
Changes in Ecclesiastical Jurisdictions in Germany

250Diocese of Trier was established
300Diocese of Köln was established
340Diocese of Mainz was established
340Diocese of Speyer was established
595Diocese of Konstanz was established (from the suppressed Diocese of Avenches)
737Diocese of Passau was established (from former Metropolitan Archdiocese of Lauriacum)
738Diocese of Augsburg was established
739Diocese of Freising was established (from Diocese of Passau and Abbacy nullius of Stift Sankt Peter Salzburg)
739Diocese of Regensburg was established (from Diocese of Passau)
741Diocese of Büraburg was established
741Diocese of Neuburg was established
741Diocese of Würzburg was established
743.04.01Diocese of Erfurt was established
745Diocese of Eichstätt was established
751.11.04Abbacy nullius of Heiligsten Erlöser in Fulda was established
755Diocese of Erfurt was suppressed (to Diocese of Mainz)
764Abbacy nullius of Ellwangen was established
765Diocese of Büraburg was suppressed
770Diocese of Worms was established
772Diocese of Osnabrück was established
772Diocese of Trier was promoted as Metropolitan Archdiocese of Trier (with suffragan sees Metz, Toul and Verdun)
780Diocese of Mainz was promoted as Metropolitan Archdiocese of Mainz (with suffragan sees Augsburg, Eichstätt, Konstanz, Neuburg, Salzburg, Speyer, Strasbourg, Worms and Würzburg)
787Diocese of Bremen was established
787Diocese of Verden was established (became suffragan of Mainz)
795Diocese of Köln was promoted as Metropolitan Archdiocese of Köln (with suffragan sees Liège and Osnabrück)
799Diocese of Paderborn was established (became suffragan of Mainz)
800Diocese of Münster was established (became suffragan of Köln)
802Diocese of Neuburg was suppressed (to Diocese of Augsburg)
803Diocese of Minden was established (became suffragan of Köln)
805Diocese of Halberstadt was established (became suffragan of Mainz)
815Diocese of Hildesheim was established (became suffragan of Mainz)
831Metropolitan Archdiocese of Hamburg was established (from Diocese of Bremen)
946.05.10Diocese of Havelberg was established (became suffragan of Mainz)
948Diocese of Schleswig was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Hamburg and became suffragan of Hamburg)
948.10.01Diocese of Brandenburg was established (became suffragan of Mainz)
952Diocese of Oldenburg was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Hamburg and became suffragan of Hamburg)
968Metropolitan Archdiocese of Magdeburg was established (from Diocese of Halberstadt and with suffragan sees Brandenburg, Havelberg, Meißen, Merseburg and Zeitz)
968Diocese of Meißen was established (became suffragan of Magdeburg)
968Diocese of Merseburg was established (became suffragan of Magdeburg)
968Diocese of Zeitz was established (became suffragan of Magdeburg)
981Diocese of Merseburg was suppressed (to Metropolitan Archdiocese of Magdeburg)
984Abbacy nullius of St. Stephanus und Vitus in Corvey was established
992Diocese of Mecklenburg was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Hamburg and became suffragan of Hamburg)
1004Diocese of Merseburg was restored (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Magdeburg and became suffragan of Magdeburg)
1007.11.01Diocese of Bamberg was established (from Diocese of Eichstätt and Diocese of Würzburg and became suffragan of Mainz)
1028Diocese of Zeitz was renamed as Diocese of Naumburg
1050Diocese of Ratzeburg was established (from Diocese of Oldenburg and became suffragan of Hamburg)
1072Diocese of Bremen was suppressed (to Metropolitan Archdiocese of Hamburg–Bremen)
1072Metropolitan Archdiocese of Hamburg was renamed as Metropolitan Archdiocese of Hamburg–Bremen (gained territory from the suppressed Diocese of Bremen)
1125Diocese of Lebus was established (became suffragan of Gniezno)
1155Diocese of Oldenburg was renamed as Diocese of Lübeck
1160Diocese of Mecklenburg was renamed as Diocese of Schwerin
1194Provostry nullius of Berchtesgaden was established
1215.01.28Diocese of Chiemsee was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Salzburg)
1536Diocese of Lübeck was suppressed
