Date![Ascending]( | Celebration |
2010.12.25 – 2011.01.01 | Christmas Octave 2010 Christmas |
2011.01.01 | World Day of Peace 2011 peace |
2011.01.16 | 97ᵗʰ World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2011 migrant |
2011.01.18 – 2011.01.25 | Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2011 ecumenism |
2011.01.30 | 58ᵗʰ World Leprosy Day leprosy |
2011.02.02 | World Day for Consecrated Life 2011 religious |
2011.02.11 | World Day of the Sick 2011 sick |
2011.03.09 – 2011.04.21 | Lent 2011 Lent - Pope Benedict XVI, Message For Lent 2011 (2010.11.04)
![English]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Homily “Statio and Penitential Procession - Holy Mass, Blessing and Imposition of the Ashes” (2011.03.09)
![English]( - Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff, Liturgical Booklet “Penitential Procession, Mass, Blessing and Imposition of the Ashes on Ash Wednesday” (2011.03.09)
![latine (Latin)]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Homily “Palm Sunday - 26ᵗʰ World Youth Day” (2011.04.17)
![English]( - Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff, Liturgical Booklet “Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord” (2011.04.17)
![latine (Latin)]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Homily “Chrism Mass” (2011.04.21)
![Video]( - Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff, Liturgical Booklet “Chrism Mass” (2011.04.21)
![latine (Latin)](
2011.03.24 – 2011.03.25 | Courtyard of the Gentiles (Parintins, 2011) non-believers |
2011.04.21 – 2011.04.24 | Triduum 2011 Triduum |
2011.05.01 | Beatification of Pope John Paul II pope |
2011.05.07 – 2011.05.08 | Pastoral Visit to Aquileia and Venezia papal journey in Italy |
2011.05.12 – 2011.05.21 | 2ⁿᵈ International Catholic Film Festival movie |
2011.05.15 | World Day of Prayer for Vocations 2011 vocation |
2011.05.24 | Day of Prayer for the Church in China 2011 China |
2011.06.04 – 2011.06.05 | Apostolic Journey to Croatia Croatia papal journey - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Welcoming ceremony at Pleso International Airport in Zagreb” (2011.06.04)
![Video]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Meeting with representatives of civil society, the political, academic, cultural, and business world, the diplomatic corps, and religious leaders gathered in the National Croatian Theatre” (2011.06.04)
![Video]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Prayer Vigil with the Croatian youth in Bano Josip Jelačič square” (2011.06.04)
![Video]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Meeting with journalists during the flight to Croatia” (2011.06.04)
![English]( - Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff, Liturgical Booklet “Apostolic Journey to Croatia” (2011.06.04)
![latine (Latin)]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Vespers and prayer at the tomb of Blessed Alojzije Viktor Stepinac at the Cathedral of Zagreb” (2011.06.05)
![Video]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Farewell ceremony at Pleso International Airport in Zagreb” (2011.06.05)
![Video]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Homily “Mass on the occasion of the National Day of Croatian Catholic Families in the Zagreb Hippodrome” (2011.06.05)
2011.06.05 | World Communications Day 2011 communication |
2011.06.19 | Apostolic Journey to San Marino papal journey San Marino |
2011.06.19 | Pastoral Visit to Montefeltro papal journey in Italy |
2011.07.01 | World Day of Prayer for the Sanctification of Priests 2011 priest |
2011.07.10 | Sea Sunday 2011 sea |
2011.08.15 – 2011.08.21 | World Youth Day 2011 (Madrid) papal journey Spain youth - Pope Benedict XVI, Message For the 26ᵗʰ World Youth Day (2011) (2010.08.06)
![English]( - Apostolic Penitentiary, Decree “Indulgences conceded for the 26ᵗʰ World Youth Day” (2011.08.02)
![latine (Latin)]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Meeting with journalists during the flight to Madrid” (2011.08.18)
![English]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Welcome ceremony at Madrid-Barajas International Airport” (2011.08.18)
![Video]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Welcome ceremony with young people at Plaza de Cibeles: Initial Address” (2011.08.18)
![English]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Welcome ceremony with young people at Plaza de Cibeles: Address of the Holy Father” (2011.08.18)
![Video]( - Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff, Liturgical Booklet “Apostolic Journey to Spain” (2011.08.18)
![latine (Latin)]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Meeting with women religious at Patio de los Reyes de El Escorial” (2011.08.19)
![English]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Meeting with young university professors gathered in the Basilica de San Lorenzo de El Escorial” (2011.08.19)
![English]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Way of the Cross with young people at Plaza de Cibeles” (2011.08.19)
![English]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Meeting with the Organizing Committee of the 26ᵗʰ WYD at the Apostolic Nunciature” (2011.08.20)
![Video]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Visit to San José Foundation for disabled youth” (2011.08.20)
![Video]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Prayer vigil with the young people at Cuatro Vientos Airport” (2011.08.20)
![Video]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Homily “Mass with seminarians at the Cathedral of Santa María la Real de la Almudena” (2011.08.20)
![Video]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Meeting with volunteers of the 26ᵗʰ World Youth Day at Pavilion 9 of the new Trade Fair of Madrid-IFEMA” (2011.08.21)
![Video]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Farewell ceremony at Madrid-Barajas International Airport” (2011.08.21)
![English]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Homily “Mass for the 26ᵗʰ World Youth Day at Cuatro Vientos Airport” (2011.08.21)
2011.09.11 | Pastoral Visit to Ancona papal journey in Italy |
2011.09.22 – 2011.09.25 | Apostolic Journey to Germany Germany papal journey - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Address on the television program ’Wort zum Sonntag’ at the vigil of the Apostolic Journey to Germany” (2011.09.17)
