
“A medicinal solution used for healing minor wounds.”
—In-game description, The Sacred Stones

Vulneraries are Hit Point restoring items that appear in all bar one of the Fire Emblem games in the series. In the majority of the Fire Emblem games, they heal 10 hit points.

Not much information is given with relation to their origins, only in the manner that they are used. Vulneraries are described as medical solutions that are contained within flasks. In different instances, characters have spoken about either rubbing the solution on a wound or simply drinking its contents. Due to this, it is unclear how vulneraries are supposed to be used, whether they can be used either way, or if it varies by the game.

In Fire Emblem: Thracia 776, vulneraries completely replenish their users' HP instead of partially, an effect that is normally reserved for Elixirs. The augmented HP recovery returns in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, where they heal 20 HP as opposed to the usual 10.

The amount of uses the vulneraries have also varies from game to game. Normally possessing only 3 uses in the majority of the games, this is tweaked in Radiant Dawn, where they have 8. This is possibly due to the increased difficulty of several stages in the game, where the risk of character deaths is exponentially increased.

Vulneraries can be purchased in most of the Fire Emblem games at any Vendor, with their prices varying from game to game. Many enemies in the games also carry vulneraries for the purpose of healing themselves; with the services of a Thief (or most promotions thereof), they can be stolen from enemy units.

Item Information[]

Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light[]

Name Uses Worth Effect(s) / Note(s)
Vulnerary 5 600 Restores 10 HP

Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem[]

Name Uses Worth Effect(s) / Note(s)
Vulnerary 3 300 Restores 10 HP

Fire Emblem: Thracia 776[]

Name Uses Worth Effect(s) / Note(s)
Vulnerary 3 600 Restores all HP

Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade[]

Name Uses Worth Effect(s) / Note(s)
Vulnerary 3 300 Restores 10 HP

Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade[]

“A medicinal solution used for healing minor wounds.”
—In-game description

Name Uses Worth Effect(s) / Note(s)
Vulnerary 3 300 Restores 10 HP

Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones[]

Name Uses Worth Effect(s) / Note(s)
Vulnerary 3 300 Restores 10 HP

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance[]

Name Uses Worth Effect(s) / Note(s)
Vulnerary 3 300 Restores 10 HP

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn[]

Name Uses Worth Effect(s) / Note(s)
Vulnerary 8 800 Restores 20 HP

Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon[]

“Medicine that restores HP.”
—In-game description

Name Uses Worth Effect(s) / Note(s)
Vulnerary 3 360 Restores 10 HP

Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem[]

“Medicine that restores HP.”
—In-game description

Name Uses Worth Effect(s) / Note(s)
Vulnerary 3 360 Restores 10 HP

Fire Emblem Awakening[]

Name Uses Worth Effect(s) / Note(s)
Vulnerary 3 300 Restores 10 HP

Fire Emblem: Three Houses[]

Name Uses Worth Effect(s) / Note(s)
Vulnerary 3 300 Restores 10 HP

Fire Emblem Engage[]

Name Uses Worth Effect(s) / Note(s)
Vulnerary 3 300 Restores 15 HP

Item Locations[]

Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light[]

Method Location
Dropped Gazzak (Ch. 1) • Enemy Fighter (Ch. 3) • Enemy Manakete (Ch. 12) • Enemy Thief x2 (Ch. 14) • Enemy Manakete (Ch. 25)
Inventories BeckSamson
Vendors Ch. 8Ch. 10Ch. 11Ch. 14Ch. 15Ch. 16Ch. 17Ch. 18Ch. 21Ch. 22Ch. 24Ch. 25

Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem[]

Method Location
Dropped Book 1: Enemy Bandit x2 (Ch. 1)
Book 2: Enemy Bandit (Ch. 3) • Enemy Manakete (Ch. 10) • Enemy Thief x2 (Ch. 11) • Enemy Manakete (Ch. 20)
Inventories Book 1: Marth
Book 2: Palla
Vendors Book 1: Ch. 7Ch. 8Ch. 9Ch. 11Ch. 12Ch. 13Ch. 17
Book 2: Ch. 5Ch. 9Ch. 15Ch. 17Ch. 19Final-1

