Symposium des Conférences Episcopales d’Afrique et de Madagascar (S.C.E.A.M.)
Also known as: Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (S.E.C.A.M.) (English)
Members: Assembly of the Catholic Hierarchy of Egypt
Association des Conférences Episcopales de l’Afrique Centrale (A.C.E.A.C.)
Association des Conférences Episcopales de la Région de l’Afrique Central (A.C.E.R.A.C.)
Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa (A.M.E.C.E.A.)
Conférence Episcopale de l’Océan Indien (CEDOI)
Conférence Episcopale de Madagascar (C.E.M.)
Conférence Episcopale Régionale du Nord de l’Afrique (C.E.R.N.A.)
Inter-Regional Meeting of Bishops of Southern Africa (I.M.B.I.S.A.)
Regional Episcopal Conference of West Africa (R.E.C.O.W.A.)
Countries: Algeria , Angola
, Benin
, Botswana
, Burkina Faso
, Burundi
, Cabo Verde
, Cameroon
, Central African Republic
, Chad
, Comoros
, Congo-Brazzaville
, Congo-Kinshasa
, Cote d’Ivoire
, Djibouti
, Egypt
, Equatorial Guinea
, Eritrea
, Eswatini
, Ethiopia
, Gabon
, Gambia
, Ghana
, Guinea
, Guinea-Bissau
, Kenya
, Lesotho
, Liberia
, Libya
, Madagascar
, Malawi
, Mali
, Mauritania
, Mauritius
, Mayotte
, Morocco
, Mozambique
, Namibia
, Niger
, Nigeria
, Réunion
, Rwanda
, São Tomé and Príncipe
, Senegal
, Seychelles
, Sierra Leone
, Somalia
, South Africa
, South Sudan
, Sudan
, Tanzania
, Togo
, Tunisia
, Uganda
, Western Sahara
, Zambia
, Zimbabwe
Address: S.E.C.A.M. Secretariat, 4 Senchi Street, P.O. Box 9156, Airport, Accra, Ghana
Phone: (030) 277.88.57; 277.88.67/8