1548Diocese of Havelberg was suppressed
1551Metropolitan Archdiocese of Magdeburg was suppressed
1554.10.05Diocese of Ratzeburg was suppressed
1555Diocese of Lebus was suppressed
1555Diocese of Schwerin was suppressed
1559Apostolic Prefecture of Lausitz was established (from Diocese of Meißen)
1560.06Diocese of Brandenburg was suppressed
1564Diocese of Naumburg was suppressed
1565Diocese of Merseburg was suppressed
1566Metropolitan Archdiocese of Hamburg–Bremen was suppressed
1581.10Diocese of Meißen was suppressed (to Apostolic Prefecture of Lausitz)
1624Diocese of Schleswig was suppressed
1631Diocese of Verden was suppressed
1645Apostolic Vicariate of Bremen was restored
1645Apostolic Vicariate of Magdeburg was restored
1648Diocese of Halberstadt was suppressed
1648Apostolic Vicariate of Magdeburg was suppressed (to Metropolitan Archdiocese of Köln)
1648Diocese of Minden was suppressed (to Diocese of Hildesheim and Diocese of Osnabrück)
1667.04.28Apostolic Vicariate of Bremen was renamed as Apostolic Vicariate of Calenberg, Göttingen and Grubenhagen
1669Apostolic Vicariate of Calenberg, Göttingen and Grubenhagen was renamed as Apostolic Vicariate of Calenberg, Göttingen, Grubenhagen and Halberstadt
1670Apostolic Vicariate of Calenberg, Göttingen, Grubenhagen and Halberstadt was renamed as Apostolic Vicariate of Nordic Missions
1709.04.06Apostolic Vicariate of Nordens was established (from Apostolic Vicariate of Nordic Missions)
1729Diocese of Passau lost territory to Metropolitan Archdiocese of Wien
1743Apostolic Vicariate of Meißen was restored (from Apostolic Vicariate of Nordic Missions)
1752.10.05Abbacy nullius of Heiligsten Erlöser in Fulda was promoted as Diocese of Fulda
1780.02.11Apostolic Vicariate of Nordens was suppressed (to Apostolic Vicariate of Nordic Missions)
1784Diocese of Passau lost territory to Metropolitan Archdiocese of Wien
1792.04.23Abbacy nullius of St. Stephanus und Vitus in Corvey was promoted as Diocese of Corvey (became suffragan of Mainz)
1792.05.05Diocese of Paderborn lost territory to Diocese of Corvey
1801.11.29Diocese of Aachen was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Köln, Diocese of Liège, Diocese of Münster and Mission sui juris of Batavia, from the suppressed Diocese of Roermond and became suffragan of Mechelen)
1801.11.29Metropolitan Archdiocese of Mainz was demoted as Diocese of Mainz (gained territory from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Trier, Diocese of Metz and Diocese of Worms, exchanged territory with Diocese of Speyer and became suffragan of Mechelen)
1801.11.29Diocese of Speyer lost territory to Diocese of Strasbourg
1801.11.29Metropolitan Archdiocese of Trier was demoted as Diocese of Trier (lost territory to Metropolitan Archdiocese of Köln, Diocese of Mainz, Diocese of Metz and Diocese of Namur and became suffragan of Mechelen)
1801.11.29Diocese of Worms lost territory to Diocese of Mainz and Diocese of Speyer
1803Provostry nullius of Berchtesgaden was suppressed (to Metropolitan Archdiocese of Salzburg)
1803Diocese of Freising was suppressed (to Metropolitan Archdiocese of Salzburg and Diocese of Brixen)
1805.02.01Diocese of Worms was suppressed
1806Apostolic Vicariate of Meißen lost territory to Diocese of Wrocław
1807Diocese of Passau exchanged territory with Metropolitan Archdiocese of Salzburg
1808Metropolitan Archdiocese of Köln lost territory to Diocese of Aachen
1808.04.26Diocese of Konstanz lost territory to Diocese of Strasbourg
1814Diocese of Konstanz lost territory to Diocese of Basel and Diocese of Chur
1815Diocese of Münster lost territory to Diocese of Osnabrück
1818.04.01Diocese of Augsburg lost territory to Diocese of Brixen
1818.04.01Diocese of Bamberg was promoted as Metropolitan Archdiocese of Bamberg (with suffragan sees Eichstätt, Speyer and Würzburg and gained territory from Diocese of Würzburg)
1818.04.01Diocese of Chiemsee was suppressed (to Metropolitan Archdiocese of Salzburg and to establish Metropolitan Archdiocese of München und Freising)
1818.04.01Diocese of Konstanz lost territory to Diocese of Brixen
