Date | Celebration |
2018.12.25 – 2019.01.01 | Christmas Octave 2018 Christmas |
2019.01.01 | World Day of Peace 2019 peace |
2019.01.18 – 2019.01.25 | Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2019 ecumenism |
2019.01.22 – 2019.01.27 | World Youth Day 2019 (Panamá) Panama youth - Pope Francis, Message To the young people from all over the world on the occasion of the upcoming World Youth Days (2017.02.27)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Prayer Vigil in preparation for World Youth Day” (2017.04.08)
 - Pope Francis, Message For the 34ᵗʰ World Youth Day 2019 (2018.11.21)
 - Pope Francis, Message For the 34ᵗʰ World Youth Day (2019) (2018.11.21)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Welcome ceremony and opening of WYD (Campo Santa Maria la Antigua – Cinta Costera)” (2019.01.24)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Via Crucis with young people (Campo Santa Maria la Antigua – Cinta Costera)” (2019.01.25)
 - Pope Francis, Homily “Penitential liturgy with young detainees (Centro de Cumplimiento de Menores Las Garzas de Pacora)” (2019.01.25)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Vigil with young people (Campo San Juan Pablo II – Metro Park)” (2019.01.26)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Visit to the Casa Hogar del Buen Samaritano” (2019.01.27)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Meeting with the WYD volunteers (Rommel Fernandez Stadium)” (2019.01.27)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Press Conference on the return flight from Panama to Rome (Papal flight)” (2019.01.27)
 - Pope Francis, Homily “Mass for World Youth Day (Campo San Juan Pablo II – Metro Park)” (2019.01.27)

2019.01.23 – 2019.01.27 | Apostolic Journey to Panama Panama papal journey |
2019.01.27 | 66ᵗʰ World Leprosy Day leprosy |
2019.02.02 | World Day for Consecrated Life 2019 religious |
2019.02.03 – 2019.02.05 | Apostolic Journey to United Arab Emirates papal journey United Arab Emigrates |
2019.02.08 | International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking 2019 trafficking |
2019.02.11 | World Day of the Sick 2019 sick |
2019.02.21 – 2019.02.24 | Meeting with Presidents of Episcopal Conferences sexual abuse |
2019.03.06 – 2019.04.18 | Lent 2019 Lent |
2019.03.25 | Visit to Loreto papal journey in Italy |
2019.03.30 – 2019.03.31 | Apostolic Journey to Morocco Morocco papal journey - Pope Francis, Message For the upcoming Apostolic Journey to Morocco (2019.03.28)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Greeting to journalists on the flight to Rabat (Papal flight)” (2019.03.30)
- Pope Francis, Speech “Meeting with the Moroccan People, the Authorities, with Civil Society and with the Diplomatic Corps on the Esplanade of the Hassan Tower (Rabat)” (2019.03.30)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Appeal by His Majesty King Mohammed VI and His Holiness Pope Francis regarding Jerusalem / Al-Quds the Holy City and a place of encounter (Rabat)” (2019.03.30)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Meeting with Migrants (premises of diocesan Caritas, Rabat)” (2019.03.30)
 - Pope Francis, Homily “Mass (Prince Moulay Abdellah Stadium, Rabat)” (2019.03.31)

2019.04.18 – 2019.04.21 | Triduum 2019 Triduum |
2019.05.05 – 2019.05.07 | Apostolic Journey to Bulgaria Bulgaria papal journey - Pope Francis, Message For the upcoming Apostolic Journey to Bulgaria (2019.05.03)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Greeting to journalists on the flight to Sofia (Papal flight)” (2019.05.05)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Meeting with the authorities, with civil society and the diplomatic corps (Sofia)” (2019.05.05)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Visit to the Patriarch and to the Holy Synod (Palace of the Holy Synod, Sofia)” (2019.05.05)
 - Pope Francis, Homily “Mass (Knyaz Alexandar I Square, Sofia)” (2019.05.05)
 - Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff, Liturgical Booklet “Missal for the Apostolic Journey to Bulgaria and North Macedonia” (2019.05.05)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Private visit (Vrazhdebna Refugee Centre, Sofia)” (2019.05.06)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Meeting with the Catholic community (Church of Saint Michael Archangel, Rakovsky)” (2019.05.06)
 - Pope Francis, Homily “Mass with First Communions (Church of the Sacred Heart of Rakovsky)” (2019.05.06)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Press conference (flight from Skopje to Rome)” (2019.05.07)
2019.05.07 | Apostolic Journey to North Macedonia Macedonia papal journey - Pope Francis, Message For the upcoming Apostolic Journey to North Macedonia (2019.05.04)
 - Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff, Liturgical Booklet “Missal for the Apostolic Journey to Bulgaria and North Macedonia” (2019.05.05)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Meeting with the authorities, with civil society and with the Diplomatic Corps (Mosaique Hall of the Presidential Palace, Skopje)” (2019.05.07)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Ecumenical and interreligious meeting with young people (Pastoral centre, Skopje)” (2019.05.07)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Meeting with priests, their families and religious (Cathedral, Skopje)” (2019.05.07)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Press conference (flight from Skopje to Rome)” (2019.05.07)
- Pope Francis, Homily “Mass (Macedonia Square, Skopje)” (2019.05.07)

