
Diocese of Saint-Hyacinthe, Canada 🇨🇦



  • 1852.06.08: Established as Diocese of Saint-Hyacinthe / Sancti Hyacinthi (Latin) (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Québec and Diocese of Montréal and became suffragan of Québec)
  • 1874.08.28: Lost territory to establish Diocese of Sherbrooke
  • 1886.06.08: Became suffragan of Montréal
  • 1951.03.02: Became suffragan of Sherbrooke

Contact Info

Address: C.P. 190, 1900 rue Girouard Ouest, Saint-Hyacinthe, QC J2S 7B4, Canada

Phone: +1 (450) 773-8581

Present Prelates


Bishops of Saint-Hyacinthe (Roman Rite)

Bishop Christian Rodembourg, M.S.A. (68)Bishop Christian Rodembourg, M.S.A. (68)
(2017.06.29 – ...)

Bishop of Saint-Hyacinthe (Canada)

Dans ton immense tendresse

Born:1956.08.26 (Bruxelles, Belgium)
Ordained Priest:1995.08.05
Consecrated Bishop:2017.09.17

Bishop of Saint-Hyacinthe (Canada) (2017.06.29 – ...)

Bishop François Lapierre, P.M.E. (83)Bishop François Lapierre, P.M.E. (83)
(1998.04.07 – 2017.06.29)

Bishop emeritus of Saint-Hyacinthe (Canada)

Selon ta parole

Born:1941.06.16 (Bromont, QC, Canada)
Ordained Priest:1965.12.18
Consecrated Bishop:1998.06.16

Superior General of Society of Foreign Missions (1991.05.28 – 1998.04.07)

Bishop of Saint-Hyacinthe (Canada) (1998.04.07 – 2017.06.29)

Bishop Louis-de-Gonzague Langevin, M. Afr.
(1979.07.18 – 1998.04.07)

Born:1921.10.31 (Oka, QC, Canada)
Ordained Priest:1950.02.02
Consecrated Bishop:1974.09.23
Died:2003.07.21 (Saint-Hyacinthe, QC, Canada † 81)

Titular Bishop of Rosemarkie (1974.08.09 – 1979.07.18)

Auxiliary Bishop of Saint-Hyacinthe (Canada) (1974.08.09 – 1979.07.18)

Bishop of Saint-Hyacinthe (Canada) (1979.07.18 – 1998.04.07)

Bishop Albert Sanschagrin, O.M.I.
(1967.06.13 – 1979.07.18)

Unico Ecclesiæ servitio

Born:1911.08.05 (Saint-Tite, QC, Canada)
Ordained Priest:1936.05.24
Consecrated Bishop:1957.09.14
Died:2009.04.02 († 97)

Titular Bishop of Bagis (1957.08.12 – 1967.06.13)

Auxiliary Bishop of Amos (Canada) (1957.08.12 – 1967.06.13)

Bishop of Saint-Hyacinthe (Canada) (1967.06.13 – 1979.07.18)

Bishop Arthur Douville
(1942.11.27 – 1967.06.13)

Ut vitam habeant

Born:1894.07.22 (Canada)
Ordained Priest:1919.05.25
Consecrated Bishop:1940.01.29
Died:1986.08.05 († 92)

Auxiliary Bishop of Saint-Hyacinthe (Canada) (1939.11.30 – 1942.03)

Titular Bishop of Vita (1939.11.30 – 1942.11.27)

Coadjutor Bishop of Saint-Hyacinthe (Canada) (1942.03 – 1942.11.27)

Bishop of Saint-Hyacinthe (Canada) (1942.11.27 – 1967.06.13)

Titular Bishop of Zattara (1967.06.13 – 1970.11.26)

Bishop Fabien-Zoël Decelles
(1924.03.24 – 1942.11.27)

Da mihi sapientiam

Born:1870.05.22 (Canada)
Ordained Priest:1895.08.04
Consecrated Bishop:1924.05.22
Died:1942.11.27 († 72)

Bishop of Saint-Hyacinthe (Canada) (1924.03.24 – 1942.11.27)

Bishop Alexis-Xyste Bernard
(1905.12.16 – 1923.06.17)

Fiat voluntas tua

Born:1847.12.29 (Canada)
Ordained Priest:1871.10.01
Consecrated Bishop:1906.02.15
Died:1923.06.17 († 75)

Bishop of Saint-Hyacinthe (Canada) (1905.12.16 – 1923.06.17)

Bishop Maxime Decelles
(1901.05.24 – 1905.07.07)

Fide non ficta

Born:1849.04.30 (Canada)
Ordained Priest:1872.07.21
Consecrated Bishop:1893.03.09
Died:1905.07.07 († 56)

Titular Bishop of Druzipara (1893.01.14 – 1901.05.24)

Coadjutor Bishop of Saint-Hyacinthe (Canada) (1893.01.14 – 1901.05.24)

Bishop of Saint-Hyacinthe (Canada) (1901.05.24 – 1905.07.07)

Blessed Bishop Louis-Zéphirin Moreau
(1875.11.19 – 1901.05.24)

Omnia possum in eo qui me confortat

Born:1824.04.01 (Bécancour, QC, Canada)
Ordained Priest:1846.12.19
Consecrated Bishop:1876.01.16
Died:1901.05.24 (Saint-Hyacinthe, QC, Canada † 77)

Bishop of Saint-Hyacinthe (Canada) (1875.11.19 – 1901.05.24)


Bishop Charles LaRocque
(1866.03.20 – 1875.07.25)

Omnia possum in eo qui me confortat

Born:1809.11.15 (Canada)
Ordained Priest:1832.07.29
Consecrated Bishop:1866.07.29
Died:1875.07.25 († 65)

Bishop of Saint-Hyacinthe (Canada) (1866.03.20 – 1875.07.25)

Bishop Joseph Larocque
(1860.06.22 – 1866.02.04)

Vive le precieux sang de Jésus

Born:1808.08.28 (Canada)
Ordained Priest:1835.03.15
Consecrated Bishop:1852.10.28
Died:1887.11.18 († 79)

Titular Bishop of Cydonia (1852.07.06 – 1860.06.22)

Coadjutor Bishop of Montréal (Canada) (1852.07.06 – 1860.06.22)

Bishop of Saint-Hyacinthe (Canada) (1860.06.22 – 1866.02.04)

Titular Bishop of Germanicopolis (1867.01.15 – 1887.11.18)

Bishop John Charles Prince
(1852.06.08 – 1860.05.05)

Born:1804.02.13 (Canada)
Ordained Priest:1826.09.23
Consecrated Bishop:1845.07.25
Died:1860.05.05 († 56)

Titular Bishop of Martiria (1844.07.05 – 1852.06.08)

Coadjutor Bishop of Montréal (Canada) (1844.07.05 – 1852.06.08)

Bishop of Saint-Hyacinthe (Canada) (1852.06.08 – 1860.05.05)

Former Prelates

Statistics (2022.12.31)

Area: 3,448 km²

Population: 419,175 Catholics (91.1% of 459,994 total)

Pastoral Centres: 74 parishes

Personnel: 124 priests (62 diocesan, 62 religious), 21 deacons, 452 religious (133 brothers, 319 sisters)