1818.04.01Diocese of Mainz lost territory to Diocese of Konstanz, Diocese of Speyer and Diocese of Würzburg
1818.04.01Metropolitan Archdiocese of München und Freising was restored (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Salzburg, from the suppressed Diocese of Chiemsee and with suffragan sees Augsburg and Regensburg)
1818.04.01Diocese of Speyer lost territory to Diocese of Konstanz
1818.04.01Diocese of Würzburg lost territory to Metropolitan Archdiocese of Bamberg and Diocese of Konstanz
1818.05.02Diocese of Konstanz lost territory to Diocese of Brixen
1821.07.16Diocese of Aachen was suppressed (to Metropolitan Archdiocese of Köln, Diocese of Münster and Diocese of Trier)
1821.07.16Diocese of Corvey was suppressed (to Diocese of Paderborn)
1821.07.16Metropolitan Archdiocese of Köln lost territory to Diocese of Münster, Diocese of Paderborn and Diocese of Trier
1821.07.16Diocese of Mainz lost territory to Diocese of Paderborn
1821.07.16Diocese of Münster exchanged territory with Diocese of Osnabrück
1821.07.16Apostolic Vicariate of Nordic Missions lost territory to Diocese of Münster, Diocese of Osnabrück, Diocese of Paderborn and Diocese of Wrocław
1821.07.16Diocese of Osnabrück exchanged territory with Diocese of Münster
1821.07.16Diocese of Speyer exchanged territory with Diocese of Mainz
1821.08.16Abbacy nullius of Ellwangen was suppressed (to establish Diocese of Rottenburg)
1821.08.16Metropolitan Archdiocese of Freiburg im Breisgau was established (from Diocese of Mainz, Diocese of Speyer, Diocese of Strasbourg, former Diocese of Worms and Diocese of Würzburg, from the suppressed Diocese of Konstanz and with suffragan sees Fulda, Limburg, Mainz and Rottenburg)
1821.08.16Diocese of Konstanz was suppressed (to establish Metropolitan Archdiocese of Freiburg im Breisgau and Diocese of Rottenburg)
1821.08.16Diocese of Limburg was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Köln, Diocese of Mainz and Diocese of Trier and became suffragan of Freiburg im Breisgau)
1821.08.16Diocese of Mainz lost territory to Diocese of Fulda
1821.08.16Diocese of Rottenburg was established (from the suppressed Diocese of Konstanz and Abbacy nullius of Ellwangen and became suffragan of Freiburg im Breisgau)
1821.08.16Diocese of Trier exchanged territory with Diocese of Mainz
1824.03.26Diocese of Hildesheim exchanged territory with Diocese of Osnabrück
1824.03.26Diocese of Mainz lost territory to Diocese of Hildesheim
1824.03.26Apostolic Vicariate of Nordic Missions lost territory to Diocese of Hildesheim and Diocese of Osnabrück
1824.03.26Diocese of Osnabrück exchanged territory with Diocese of Hildesheim
1826Diocese of Würzburg lost territory to Metropolitan Archdiocese of Bamberg
1834Apostolic Vicariate of Anhalt was established (from Apostolic Vicariate of Nordic Missions)
1839.09.17Apostolic Vicariate of Nordic Missions was suppressed (to establish Apostolic Vicariate of Nordic Missions)
1839.09.17Apostolic Vicariate of Nordic Missions was restored (from the suppressed Apostolic Vicariate of Nordic Missions)
1868.07.29Apostolic Prefecture of Schleswig-Holstein was restored (from Apostolic Vicariate of Nordic Missions)
1868.08.08Apostolic Vicariate of Nordic Missions was renamed as Apostolic Vicariate of North German Missions
1913Diocese of Eichstätt lost territory to Metropolitan Archdiocese of Bamberg
1914.02.09Diocese of Augsburg lost territory to Metropolitan Archdiocese of München und Freising
1921.03.01Apostolic Vicariate of Anhalt was suppressed (to Diocese of Paderborn)
1921.06.24Apostolic Prefecture of Lausitz was suppressed (to Diocese of Meißen)
1921.06.24Apostolic Vicariate of Meißen was promoted as Diocese of Meißen (gained territory from the suppressed Apostolic Prefecture of Lausitz and without ecclesiastical province)
1929Diocese of Paderborn lost territory to Diocese of Fulda
1930Diocese of Fulda lost territory to Diocese of Hildesheim
1930.08.13Diocese of Aachen was restored (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Köln and Diocese of Münster and became suffragan of Köln)
1930.08.13Diocese of Berlin was established (from Diocese of Wrocław and became suffragan of Wrocław)
