Housing Authority

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Housing Authority

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The Fort Sill Apache Housing Authority (FSAHA) is here to provide housing related assistance to eligible tribal members.

Program Description

Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 1996 (NAHASDA) funding is to provide affordable housing for low-income tribal families.

Homeowner Opportunity Homes and Rental Home

The FSAHA currently manages Mutual Help Homeownership Opportunity units, Mutual Help Rental unit (one unit), and two Homeownership Opportunity Program units in Apache Oklahoma.

The FSAHA provides administrative operations consisting primarily of processing payments, providing an accounting of home/MEPA balances, collections, providing annual payoff statements, completing inspections, processing re-certifications, providing PILOT payments, and providing maintenance and/or modernization according to the homeownership agreements, Indian Housing Plan approval, and funding availability.

Although all of homeownership units and the rental unit are currently occupied, FSAHA does continue taking applications for these units and will place qualified applicants on the FSAHA waiting list(s).

General program eligibility, guidelines, and qualifications

  1. Applicants must meet the established low income guidelines published annually by HUD.
  2. Applicants must meet the definition of a tribal member household.
  3. The FSAHA must have an available unit to place qualified member in order of approved policy preferences.
  4. Background(s) must meet suitability requirements.
  5. Application must be completed with required documents.
  6. Other requirements may apply.
  • Required Documents
    • Completed Application
    • Copy of Tribal membership card/CDIB for all members of household
    • Copy of Birth Certificate for all members of household
    • Copy of Social Security Cards for all members of household
    • Proof of Income and/or No-Income form for all household members 18 years or older
    • Proof of current residence

Service Area

Mutual Help Homeownership Opportunity units, Mutual Help Rental unit (one unit), and Homeownership Opportunity Program units are located in Apache Oklahoma.

Rental Assistance

The FSAHA currently provides rental and deposit assistance to qualifying tribal members to assist with stabilizing temporary setback or situation.

General program eligibility, guidelines, and qualifications

  1. Applicants must meet the established low income guidelines published annually by HUD.
  2. Applicants must meet the definition of a tribal member household and tribal member must be on lease or rental agreement.
  3. Must provide a documented need for assistance.
  4. Application must be completed with required documents.
  5. Other requirements may apply.

Required Documents

  • Completed Application
  • Copy of Tribal membership card/CDIB for all members of household
  • Copy of Birth Certificate for all members of household
  • Copy of Social Security Cards for all members of household
  • Proof of Income and/or No-Income form for all household members 18 years or older
  • Proof of current residence
  • Signed lease/rental agreement

Service Area

Rental location must be within 120 miles of tribal complex (due to inspection requirement).

Contact Info

Victoria Feliciano
Housing Director

Chelesa Youngblood
Housing Administrative Assistant

© 2025 Fort Sill Apache Tribe

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