![English]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Welcoming ceremony at Bellevue Castle (Berlin)” (2011.09.22)
![Video]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Visit to the Federal Parliament in the Reichstag Building (Berlin)” (2011.09.22)
![Video]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Meeting with representatives of the Jewish community in a room of the Reichstag Building (Berlin)” (2011.09.22)
![Video]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Meeting with journalists during the flight to Germany” (2011.09.22)
![English]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Homily “Mass at the Olympiastadion (Berlin)” (2011.09.22)
![Video]( - Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff, Liturgical Booklet “Apostolic Journey to Germany” (2011.09.22)
![latine (Latin)]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Meeting with representatives of the Muslim community in the reception room of the Apostolic Nunciature of Berlin” (2011.09.23)
![Video]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Meeting with representatives of the German Evangelical Church Council in the Chapter Hall of the Augustinian Convent” (2011.09.23)
![Video]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Ecumenical Celebration in the church of the Augustinian Convent” (2011.09.23)
![Video]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Marian Vespers at the Wallfahrtskapelle” (2011.09.23)
![Video]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Greetings to the citizens gathered at Münsterplatz (Freiburg im Breisgau)” (2011.09.24)
![Video]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Meeting with representatives of the Orthodox Churches in the Seminary Hörsaal (Freiburg im Breisgau)” (2011.09.24)
![Video]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Meeting with seminarians at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary Chapel (Freiburg im Breisgau)” (2011.09.24)
![Video]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Meeting with the Council of the Central Committee of German Catholics (ZDK) in the Seminary Hörsaal (Freiburg im Breisgau)” (2011.09.24)
![Video]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Prayer vigil with the young people at the trade fair grounds of Freiburg im Breisgau” (2011.09.24)
![Video]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Homily “Mass at Domplatz” (2011.09.24)
![Video]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Meeting with Catholics engaged in the life of the Church and Society gathered in the Konzerthaus (Freiburg im Breisgau)” (2011.09.25)
![Video]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Farewell ceremony at Lahr Airport” (2011.09.25)
![Video]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Homily “Mass celebrated in the touristic airport of Freiburg im Breisgau” (2011.09.25)
2011.09.27 | World Tourism Day 2011 tourism |
2011.10.09 | Pastoral Visit to Lamezia Terme and Serra San Bruno papal journey in Italy |
2011.10.16 | World Food Day 2011 food |
2011.10.23 | World Mission Sunday 2011 mission |
2011.10.27 | Day of Reflection, Dialogue and Prayer for Peace and Justice in the World (Assisi) inter-religious dialogue papal journey in Italy |
2011.11.18 – 2011.11.20 | Apostolic Journey to Benin Benin papal journey - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Meeting with journalists during the flight to Benin” (2011.11.18)
![English]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Welcome ceremony at Cardinal Bernardin Gantin International Airport of Cotonou” (2011.11.18)
![Video]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Visit to the Cathedral of Cotonou” (2011.11.18)
![Video]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Apostolic Exhortation Africæ Munus / Africa’s Commitment On the Church in Africa in Service to Reconciliation, Justice and Peace (2011.11.19)
![English]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Meeting with Government members, representatives of the Institutions of the Republic, Diplomatic Corps and representatives of the major religions gathered in the Presidential Palace of Cotonou” (2011.11.19)
![Video]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Meeting with priests, seminarians, men and women religious and lay faithful gathered in the Courtyard of St Gall Seminary” (2011.11.19)
![Video]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Visit at the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception of Mary of Ouidah and signing of the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation” (2011.11.19)
![Video]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Meeting with children at St. Rita Parish in Cotonou” (2011.11.19)
![Video]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Meeting with the Bishops of Benin at the Apostolic Nunciature of Cotonou” (2011.11.19)
![English]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Consignment of the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation to the Bishops of Africa” (2011.11.20)
![English]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Farewell ceremony at Cardinal Bernardin Gantin International Airport” (2011.11.20)
![Video]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Homily “Holy Mass at the Stade de l’amitié of Cotonou” (2011.11.20)
2011.12.25 – 2012.01.01 | Christmas Octave 2011 Christmas - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Christmas greetings to Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops and Directors of the Governorate of Vatican City State” (2011.12.22)
![Video]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Homily “Midnight Mass” (2011.12.24)
![Video]( - Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff, Liturgical Booklet “Christmas Eve Mass” (2011.12.24)
![latine (Latin)]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Message “Urbi et Orbi Message for Christmas 2011” (2011.12.25)
![Video]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Homily “Vespers and Te Deum” (2011.12.31)
![Video]( - Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff, Liturgical Booklet “First Vespers and Te Deum in thanksgiving for the past year” (2011.12.31)
![latine (Latin)]( - Pope Benedict XVI, Homily “Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God” (2012.01.01)