2019.05.12 | World Day of Prayer for Vocations 2019 vocation |
2019.05.24 | Day of Prayer for the Church in China 2019 China |
2019.05.28 | World Day of Prayer for the Sanctification of Priests 2019 priest |
2019.05.31 – 2019.06.02 | Apostolic Journey to Romania papal journey Romania - Pope Francis, Message For the Apostolic Journey to Romania (2019.05.28)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Greeting to journalists on the flight to Bucarest (Papal flight)” (2019.05.31)
- Pope Francis, Speech “Meeting with the authorities, with civil society and with the Diplomatic Corps (Unirii Hall of the Cotroceni Palace, Bucarest)” (2019.05.31)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Meeting with the permanent Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church (Palace of the Patriarchate, Bucarest)” (2019.05.31)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “The Lord’s Prayer (new Orthodox Cathedral, Bucarest)” (2019.05.31)
 - Pope Francis, Homily “Mass (Saint Joseph Cathedral, Bucarest)” (2019.05.31)
 - Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff, Liturgical Booklet “Missal for the Apostolic Journey to Romania” (2019.05.31)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Visit to Our Lady Queen of Iasi Cathedral” (2019.06.01)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Marian meeting with young people and families (square in front of the Palace of Culture, Iasi)” (2019.06.01)
 - Pope Francis, Homily “Mass (Shrine of Sumuleu-Ciuc)” (2019.06.01)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Meeting with the Rom Community of Blaj” (2019.06.02)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Press conference on the return flight to Rome” (2019.06.02)
- Pope Francis, Homily “Divine Liturgy with the Beatification of 7 Greek-Catholic Martyr bishops (Field of Liberty, Blaj)” (2019.06.02)

2019.06.02 | World Communications Day 2019 communication |
2019.06.16 | Pastoral Visit to Camerino–San Severino Marche papal journey in Italy |
2019.06.19 | World Day of Prayer for the Sanctification of Priests 2020 priest |
2019.06.21 | Pastoral Visit to Napoli papal journey in Italy |
2019.07.14 | Sea Sunday 2019 sea |
2019.09.01 | World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation 2019 ecology |
2019.09.04 – 2019.09.06 | Apostolic Journey to Mozambique Mozambique papal journey - Pope Francis, Message For the upcoming Apostolic Journey to Mozambique (2019.08.30)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Greeting to journalists on the flight to Maputo (Papal flight)” (2019.09.04)
 - Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff, Liturgical Booklet “Missal for the Apostolic Journey to Mozambique, Madagascar and Mauritius” (2019.09.04)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Meeting with Scholas Occurrentes (Maputo)” (2019.09.05)
- Pope Francis, Speech “Meeting with the Authorities, Civil Society and the Diplomatic Corps (Ponta Vermelha Palace, Maputo)” (2019.09.05)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Interreligious Meeting with the Young (Pavillon Maxaquene, Maputo)” (2019.09.05)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Meeting with the bishops, priests, men and women Religious, Consecrated Persons, Seminarians, Catechists and Animators (Cathedral, Maputo)” (2019.09.05)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Visit to Zimpeto Hospital (Maputo)” (2019.09.06)
 - Pope Francis, Homily “Mass (Stadium of Zimpeto, Maputo)” (2019.09.06)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Press Conference (return flight to Rome)” (2019.09.10)
2019.09.06 – 2019.09.09 | Apostolic Journey to Madagascar Madagascar papal journey - Pope Francis, Message For the upcoming Apostolic Journey to Madagascar (2019.09.01)
 - Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff, Liturgical Booklet “Missal for the Apostolic Journey to Mozambique, Madagascar and Mauritius” (2019.09.04)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Meeting with the Authorities, Civil Society and the Diplomatic Corps (Ceremony Building, Antananarivo)” (2019.09.07)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Meeting with Bishops of Madagascar (Cathedral of Andohalo, Antananarivo)” (2019.09.07)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Vigil with the Young (Soamandrakizay diocesan field, Antananarivo)” (2019.09.07)
 - Pope Francis, Homily “Midday Prayer (Monastery of the Discalced Carmelites, Antananarivo)” (2019.09.07)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Visit to the Akamasoa City of Friendship (Antananarivo)” (2019.09.08)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Meeting with Priests, Men and Women Religious, Consecrated Persons and Seminarians (Collège de Saint Michel, Antananarivo)” (2019.09.08)
 - Pope Francis, Homily “Mass (Soamandrakizay diocesan field, Antananarivo)” (2019.09.08)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Press Conference (return flight to Rome)” (2019.09.10)
2019.09.09 – 2019.09.10 | Apostolic Journey to Mauritius Mauritius papal journey |
2019.09.21 | Pastoral Visit to Albano papal journey in Italy |
2019.09.27 | World Tourism Day 2019 tourism |
2019.09.29 | 105ᵗʰ World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2019 migrant |
2019.10.05 | Ordinary Public Consistory for the Creation of 13 Cardinals  cardinal consistory |
2019.10.06 – 2019.10.27 | Special Assembly for the Pan-Amazon region of the Synod of Bishops South America synod - General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops, Preparatory Document “Amazonia: New Paths for the Church and for an Integral Ecology” (2018.06.08)
 - General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops, Instrumentum laboris “Amazonia: New Paths for the Church and for an Integral Ecology” (2019.06.17)
- Pope Francis, Homily “Mass for the opening of the Synod of Bishops for the Pan-Amazon Region” (2019.10.06)
 - Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff, Liturgical Booklet “Mass for the opening of the Special Assembly for the Pan-Amazon region of the Synod of Bishops” (2019.10.06)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Opening of the Works of the Special Assembly of the Synod of Bishops for the Pan-Amazon Region” (2019.10.07)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Closing of the Works of the Special Assembly of the Synod of Bishops for the Pan-Amazon Region” (2019.10.26)
 - General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops, Final Document “Amazonia: New Paths for the Church and for an Integral Ecology” (2019.10.26)
 - Pope Francis, Homily “Mass for the Closing of the Synod of Bishops for the Pan-Amazon Region” (2019.10.27)
 - Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff, Liturgical Booklet “Mass for the Closing of the Synod of Bishops for the Pan-Amazon Region” (2019.10.27)
 - Pope Francis, Apostolic Exhortation Querida Amazonia (2020.02.02)

