Dark Souls Message Board for PlayStation 3 - GameFAQs

  1. Dark Souls II

    The unique old-school action RPG experience captivated imaginations of gamers worldwide with incredible challenge and...

  2. Tales of Graces f

    In this newest title, the feelings such as "preserving one's faith", "saving their precious ones"...

  3. Tales of Xillia

    TALES OF XILLIA draws players into the grand adventures of Jude Mathis, a clever medical student attending school in ...

  4. Tales of Vesperia

    The debut of the Tales series on the Playstation 3, Tales of Vesperia launches the series to new heights of interacti...

  5. Demon's Souls

    King Allant the XII, the last king of Boletaria, searched tirelessly to expand his might. The Nexus, a great ice shri...