Tzedek, Tzedek, Tirdoof Original - Prehistoric - Supernatural
- ️Fri Sep 21 2018
Hang on, who are you again?I'm EBR, I came over to this site from after the Great Purge. I wrote a post-apocalyptic scenario called Stars and Stripes Forever, and I just completed a science fiction TL called
Ad Astra Per Aspera.
And what is this thing here?
Back in the homeland there was something called an "ISOT" (Island in the Sea Of Time) in which a user would ISOT (it's a verb and a noun) a county, or part of a country, or a city- or even on one memorable occasion a single American military veteran and her house- from one time period to another. In the original ISOT (by a professional author, and brief AH.comer before being banned) the island of Nantucket was moved from the present day to the Bronze age, others covered a tremendous variety of scenarios. People might move American states back centuries, or move the Roman Empire up to the present. Sometimes the ISOTed place moved locations, going from Africa to Europe or even landing in the ocean. ISOTs make for fun speculation and thought experiments, and I've long been a fan of them.
Anyway, one of the most popular ISOT subjects is the State of Israel and/or the Palestinian Territories. Why this is the case I don't precisely know, but I always assumed that it had something to do with the habit of trying to "solve" the Israel-Palestine Conflict using alternate history that crops up a lot over there. ISOTs are obviously attractive for that sort of thing (we'll put the Jews in this universe and the Arabs in that one, and all shall be peachy keen). I have seen;
-Israel moved off the coast of California where it became an island
-The Palestinian Territories replaced by the same land but from the Middle Ages (multiple times)
-Israel and North Korea swapping places
-Israel (sans Palestinian Territories) moved to a miraculously terraformed (and otherwise completely empty) Mars
-Israel (sans Gaza and the West Bank) sent back in time to World War II (multiple times)
-Israel (again without the Territories) sent back in time to the Crusades
-god gives the ancient Israelites New Zealand as a promised land instead of Israel, and then transports them there
-The ghost of the Prophet Samuel (who it is revealed was actually a wizard) shows up, recognizes the Imam in charge of the Dome of the Rock as the new High Priest of the Temple, and then creates a new pan-Abrahamic religion incorporating most Jews, Muslims, and Christians (okay, not an ISOT but I couldn't leave it out)
-and many more
Curiously while there is a great deal of speculation about an Israel/Palestine ISOT, there are virtually no detailed scenarios actually dealing with such a thing. Most likely that has to do with the Conflict being such a controversial and hot-button topic. So when I saw a poster speculating about Israel and the Palestinian Territories being ISOTed to September 7th, 3761 BCE (the first day of the Jewish calendar), and how such a miraculous event coupled with unlimited land and resources would surely end the Conflict and lead to a peaceful Israeli/Palestinian co-dominion, I decided to take a serious crack at it (and in particular the suggestion that the Conflict would end as a result). I'd also like to deconstruct/reconstruct some common ISOT tropes.
Which is what I'm doing.
Whoa! You're diving into Israel-Palestine for a scenario? Isn't that a recipe for flame-wars, kicks, bans, godwinning, and locked threads?
Back in, maybe. Sufficient Velocity seems a lot more civilized, and I asked one of the mods to keep an eye on things.
Listen, I get that this is a super controversial topic- it's one of great significance to myself- and that lots and lots people view the Israeli-Palestine Conflict as a "good vs. evil" battle in which giving any sort of credit to the other side is an endorsement of evil. Reality though is often messy and hard to clearly categorize- especially when it comes to individuals and families who may or may not share their side's ideology, goals, and tactics, or want anything other than to be left alone. In writing this scenario I am doing my best to offer what
Iconsider to be a realistic and likely world. Not everyone will agree with my assessments- I strongly encourage you to assume an unreliable narrator if you run into something that you can't accept. After all I am hardly a neutral figure, I'm a Labor Zionist with friends and family living in Israel and serving in the IDF, and maybe things didn't happen ITTL exactly the way I described them.
Still, you're taking quite a risk here!
The important thing is that this is a work of fiction. All people, places, and governments are either fictitious or are used fictitiously. This is not a place for debating the real-life OTL Israel-Palestine Conflict and if you feel the urge to do that please go somewhere else. Any opinions expressed or policies pursued by any governments, government-like bodies, political parties, groups, or individuals ITTL should not be assumed to represent the author's viewpoints.*cough* The continuing post-ISOT version of the Conflict is a major theme of this thread, I've done my best to keep it at least moderately divorced from the OTL version of the Conflict. I know that it may prove impossible to completely avoid OTL debate, but can we please at least try?
Well I'm going to at least get some popcorn and enjoy the fireworks.
You do that doll.