ばらのまち福山 国際音楽祭|まちが音楽であふれる3DAYS
池辺晋一郎(総合プロデューサー)Shinichiro Ikebe
Shinichiro Ikebe is a composer who, in addition to his Music Competition of Japan award, Otaka Prize, and many other awards, has received numerous accolades for his incidental music pieces for various movies and television programs. In 2004, he was awarded a Purple Ribbon Medal from the Japanese government, and in 2018 he was chosen as a Person of Cultural Merit. His main works include Symphonies no. 1-10 and the operas “Shinigami” and “Koya Hijiri,” and he has worked on over 500 pieces of music for the stage. Currently, he serves many roles including as emeritus professor at the Tokyo College of Music, music director at the Tokyo Opera City Cultural Foundation, and director at the Yokohama Minato Mirai Hall. From 1996, he also hosted the NHK Educational TV program “NHK Philharmonic Hour” for thirteen years.
(C)東京オペラシティ文化財団 撮影:武藤章