Movies that feature a video phone - Movies


A friend is doing a Ph.D. about technology and its success and failure. A classic failure was the Picturephone launched at the 1964 World Fair. However, the concept has lived on in movies ever since.

Can anyone think of specific examples of movies (or any other pop culture I suppose) that make use of the concept of a video phone?

A few examples:
Mission Impossible (both the original tv series and the movies)
James Bond
Total Recall
Star Trek

Lets have 'em. What else is out there?

Not a movie - but Astroboy made profuse use of Video-phones.

Only reason I mention it, is that they have always been the "best" example I have ever seen of video-phones. ie. what I would want/expect real-life ones to look/work like.

eg. nice slimline design/shape etc - and presentation.

Didnt they have one in Back to the Future 2? Seem to remember the guy getting fired over the video phone

Edit- Blade Runner also had them

Blade Runner had a video phone.


EDIT: Doh! fdr! *shakes fist* :D


fdr writes...

Back to the Future 2

Oops, that was what I meant - not III.

Dick Tracy had a video phone.

There was a Simpsons episode that had a video phone in it :)

I think Alien or Aliens had one, but i may be wrong. Havent seen that movie/s for a while.

There was one in Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion ;)

This isn't a movie but CNN use video phones to give reports.

The Stanley Kubrick classic - 2001: A Space Odyssey

There is the scene in the future where the father is speaking to his young daughter on a videophone in a futuristic Pan-Am "airport" - tho I guess you would assume its a "spaceport" due to space travel/etc. being the norm in Kubrick's take on 2001. :)

And with the year of the movie being 1968, it fits in quite nicely with the 1964 world fair failure... :)

Also Austin Powers does video phone to Basil it in his "shaguar" in Austin Powers 2 :)

The Back to the Future 2 one is correct also - Future McFly is talking to his mate "Needles" (played by Red Hot Chilli Peppers "Flea") about a CC scam - calls him chicken - swipes the card - then gets fired almost instantly by his Asian boss. I always love how he shouts out "Mc-Fryyyyy" when he addresses him in his furious voice :)

Risky^ writes...

Then theres Dick Tracy in 1945 with a videowatch.

Dick Tracy's video phone was never in a movie though - only his wrist radio ("Calling Dick Tracy, Calling Dick Tracy" , "I'm on my way!"). It only ever appeared in Comic form.

In fact, there was actually a lot of backlash from readers that it was taking things too far (advanced technology), and so was reverted to just a wrist radio.

I saw it used just recently in Alias or 24, can't remember which one it was, Most likly Alias!

you can use video phones right now on some mobile phones.

Arthas writes...


Yes, when Ripley talks to Paul Riser's character (Bourke maybe?)

FreeTibet writes...

you can use video phones right now on some mobile phones.

Really you don't say!

Johnny Mnemonic
Demolition Man

Edit - sorry someone said it, didn't read

In the Inspector Gadget cartoons penny and brain had a video watch and collar.

Ennui Moyen writes...

Challenge anyone to find an older movie with video phones (-:

I might be able to up you :-)
Does anyone know if Fritz Lang's Metropolis features video phones?

When I get some free time I'll skim through it and check

Minority Report - not 100% but i think it did!!

I'm fairly sure The Jetsons had a videophone they used often in it.

Yeah I think you're right about Minority Report.

what about Fith element and bladerunner?

Star trek, picard has that little gaybo video phone in his office,.