Fire Emblem: Thracia 776[]

Method Location
Steal The Vulnerary can be stolen from any enemy possessing the item, provided that the conditions are fulfilled.
Inventories MachyuaAsbelHicksFredMareetaPerneTroudeMishaGalzus
Vendors Ch. 1Ch. 2Ch. 3Ch. 6Ch. 7Ch. 8Ch. 9Ch. 10Ch. 12Ch. 14Ch. 15Ch. 17ACh. 17BCh. 20Ch. 21

Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade[]

Method Location
Steal The Vulnerary can be stolen from any enemy possessing the item, provided that the conditions are fulfilled.
Inventories RoyLanceWoltBorsElenWadeShannaLughClarineDorothyTreckNoahGwendolynBartheOgierFirGonzales* • LarumElffinCath
Vendors Ch. 2Ch. 4Ch. 5Ch. 7Ch. 9Ch. 11ACh. 11BCh. 13Ch. 15Ch. 19BCh. 20ACh. 23

*Chapter 10A only.

Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade[]

Method Location
Steal The Vulnerary can be stolen from any enemy possessing the item, provided that the conditions are fulfilled.
Inventories Lyn's Story: LynKentFlorinaDorcasSerraRathNilsWallace
Eliwood's Story: EliwoodRebeccaHectorSerraGuyPriscillaLynWil* • Florina* • LuciusCanasFiora
Hector's Story: EliwoodSerraGuyPriscillaLynWil* • Florina* • LuciusCanasFioraFarina
Vendors Lyn's Story: Ch. 7Ch. 10
Eliwood's Story: Ch. 11Ch. 12Ch. 13Ch. 14Ch. 15Ch. 17Ch. 20Ch. 23Ch. 29x
Hector's Story: Ch. 12Ch. 13Ch. 14Ch. 16Ch. 18Ch. 21Ch. 24Ch. 31x

*Normal Mode only.

Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones[]

Method Location
Steal The Vulnerary can be stolen from any enemy possessing the item, provided that the conditions are fulfilled.
Inventories EirikaSethFranzVanessaMoulderRossGarciaNeimiColmArturLuteNatashaFordeKyleOrsonTana* • Amelia** • Innes* • GerikTethys* • Marisa* • EwanRennac* • DuesselKnollMyrrh
Vendors Main Story: Ch. 5Ch. 9ACh. 10BCh. 12ACh. 12BCh. 15
Creature Campaign: SerafewPort KirisBethroenCaer PelynTaizelJehanna HallRausten Court

*Eirika's route only.
**Ch. 13A and Ephraim's route only.

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance[]

Method Location
Dropped Enemy Myrmidon (Ch. 2) • Enemy Myrmidon (Ch. 3) • Enemy Bandit (Ch. 3) • Enemy Soldier (Ch. 4)* • Enemy Myrmidon (Ch. 6)
Steal The Vulnerary can be stolen from any enemy possessing the item, provided that the conditions are fulfilled.
Inventories TitaniaOscarBoydRhysShinonGatrieSorenIlyanaMistRolfVolkeZiharkJillAstridTormodLucia
Event Prologue - After defeating Boyd.
Vendors Ch. 8Ch. 9Ch. 10Ch. 11Ch. 12Ch. 13Ch. 14Ch. 15Ch. 16Ch. 17Ch. 18Ch. 19Ch. 20Ch. 21Ch. 22Ch. 23Ch. 24Ch. 25Ch. 26Ch. 27Ch. 28Endgame

*Hard Mode only.

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn[]

Method Location
Steal The Vulnerary can be stolen from any enemy possessing the item, provided that the conditions are fulfilled.
Dropped Part 1: Enemy Fire Mage (Ch. 5)
Part 2: Enemy Myrmidon (Ch. 1) • Enemy Soldier (Ch. 2)
Part 3: Enemy Sniper (Ch. 4) • Enemy Lance Paladin (Ch. 5) • Enemy Cat (Ch. 6)
Inventories Part 1: EdwardNolanAranMegVolugTauroneoJillZiharkFionaTormodMuarim
Part 2: MarciaNealuchiNepheneeMordecaiKieranDanvedCalill
Part 3: TitaniaSorenMistRolfOscar
Visit Part 1: Ch. 1 - Village
Vendors Part 1: Ch. 6Ch. 7Ch. 8Ch. 9Endgame
Part 2: Ch. 3Endgame
Part 3: Ch. 2Ch. 3Ch. 4Ch. 5Ch. 6Ch. 7Ch. 8Ch. 9Ch. 10Ch. 11Ch. 12Ch. 13Endgame
Part 4: PrologueCh. 1Ch. 2Ch. 3Ch. 4Ch. 5 • Rebirth

Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon[]

Method Location
Dropped Boss Grustian Soldier (P-1) • Gazzak (Ch. 1) • Enemy Fighter (Ch. 3) • Enemy Manakete (Ch. 12) • Enemy Thief (Ch. 14 • Enemy Manakete (Endgame)
Inventories FreyJagen* • Samson
Vendors Ch. 8Ch. 10Ch. 11Ch. 14Ch. 15Ch. 16Ch. 18Ch. 21Ch. 22Ch. 24Endgame

*Normal Mode only.

Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem[]

Method Location
Dropped Main Story: Enemy Barbarian (P-5) • Ogma (P-6A) • Draug (P-6-B) • Enemy Barbarian (P-8) • Enemy Barbarian x2 (Ch. 1) • Enemy Soldier and Hunter (Ch. 2) • Matthis (Ch. 3) • Enemy Hunter (Ch. 4) • Enemy Dracoknight (Ch. 5) • Enemy Knight (Ch. 6) • Enemy Fighter x2 and Knight (Ch. 6x) • Enemy Mage and Dracoknight (Ch. 9) • Enemy Bishop (Ch. 10) • Enemy Wyvern x2 (Ch. 11) • Enemy Fire Dragon (Ch. 12) • Enemy Barbarian and Dark Mage (Ch. 13) • Enemy Ice Dragon (Ch. 14) • Enemy Mage, Paladin, Horseman and Knight (Ch. 15) • Enemy Hero and Warrior (Ch. 16) • Enemy Berserker (Ch. 16x) • Enemy Sniper and Warrior (Ch. 17) • Enemy General (Ch. 18) • Enemy Horseman (Ch. 19) • Enemy Hero x2 (Ch. 20) • Enemy General (Ch. 20x) • Enemy Berserker (Ch. 21)
Extra Chapters: Enemy Knight x2 (BS2) • Enemy Barbarian x2, Myrmidon and Wyvern (DL1) • Navarre (DL3)
Inventories Prologue: Kris* • WrysMarth
Main Story: WrysOgmaBarstNornePhinaRogerEtzelHoraceAthenaXaneDolphMacellanTomasMichalis
Extra Chapters: EtzelMichalisClarisseLegion clones x4 • AthenaOgmaCordNavarreCaedaNorne
Treasure Extra Chapters: BS 3 - Chest x2
Visit Main Story: Ch. 19 - Village**
Extra Chapters: BS2 - Village
Vendors Ch. 7Ch. 9Ch. 15Ch. 17Ch. 19Ch. 21

*Hard mode and above only. (Two if playing on Lunatic mode)
**Only if Roshea was killed in Chapter 18.

Fire Emblem Awakening[]

Method Location
Dropped Ch. 4
Inventories ChromLissaSumiaKellamMaribelleCordeliaGregorDonnel
Armouries West of YlisstolThe LongfortYlisstolPeaceful Village

Fire Emblem: Three Houses[]

Method Location
Dropped Ch. 1Ch. 5 (x5) • Ch. 6Ch. 11


  • In The Sacred Stones, there is an unused vulnerary that has 60 uses, and two others that look like musical notes (One red, one bluish-green) that have 60 uses as well, but have no use, as they cannot heal. It is unknown as to why these two are shaped like musical notes.
  • In the Japanese version of Shadow Dragon, there are two images in the in-game guide showing a five-use Vulnerary. In the actual game, including the Japanese version, each Vulnerary can be used only up to three times. However, Vulneraries do have five uses apiece in Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light.


The Vulnerary, as it appears in the fourth series of the TCG.

The Vulnerary, as it appears in the fourth series of the TCG.