Catholic Church in Botswana
Also known as: Botsuana (español, latine), le Botswana (français), Botswana (Deutsch, Italiano, polski, latine), Ilha Bouvet (Português), 博茨瓦納 (正體中文), ブーベ島 (日本語)
Documents and Celebrations ![Text](
Papal Visits
- 1988.09.13 – 1988.09.14: Apostolic Journey to Botswana
Cultural Summary
Religions: Christian 79.1%, Badimo 4.1%, other 1.4% (includes Baha'i, Hindu, Muslim, Rastafarian), none 15.2%, unspecified 0.3%
Languages: Setswana 77.3%, Sekalanga 7.4%, Shekgalagadi 3.4%, English (official) 2.8%, Zezuru/Shona 2%, Sesarwa 1.7%, Sembukushu 1.6%, Ndebele 1%, other 2.8%
Ethnic Groups: Tswana (or Setswana) 79%, Kalanga 11%, Basarwa 3%, other, including Kgalagadi and white 7%
Motto: Pula (Tswana) (Rain)
Statistics (2021.12.31)
Area: 582,000 km²
Catholic Population: 116,000 Catholics (4.7% of 2,444,000 total)
Pastoral Centres: 44 parishes, 89 mission stations (without resident priest), 2 other centres
Clergy: 3 bishops (2 diocesan, 1 titular), 75 priests (34 diocesan, 41 religious), 3 permanent deacons (diocesan)
Non-Clergy: 82 religious (1 brother, 81 sisters), 13 major seminarians, 609 catechists