Valm Harbor

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Fe13 smouldering resistance chrom frederick daraen

Chrom, Frederick, and Robin prepare to assault Valm Harbor.

Valm Harbor is a location from Fire Emblem Awakening. As the name suggests, it is a harbor located in Valm, found on the eastern coast and across the sea from Port Ferox of the continent of Ylisse. After a treacherous journey across the sea, Chrom and his army arrive here in Chapter 15 and help the resistance fighter Say'ri defeat Valmese soldiers.

Valm Harbor is described as heavily fortified. The architecture itself is braced by heavy brick. Being a northern seaside city, it makes sense that it was built to withstand whatever the ocean could throw at it. A sturdy wall separates towering warehouses from the sandy beach. Leaving the seaside to become a hub for industry, the residential area of the city is further from the water. If the Shepherds visit the houses here, the villagers will show their support for them and for Say'ri by gifting a bullion, a Physic staff, an Arms Scroll, and a Second Seal. Many of the people here, Say'ri included, are refugees from elsewhere in Valm, displaced by the war. No one seems to support the imperial expansion, living each day in fear of what the Valmese soldiers will do next. The arrival of Chrom's army brings them hope.


Prior to Chapter 15 of Awakening, Walhart the Conqueror had overtaken the city, instituting martial law. When Chrom and his army arrive from overseas, they notice the Valmese army has Say'ri cornered. Deciding that any enemy of Valm is an ally of his, Chrom rushes to her rescue. To do so, he must defeat the imperial Dark Knight Farber and his soldiers. When the battle is finished, Say'ri introduces herself to the Shepherds and welcomes them to Valm. She informs them that Walhart has a million men in his army, including her brother, but laughs at that number believing the Ylissen League to be far superior. Word of Chrom's victory over the Valmese navy has reached Valm Harbor, giving Say'ri faith in the resistance against the imperials. Knowing that a great battle is in his future, Chrom chooses to join the fight despite the odds.

It is here that Say'ri joins the Shepherds.


The map of Valm Harbor from Chapter 15.

The map of Valm Harbor from Chapter 15.