
Catholic Church in Guatemala

Also known as: le Guatemala (français), Guatemala (Deutsch, español, Italiano, Português), Gwatemala (polski), 瓜地馬拉 (正體中文), グアテマラ (日本語), Guatimalia (latine)


Documents and Celebrations Text

Papal Visits


Cultural Summary

Religions: Roman Catholic, Protestant, indigenous Maya beliefs

Languages: Spanish (official) 68.9%, Maya languages 30.9% (K'iche 8.7%, Q'eqchi 7%, Mam 4.6%, Kaqchikel 4.3%, other 6.3%), other 0.3% (includes Xinca and Garifuna)

Ethnic Groups: mestizo (mixed Amerindian-Spanish - in local Spanish called Ladino) and European 60.1%, Maya 39.3% (K'iche 11.3%, Q'eqchi 7.6%, Kaqchikel 7.4%, Mam 5.5%, other 7.5%), non-Maya, non-mestizo 0.15% (Xinca (indigenous, non-Maya), Garifuna (mixed West and Central African, Island Carib, and Arawak)), other 0.5%

Motto: Libre Crezca Fecundo (Spanish) (Grow Free and Fertile)

Statistics (2021.12.31)

Area: 108,889 km²

Catholic Population: 15,108,000 Catholics (88.3% of 17,110,000 total)

Pastoral Centres: 543 parishes, 282 mission stations (1 with resident priest, 281 without resident priest), 650 other centres

Clergy: 23 bishops (13 diocesan, 10 titular), 1,206 priests (723 diocesan, 483 religious), 1 permanent deacon (diocesan)

Non-Clergy: 1,962 religious (127 brothers, 1,835 sisters), 90 members of secular institutes (10 brothers, 80 sisters), 442 major seminarians, 38,178 missionaries, 47,650 catechists