Resolution:Next Steps for Brand Work, 2021 - Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki
From Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki
This resolution was approved on September 15, 2021.
Whereas, in the context of the 2030 Movement Strategy, the Wikimedia movement determined that branding is a collaboratively created and shared resource, with the purpose of identifying movement projects and groups, as well as communicating our shared mission;
Whereas, the Wikimedia Foundation, acting on 2030 Movement Strategy and market research, determined that refreshing of the global branding and naming conventions of the Wikimedia projects could be explored to expand opportunities;
Whereas, in September 2020 the Board of Trustees paused further development of changes to the Wikimedia movement branding;
Whereas, the Board has created an ad hoc Brand Committee to work with staff in planning the next stages of movement brand discussions and decisions;
Whereas, at the recommendation of the ad hoc Brand Committee, the Board advises a revised and iterative approach to movement branding changes, which will include 3 main pilots (described below) and will be coordinated with other movement efforts related to the implementation of movement strategy; and
Whereas, in line with the Movement Strategy recommendations, the Board wishes to continue to support the movement's use of brand resources to achieve shared goals related to growth, awareness, participation, and content-development;
Now, therefore, it is:
RESOLVED, that if the Wikimedia Foundation decides to revisit the possibility of changing its name--no earlier than July 2022--any considerations around name changes will involve a new participatory and deliberative process with the community.
RESOLVED, the Wikimedia Foundation will support flexible naming systems for all affiliates, working with affiliates to offer new options and update the naming guidelines. This includes contemplating the adoption of taglines, for both affiliates and the Foundation, to indicate their relationship to Wikipedia without changing their names;
RESOLVED, that the Foundation will explore the option of creating audio branding for Wikipedia and Wikimedia content, through a globally inclusive process that will promote movement-wide participation and be open to the public;
RESOLVED, that the Foundation will pilot brand identity changes (to name, logo, and other stylized organizational materials) with Wikimedia affiliates, initially prioritizing emerging communities who are looking to increase awareness of and participation in their work in line with Movement Strategy. The decision to adopt materials will be at the discretion of the affiliates participating in the pilot.
RESOLVED, that the Foundation will continue to steward and protect the Wikimedia brands, and support capacity-building for the Movement with brand resources, trainings, workshops, and guidelines for volunteers, affiliates, and approved partners to use in outreach and communications; and
RESOLVED, that the work of the ad hoc Brand Committee is concluded and staff will continue their ongoing brand work as outlined in the Foundation's annual and medium-term plans.
- Approve
- Nataliia Tymkiv (Chair), Esra'a Al Shafei (Vice Chair), Shani Evenstein Sigalov (Vice Chair), Tanya Capuano, James Heilman, Dariusz Jemielniak, Lisa Lewin, Raju Narisetti, Jimmy Wales
- Resolution:Brand Project Support (May 22, 2020)
- Resolution:Pause of Brand Development Work (September 24, 2020)
- Wikimedia movement affiliates naming guidelines