2019.10.16 | World Food Day 2019 food |
2019.10.20 | World Mission Sunday 2019 mission |
2019.11.17 | World Day of the Poor 2019 poverty |
2019.11.20 – 2019.11.23 | Apostolic Journey to Thailand papal journey Thailand - Pope Francis, Message For the upcoming Apostolic Journey to Thailand (2019.11.15)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Greeting to journalists on the flight to Bangkok (papal flight)” (2019.11.19)
 - Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff, Liturgical Booklet “Apostolic Journey to Thailand and Japan” (2019.11.19)
 - Pope Francis, Message To young people in Thailand (2019.11.20)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Meeting with Authorities, Civil Society and the Diplomatic Corps (Inner Santi Maitri Hall of the Government House, Bangkok)” (2019.11.21)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Visit to the Supreme Buddhist Patriarch (Wat Ratchabophit Sathit Maha Simaram Temple, Bangkok)” (2019.11.21)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Meeting with the medical staff (St. Louis Hospital, Bangkok)” (2019.11.21)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Meeting with priests, religious, seminarians and catechists (St Peter’s Parish, Bangkok)” (2019.11.22)
- Pope Francis, Speech “Meeting with the Bishops of Thailand and FABC (Blessed Nicholas Boonkerd Kitbamrung Shrine, Bangkok)” (2019.11.22)
- Pope Francis, Speech “Meeting with the Leaders of the Christian denominations and Other Religions (Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok)” (2019.11.22)
2019.11.23 – 2019.11.26 | Apostolic Journey to Japan Japan papal journey - Pope Francis, Message For the upcoming Apostolic Journey to Japan (2019.11.18)
- Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff, Liturgical Booklet “Apostolic Journey to Thailand and Japan” (2019.11.19)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Apostolic Journey to Japan: Meeting with the Bishops (Apostolic Nunciature, Tokyo)” (2019.11.23)
- Pope Francis, Message “On nuclear weapons (Atomic Bomb Hypocenter Park, Nagasaki)” (2019.11.24)
 - Pope Francis, Message “Meeting for peace (Peace Memorial, Hiroshima)” (2019.11.24)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Address on Nuclear Weapons (Atomic Bomb Hypocenter Park, Nagasaki)” (2019.11.24)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Tribute to the Martyr Saints (Martyrs’ Monument, Nishizaka Hill, Nagasaki)” (2019.11.24)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Meeting for peace (Peace Memorial, Hiroshima)” (2019.11.24)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Meeting with the victims of Triple Disaster (Bellesalle Hanzomon, Tokyo)” (2019.11.25)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Meeting with young people (Cathedral of Holy Mary, Tokyo)” (2019.11.25)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Meeting with authorities and the Diplomatic Corps (Kantei)” (2019.11.25)
 - Pope Francis, Homily “Mass (Tokyo Dome)” (2019.11.25)

2019.12.01 | Visit to the Franciscan Shrine of Greccio papal journey in Italy |
2019.12.08 – 2021.12.10 | Jubilee Year of Loreto 2020 jubilee |
2019.12.25 – 2020.01.01 | Christmas Octave 2019 Christmas |