1930.08.13Diocese of Fulda lost territory to Diocese of Limburg
1930.08.13Apostolic Vicariate of North German Missions was suppressed (to Metropolitan Archdiocese of Paderborn and Diocese of Osnabrück)
1930.08.13Diocese of Paderborn was promoted as Metropolitan Archdiocese of Paderborn (with suffragan sees Fulda and Hildesheim, gained territory from the suppressed Apostolic Vicariate of North German Missions and lost territory to Metropolitan Archdiocese of Köln and Diocese of Fulda)
1930.08.13Apostolic Prefecture of Schleswig-Holstein was suppressed (to Diocese of Osnabrück)
1933Diocese of Trier lost territory to Diocese of Limburg
1933.07.20Military Vicariate of Jurisdiktionsbereich des Katholischen Feldpropstes was established
1939.09.17Apostolic Exarchate of Volhynia, Polesia and Pidliashia (Ukrainian Rite) was established
1957.02.23Diocese of Essen was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Köln, Metropolitan Archdiocese of Paderborn and Diocese of Münster and became suffragan of Köln)
1959.04.17Apostolic Exarchate of Deutschland und Skandinavien (Ukrainian Rite) was established
1960.07.11Metropolitan Archdiocese of Köln lost territory to Diocese of Essen
1965Diocese of Osnabrück lost territory to Diocese of Hildesheim
1972.06.28Apostolic Administration of Görlitz was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Wrocław)
1972.06.28Diocese of Meißen lost territory to Metropolitan Archdiocese of Wrocław
1973.07.23Apostolic Administration of Erfurt–Meiningen was restored (from Diocese of Fulda and Diocese of Würzburg)
1973.07.23Apostolic Administration of Magdeburg was restored (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Paderborn)
1973.07.23Apostolic Administration of Schwerin was restored (from Diocese of Osnabrück)
1975Metropolitan Archdiocese of Paderborn lost territory to Diocese of Essen
1978.01.18Diocese of Rottenburg was renamed as Diocese of Rottenburg–Stuttgart
1979.11.15Diocese of Meißen was renamed as Diocese of Dresden–Meißen
1986.07.21Military Vicariate of Jurisdiktionsbereich des Katholischen Feldpropstes was promoted as Military Ordinariate of Deutsches Militärordinariat
1994.04.07Apostolic Administration of Schwerin lost territory to Diocese of Hildesheim
1994.06.27Diocese of Berlin was promoted as Metropolitan Archdiocese of Berlin (with suffragan sees Dresden–Meißen and Görlitz and exchanged territory with Apostolic Administration of Görlitz)
1994.06.27Diocese of Dresden–Meißen exchanged territory with Apostolic Administration of Erfurt–Meiningen
1994.06.27Apostolic Administration of Erfurt–Meiningen was promoted as Diocese of Erfurt (gained territory from Diocese of Hildesheim, exchanged territory with Diocese of Dresden–Meißen, Diocese of Fulda and Apostolic Administration of Magdeburg and became suffragan of Paderborn)
1994.06.27Diocese of Fulda exchanged territory with Apostolic Administration of Erfurt–Meiningen
1994.06.27Apostolic Administration of Görlitz was promoted as Diocese of Görlitz (exchanged territory with Diocese of Berlin and Apostolic Administration of Magdeburg and became suffragan of Berlin)
1994.06.27Diocese of Hildesheim lost territory to Diocese of Erfurt
1994.06.27Apostolic Administration of Magdeburg was promoted as Diocese of Magdeburg (lost territory to Diocese of Dresden–Meißen and Diocese of Hildesheim, exchanged territory with Apostolic Administration of Erfurt–Meiningen and Apostolic Administration of Görlitz and became suffragan of Paderborn)
1994.10.24Metropolitan Archdiocese of Hamburg was restored (from Diocese of Hildesheim and Diocese of Osnabrück, from the suppressed Apostolic Administration of Schwerin and with suffragan sees Hildesheim and Osnabrück)
1994.10.24Apostolic Administration of Schwerin was suppressed (to establish Metropolitan Archdiocese of Hamburg)
1995.11.25Apostolic Exarchate of Volhynia, Polesia and Pidliashia (Ukrainian Rite) was suppressed (to establish Archiepiscopal Exarchate of Kyiv–Vyshhorod)
2006.12.07Metropolitan Archdiocese of Paderborn lost territory to Diocese of Essen
2009.01Titular Episcopal See of Chiemsee was restored