Catholic Church in Guinea-Bissau
Also known as: la Guinée-Bissau (français), Guinea-Bissau (Deutsch, español, Italiano), Gwinea Bissau (polski), Guiné-Bissau (Português), 幾內亞比紹 (正體中文), ギニアビサウ (日本語), Guinea Bissaviensis (latine)
Documents and Celebrations 
Papal Visits
- 1990.01.27 – 1990.01.28: Apostolic Journey to Guinea-Bissau
Cultural Summary
Religions: Muslim 45.1%, Christian 22.1%, animist 14.9%, none 2%, unspecified 15.9%
Languages: Crioulo (lingua franca), Portuguese (official; largely used as a second or third language), Pular (a Fula language), Mandingo
Ethnic Groups: Fulani 28.5%, Balanta 22.5%, Mandinga 14.7%, Papel 9.1%, Manjaco 8.3%, Beafada 3.5%, Mancanha 3.1%, Bijago 2.1%, Felupe 1.7%, Mansoanca 1.4%, Balanta Mane 1%, other 1.8%, none 2.2%
Motto: Unidade, Luta, Progresso (Portuguese) (Unity, Struggle, Progress)
Statistics (2021.12.31)
Area: 36,125 km²
Catholic Population: 217,000 Catholics (11.0% of 1,972,000 total)
Pastoral Centres: 42 parishes, 22 mission stations (without resident priest), 4 other centres
Clergy: 2 bishops (titular), 101 priests (30 diocesan, 71 religious)
Non-Clergy: 190 religious (24 brothers, 166 sisters), 2 members of secular institutes (sisters), 47 major seminarians, 9 missionaries, 985 catechists