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“If I am only to be called upon for the use of my power to fight, it would have been best to remain forgotten.”

Veðrfölnir is a character in Fire Emblem Heroes. She is the first Jötun of Jötunheimr.


Veðrfölnir was the first Jötun to come into existence. Long ago, her children used her power to fight amongst themselves. Unable to bear seeing their hatred for each other, she transformed into a bird and flew away, eventually settling in a forest. When the Jötnar realized she had disappeared they searched for her for a long time, before giving up. Eventually, Veðrfölnir was all but forgotten. While saddened, Veðrfölnir decided it was better she stay forgotten if her children would only use her power for violence.

When the Dvergar fought the Jötnar for their independence and won, Veðrfölnir's forest was granted to them as part of the lands they would live on to build their own country.

A few years into Niðavellir's founding, the Jötun General Þjazi, disgusted by the very idea of Dvergar independence, launched a campaign against the kingdom, seeking to reclaim the lands, then return to Jötunheimr and dethrone the queen. To this end, she found Veðrfölnir's forest, and called upon her power to boost her already considerable strength. However, Veðrfölnir, sensing Þjazi's lust for power and violence, fled from her into the forest.

While wandering the forest, Veðrfölnir hears Dagr call out for strength. After testing her worthiness, Veðrfölnir finds Dagr lacking in power, but senses limitless potential within her, so she decides to grant Dagr her power, with the caveat that she only use it for a good cause, promising to burn her to ashes if she strays from this path. Perching upon Dagr's shoulder, Veðrfölnir grants Dagr a new form, before her consciousness falls asleep within Dagr.


Veðrfölnir is a peaceful Jötun who detests violence. As the First Jötun, she regards all Jötnar as her children, even those with goals she opposes.


In Norse Mythology, Veðrfölnir is a hawk perched on top of an eagle that lives on top of Yggdrasil where it flaps its wings causing branches of the tree to break and cause various storms to form throughout the Nine Realms. It's also one of the animals alongside the eagle and Níðhöggr that Ratatoskr tries to goad into destroying the tree.
