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“Gods? Perfect? Where did you get that idea? You haven't met a lot of gods, have you?”
—Yune to Sanaki in Part 4 Chapter 3

Yune is a non-playable character from Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. She is the Goddess of Chaos, and one half of Ashunera, the other being Ashera.

She is also the small orange bird Micaiah owns, and Yune speaks to her in this form before Micaiah sings the Galdr of Release. If the chaos of war forced her to awake, then Ashera would also awake and pass her judgment upon the world. But, if the Galdr of Release awoke her, then Ashera would have to speak to Yune first before passing her judgment. Unfortunately, Ashera broke this agreement and turned most of Tellius' inhabitants into stone.

After Micaiah sang the Galdr of Release, Yune possesses Micaiah to talk to the mortals who would lead her army against Ashera's Disciples of Order.


When the world was young, the Dawn Goddess Ashunera cared for the Zunanma who in turn cared for her. As the Zunanma split into the Beorc and Laguz, war erupted between the two races, driving Ashunera into despair. In her grief, she flooded the continent of Tellius, wiping out a huge portion of the population. Horrified by the destruction she caused, Ashunera separated her emotions from herself, creating two entities: Ashera and Yune. Yune was the embodiment of Ashunera's emotions, symbolizing chaos, while Ashera embodied Ashunera's goddess-like role, symbolizing order. Deprived of emotion, Ashera deemed Yune's chaotic emotions a detriment to order and sought her destruction to achieve perfection. A war ensued between the two goddess with Ashera's Three Heroes spearheading the charge and ultimately ended in Yune's defeat.

While Ashera was still hellbent on destroying Yune, her most trusted ally Lehran pleaded to her to spare Yune and in fact, remerge with Yune once more. Ashera disagreed, however Lehran negotiated with Ashera, stating that the two should go into a thousand-year sleep. If the Beorc and Laguz could maintain peace throughout Tellius, Ashera would merge once more with Yune. However, should she awaken to find them at war, she would cast judgement on Tellius and destroy Yune.

Yune was then sealed into a bronze medallion, which came to be known as Lehran's Medallion, also known as the Fire Emblem due to Yune's chaotic energies leaking out from it. After being sealed away, Dheginsea framed her as a dark goddess to instill a fear of war in the people, and prevent Yune's release. He also strictly forbade Goldoa and its people to be involved in any wars, taking a strict neutral stance, as an additional preventative measure. Inevitably, prejudice and otherwise savory political uprisings lead to conflict across Tellius amongst and within the Beorc and Laguz, thus the threat of Ashera's judgement grew likelier as her eventual awakening day would come.

Radiant Dawn[]

A portion of Yune's consciousness that escaped the medallion would eventually take the form of an orange bird. Shortly after the The Mad King's War, Micaiah would discover the bird. Upon it nestling on her, a voice whispered the name Yune to her, which she named the bird. Through Yune's influence, Micaiah began receiving visions and suggestions to release Yune from the medallion. Her voice was also heard by the Heron clan and Mist. Eventually, the Galdr of Release is sung, releasing Yune and also awakening Ashera in the process.

Upon observing that the Beorc and Laguz had failed to uphold their promise, Ashera's Judgement is released, sending a huge energy wave across tellius, turning all of the Beorc and Laguz to stone. Save for the Branded who were spared from Ashera's Judgement on a technicality, Yune frees the allies of Micaiah and Ike to stop Ashera. She grants further power to Micaiah, turning her into a Light Priestess, gives Sothe a blessing, becoming a Whisper, and finally champions Ike, making him a Vanguard.

Yune's forces ascend the Tower of Guidance, battling Ashera's Disciples of Order and eventually reach the top where Ashera lies. A fierce battle ensues with Ike and Micaiah facing the Goddess. Yune imparts Ike with her power, giving him the ability to fell the Goddess of Order and finally allowing Yune to release Tellius from Ashera's Judgement.

With peace restored to Tellius, and depending on story outcomes, Yune can merge back with Ashera, becoming Ashunera once more.


Yune is the antithesis of Ashera. While Ashera is stoic and cold, Yune is whimsical and bubbly. Unlike Ashera, she is willing to believe in the possibility of the Beorc and Laguz coexisting in harmony. Though a deity of Tellius, Yune does not believe that she, Ashera or Ashunera are worthy of determining humanity's fate. She is willing to admit that her original entity made a huge mistake and that all gods are capable of making mistakes like "creatures of flesh", although on a much grander scale.

Yune detests her title "dark god", as she is neither evil nor malevolent. She can be moody, fickle, and condescending as a result, flatly refusing to talk to people who upset her. Yune has a bond of trust of Micaiah, using her as a medium to speak to her forces and bestow her blessings on key individuals in her order.


Fire Emblem Heroes[]

Chaos Goddess
A being that is half of the goddess Ashunera. The goddess of chaos, who is said to have thrown the world into disorder long ago.

