
  • Marlena - A notorious swordmaid travelling with her husband. Has a story to tell.

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes[]



Concept artwork of the Swordmaster class from Genealogy of the Holy War.

Concept artwork of the Swordmaster class from Genealogy of the Holy War.

Concept artwork of the Swordmaster class from Path of Radiance.

Concept artwork of the male variant of the Swordmaster class from Awakening.

Concept artwork of the male variant of the Swordmaster class from Awakening.

Concept artwork of the female variant of the Swordmaster class from Awakening.

Concept artwork of the female variant of the Swordmaster class from Awakening.

Concept art of a male Swordmaster from Fates

Concept art of a male Swordmaster from Fates

Concept art of a female Swordmaster from Fates

Concept art of a female Swordmaster from Fates

A Level 1 generic Swordmaster, as he appears in the second series of the TCG.

A Level 1 generic Swordmaster, as he appears in the second series of the TCG.

Generic class portrait of the Swordmaster class from the DS titles.

Generic class portrait of the Swordmaster class from the DS titles.

Generic class portrait of a male Swordmaster from Awakening.

Generic class portrait of a male Swordmaster from Awakening.

Generic class portrait of a female Swordmaster from Awakening.

Generic class portrait of a female Swordmaster from Awakening.

Battle Model / Sprite of Ayra / Larcei, a Swordmaster from Genealogy of the Holy War.

Battle Model / Sprite of Ayra / Larcei, a Swordmaster from Genealogy of the Holy War.

Battle Model / Sprite of Ayra / Larcei, a Swordmaster from Genealogy of the Holy War.

Battle Model / Sprite of Ayra / Larcei, a Swordmaster from Genealogy of the Holy War.

Battle Model / Sprite of Eyvel, a Swordmaster from Thracia 776.

Battle Model / Sprite of Eyvel, a Swordmaster from Thracia 776.

Battle Model / Sprite of Shigen, a male Swordmaster from TearRing Saga.

Battle Model / Sprite of Shigen, a male Swordmaster from TearRing Saga.

Battle Model / Sprite of Julia, a female Swordmaster from TearRing Saga.

Battle Model / Sprite of Julia, a female Swordmaster from TearRing Saga.

Critical animation of Karel, a male Swordmaster from The Blazing Blade.

Critical animation of Karel, a male Swordmaster from The Blazing Blade.

Attack animation of Fir, a female Swordmaster from The Binding Blade.

Attack animation of Fir, a female Swordmaster from The Binding Blade.

Battle model of Stefan, a male Swordmaster from Path of Radiance.

Battle model of Stefan, a male Swordmaster from Path of Radiance.

Battle model of Lucia, a female Swordmaster from Path of Radiance.

Battle model of Lucia, a female Swordmaster from Path of Radiance.

Battle model of Homasa, a male Swordmaster from Path of Radiance.

Battle model of Homasa, a male Swordmaster from Path of Radiance.

Battle model of Zihark, a male Swordmaster from Radiant Dawn.

Battle model of Zihark, a male Swordmaster from Radiant Dawn.

Battle model of Mia, a female Swordmaster from Radiant Dawn.

Battle model of Mia, a female Swordmaster from Radiant Dawn.

Tashoria's battle model as a Swordmaster in Radiant Dawn.

Tashoria's battle model as a Swordmaster in Radiant Dawn.

Battle model of the Swordmaster class from Shadow Dragon.

Battle model of the Swordmaster class from Shadow Dragon.

Battle model of Say'ri, a female Swordmaster from Awakening.

Battle model of Say'ri, a female Swordmaster from Awakening.

Say'ri garbed in a yukata (as a Swordmaster) in the Hot-Spring Scramble DLC.

Battle model of Yen'fay, a male Swordmaster from Awakening.

Battle model of Yen'fay, a male Swordmaster from Awakening.

Yen'fay garbed in a yukata (as a Swordmaster) in the Hot-Spring Scramble DLC.

Yen'fay garbed in a yukata (as a Swordmaster) in the Hot-Spring Scramble DLC.

Generic class portrait of a Swordmaster from Fates.

Generic class portrait of a Swordmaster from Fates.

Ryoma's unique Swordmaster model from Fates.

Ryoma's unique Swordmaster model from Fates.

Takumi's unique Swordmaster model from Fates.

Takumi's unique Swordmaster model from Fates.

Battle model of Ferdinand as a male Swordmaster from Fire Emblem Three Houses

Battle model of Ferdinand as a male Swordmaster from Fire Emblem Three Houses

Battle model of Petra as a female Swordmaster from Fire Emblem Three Houses

Battle model of Petra as a female Swordmaster from Fire Emblem Three Houses

Ingrid as a Swordmaster in Three Houses.

Ingrid as a Swordmaster in Three Houses.

Map sprite of the male Swordmaster class from Genealogy of the Holy War.

Map sprite of the male Swordmaster class from Genealogy of the Holy War.

Map sprite of the female Swordmaster class from Genealogy of the Holy War.

Map sprite of the female Swordmaster class from Genealogy of the Holy War.

Map sprite of the male Swordmaster class from Thracia 776.

Map sprite of the male Swordmaster class from Thracia 776.

Map sprite of the female Swordmaster class from Thracia 776.

Map sprite of the female Swordmaster class from Thracia 776.

Map sprite of the male Swordmaster class from TearRing Saga.

Map sprite of the male Swordmaster class from TearRing Saga.

Map sprite of the female Swordmaster class from TearRing Saga.

Map sprite of the female Swordmaster class from TearRing Saga.

Map sprite of the male Swordmaster class from the GBA titles.

Map sprite of the male Swordmaster class from the GBA titles.

Map sprite of the female Swordmaster class from the GBA titles.

Map sprite of the female Swordmaster class from the GBA titles.

Map model of the male Swordmaster class from Path of Radiance.

Map model of the male Swordmaster class from Path of Radiance.

Map model of the female Swordmaster class from Path of Radiance.

Map model of the female Swordmaster class from Path of Radiance.

Map model of the male Swordmaster class from Radiant Dawn.

Map model of the male Swordmaster class from Radiant Dawn.

Map model of the female Swordmaster class from Radiant Dawn.

Map model of the female Swordmaster class from Radiant Dawn.

Map sprite of the male Swordmaster class from Shadow Dragon.

Map sprite of the male Swordmaster class from Shadow Dragon.

Map sprite of the female Swordmaster class from Shadow Dragon.

Map sprite of the female Swordmaster class from Shadow Dragon.

Map sprite of the male Swordmaster class from Shin Monsho no Nazo.

Map sprite of the male Swordmaster class from Shin Monsho no Nazo.

Map sprite of the Swordmaster class from Awakening.

Map sprite of the Swordmaster class from Awakening.

Map sprite of the Swordmaster class from Fates.

Map sprite of the Swordmaster class from Fates.