Base Stats[]

Rarity: ✯✯✯✯✯

Chaos Goddess
Chaos Manifest
Chilling Wind


Chaos ManifestRexcalibur-
Chilling Wind--
GlaciesChilling Wind-
A Atk/Res Bond 1--
Atk/Res Bond 2 Atk/Res Bond 1-
Atk/Res Bond 3 Atk/Res Bond 2
Atk/Res Unity Atk/Res Bond 3
B Sabotage Res 1--
Sabotage Res 2 Sabotage Res 1-
Sabotage Res 3 Sabotage Res 2
C Chaos Named-
Chaos Named+ Chaos Named


Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.

Base Kit[]

Yune is a flying Green Tome Dark Mythic hero who encompasses the standard high Res Mage archetype with offensive stats that allow her to apply offensive pressure on foes as well. 37 Res is perfect for inflicting her Ploy-like unique skill and can check some of the most threatening blue mages in the game. 33 Atk and 27 Spd are not the highest for either category, but they do lead to some modest offensive results, mainly against some blue match-ups, though her Spd is somewhat aided by her weapon, so she can achieve solid match-ups across the board. Her 40 Res, however aids nicely with the aforementioned Ploy-style of skills as is a cornerstone stat. Her only downside is her low 15 neutral Def which leads to her downfall against the abundance of sword units in the game.
Chaos Manifest grants her a flat Res+3 buff and if her foe has any sort of visible debuff to their stats or any sort of debuff like movement restriction or Panic status, she gains an additional Atk+6 during combat and is given a guaranteed follow-up attack, helping to ensure that Yune can mow down enemies who are affected by the ever present debuffs of the game.
Chaos Named has a bit of a complex activation condition, but simply put, if there are enemies within three column centered around her who have at least 3 less Res than her, she inflicts a massive -5 debuff onto the core stats of the enemy who meets the conditions and has the highest total of all allies under that condition. While this may cause some trickiness in targeting the right unit, the debuff helps to fuel her weapon to unleash incredible damage as a result.
Glacies is a four-attack charging special that applies 80% of her Res as bonus damage to her Atk when it activates, which can lead to impressive 34 bonus damage without counting buffs. Attack Resistance Bond grants her an additional Atk/Res+5 if she adjacent to an ally during combat. Sabotage Resistance inflicts Res-7 onto any foe that has 3 less Res than Yune's and is adjacent to another unit.


As mentioned above, Red units are the bane of Yune's existence, especially the prevalent sword units that litter the games roster. Many either innately pack Distant Counter in their Skill A or Weapon, or simply inherit is a preferred skill A. Some Greens can do the same, but are not nearly as uniformly hard countering her as she is not under color disadvantage against them.

Skill Inheritance[]

With Yune's Support skill empty, Reposition is perhaps her best skill as she can bridge units over nontraversible terrain with her floating above them like mountains or even forests for Cavalry units. Iceberg will suit her much better since the faster cooldown will lead to more consistent activations, and thus higher potential for damage.

Meet Some of the Heroes[]

Chaos Goddess Yune
Long, long ago, Ashunera, the Goddess of Dawn, created a distant world. Sometime after, she separated half of her essence, creating Yune, the Goddess of Chaos.
This separation also resulted in the creation of Ashera, the Goddess of Order, and the two struggled against each other. Yune lost the conflict and was sealed within a medallion to slumber forevermore.
"Forevermore" turned out to be temporary, though. Yune was freed by Micaiah after she sang the Galdr of Release. The world had been ravaged by war, and the chaotic energies that ensued would have woken Yune before Micaiah could plead mankind's case.
Yune loved both humanity and its freedom, and lent her aid to Ike and his friends in order to save everyone from the judgment of Ashera!
Closely Associated Characters
Micaiah A young girl with silvery hair who belongs to the Dawn Brigade, a Daein rebel group. Yune's spirit possessed a small bird kept by Micaiah, and after her revival, she even spoke through Micaiah at times.


Radiant Dawn[]

Sanaki (Chapter 4-3)[]

  • Sanaki: I don't understand. How can you be a goddess and not know? I thought gods were perfect beings who knew everything!
  • Yune: Gods? Perfect? Where did you get that idea? You haven't met a lot of gods, have you?
  • Sanaki: Well, no. But divinity created life from nothing! Surely only perfect beings could do that!
  • Yune: We did create life, and can do many things that you creatures of flesh can't. But that doesn't make us perfect. It just means we can make mistakes on a much grander scale... We're not what you've been taught, and we're much closer to you skin-wearers than some will admit. But we do make mistakes... Sometimes we make terrible mistakes. Sometimes all it takes is one emotional outburst and the entire world is drowning underwater!


Yune/Heroes Quotes

Non-Canon Appearances[]

Fire Emblem 0 (Cipher)[]

Yune is illustrated in the trading card game Fire Emblem Cipher with the following cards:


Round Placement Character Version Votes


  • Yune shares her English Heroes voice actress, Megan Hollingshead (credited as Megan Lee), with Ylgr and Sigrun.
  • Yune is the first Hero added into Heroes who was neither a playable or enemy character in her original game.
  • Yune shares her title of "Dark God" with Loptous from Genealogy of the Holy War.
  • Yune's bird form appears as the save data icon for Radiant Dawn.


See main article: Yune/Gallery.