
Bishops who are not Ordinaries: KI… – KN…


TanzaniaBishop Wilbroad Henry Kibozi (51)Bishop Wilbroad Henry Kibozi (51)

Titular Bishop of Zallata
Auxiliary Bishop of Dodoma (Tanzania)

Born:1973.04.30 (Dodoma, Tanzania)
Ordained Priest:2010.07.09
Consecrated Bishop:2024.05.12

Priest of Dodoma (Tanzania) (2010.07.09 – 2024.02.12)

Titular Bishop of Zallata (2024.02.12 – ...)

Auxiliary Bishop of Dodoma (Tanzania) (2024.02.12 – ...)

PolandBishop Jacek Kiciński, C.M.F. (56)Bishop Jacek Kiciński, C.M.F. (56)

Titular Bishop of Margum
Auxiliary Bishop of Wrocław (Poland)

Ut unum sint

Born:1968.08.30 (Turek, Poland)
Ordained Priest:1995.05.27
Consecrated Bishop:2016.03.19

Titular Bishop of Margum (2016.02.13 – ...)

Auxiliary Bishop of Wrocław (Poland) (2016.02.13 – ...)

PolandBishop Dominik Józef Kiełczewski

Born:1702.12.17 (Poland)
Ordained Priest:1731?
Consecrated Bishop:1760.10.14
Died:1776.02.28 († 73)

Auxiliary Bishop of Chełm (Poland) (1760.07.21 – 1775.07.14)

Titular Bishop of Hermopolis maior (1760.07.21 – 1776.02.28)

NetherlandsArchbishop Leo Peter Kierkels, C.P.

Quæ sursum sunt quærite

UkraineBishop Rafal Wladyslaw Kiernicki, O.F.M. Conv.

Born:1912.05.03 (Ukraine)
Ordained Priest:1939.06.29
Consecrated Bishop:1991.03.02
Died:1995.11.23 († 83)

Titular Bishop of Dura (1991.01.16 – 1995.11.23)

Auxiliary Bishop of Lviv (Ukraine) (1991.01.16 – 1995.11.23)

TanzaniaBishop Method Kilaini (76)Bishop Method Kilaini (76)

Titular Bishop of Tamalluma
Auxiliary Bishop emeritus of Bukoba (Tanzania)

Nitalitangaza jina la Bwana

USABishop James Jerome Killeen

Born:1917.07.17 (USA)
Ordained Priest:1942.05.30
Consecrated Bishop:1975.12.13
Died:1978.09.08 († 61)

Titular Bishop of Vamalla (1975.11.04 – 1978.09.08)

Auxiliary Bishop of the Military Vicariate of United States of America (USA) (1975.11.04 – 1978.09.08)

Congo-KinshasaArchbishop Pierre Kimbondo

Born:1914.02.15 (Congo-Kinshasa)
Ordained Priest:1943.08.08
Consecrated Bishop:1956.11.18
Died:1977.07.12 († 63)

Titular Bishop of Sebela (1956.08.09 – 1961.06.24)

Auxiliary Bishop of Kisantu (Congo-Kinshasa) (1956.08.09 – 1961.06.24)

Bishop of Kisantu (Congo-Kinshasa) (1961.06.24 – 1973.04.27)

Archbishop ad personam (1971.11.08 – 1973.04.27)

South KoreaBishop Paul Kim Ok-kyun (김옥균 바오로)

Lucem in hanc terram / 이 땅에 빛을

Born:1925.12.09 (Yong-In, South Korea)
Ordained Priest:1954.12.18
Consecrated Bishop:1985.04.25
Died:2010.03.01 († 84)

Auxiliary Bishop of Seoul 서울 (South Korea) (1985.03.09 – 2001.12.12)

Titular Bishop of Girba (1985.03.09 – 2010.03.01)

GermanyBishop Adolf Kindermann

Contra spem in spem

Ordained Priest:1924.04.05
Consecrated Bishop:1966.09.08
Died:1974.10.23 († 75)

Titular Bishop of Utimmira (1966.07.11 – 1974.10.23)

Auxiliary Bishop of Hildesheim (Germany) (1966.07.11 – 1974.10.23)

Trinidad and TobagoArchbishop George Vincent King, O.P.

EnglandArchbishop John Henry King

Born:1880.09.16 (England)
Ordained Priest:1904.11.20
Consecrated Bishop:1938.07.15
Died:1965.03.23 († 84)

Titular Bishop of Opus (1938.05.28 – 1941.06.04)

Auxiliary Bishop of Portsmouth (England) (1938.05.28 – 1941.06.04)

Bishop of Portsmouth (England) (1941.06.04 – 1965.03.23)

Archbishop ad personam (1954.06.06 – 1965.03.23)

KenyaBishop John Kiplimo Lelei (66)Bishop John Kiplimo Lelei (66)

Titular Bishop of Mons in Numidia
Auxiliary Bishop of Eldoret (Kenya)

Born:1958.08.15 (Soy, Kenya)
Ordained Priest:1985.10.26
Consecrated Bishop:2024.05.25

Priest of Eldoret (Kenya) (1985.10.26 – 2024.03.27)

Titular Bishop of Mons in Numidia (2024.03.27 – ...)

Auxiliary Bishop of Eldoret (Kenya) (2024.03.27 – ...)

IrelandArchbishop Tobias Kirby

Born:1803.01.01 (Ireland)
Ordained Priest:1833.03.26
Consecrated Bishop:1881.06.05
Died:1895.01.20 († 92)

Titular Bishop of Lete (1881.05.13 – 1886.01.15)

Titular Archbishop of Ephesus (1886.01.15 – 1895.01.20)

GermanyBishop Wolfgang Kirchgässner

Für die Menschen bestellt

Born:1928.06.01 (Germany)
Ordained Priest:1954.05.30
Consecrated Bishop:1980.02.10
Died:2014.03.26 († 85)

Auxiliary Bishop of Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany) (1979.11.29 – 1998.12.31)

Titular Bishop of Druas (1979.11.29 – 2014.03.26)

EgyptBishop Hani Bakhoum Kiroulos (50)Bishop Hani Bakhoum Kiroulos (50) (Coptic Rite)

Titular Bishop of Cabasa
Bishop of Curia of the Copts

Born:1974.05.04 (Cairo, Egypt)
Ordained Priest:2004.12.29
Consecrated Bishop:2019.08.31

Priest of Alexandria of the Copts (Egypt) (2004.12.29 – 2019.06.14)

Titular Bishop of Cabasa (2019.06.14 – ...)

Bishop of Curia of the Copts (2019.06.14 – ...)

Congo-KinshasaBishop Édouard Kisonga Ndinga, S.S.S. (78)Bishop Édouard Kisonga Ndinga, S.S.S. (78)

Titular Bishop of Grumentum
Auxiliary Bishop emeritus of Kinshasa (Congo-Kinshasa)

GermanyBishop Johannes Kleineidam

Prædicamus Regnum Dei

Born:1935.08.09 (Germany)
Ordained Priest:1960.12.17
Consecrated Bishop:1970.10.03
Died:1981.06.02 († 45)

Titular Bishop of Nova (1970.09.12 – 1981.06.02)

Auxiliary Bishop of Berlin (Germany) (1970.09.12 – 1981.06.02)

GermanyBishop Alfred Kleinermeilert

Dei benignitate confisus

Born:1928.03.30 (Muesch, Germany)
Ordained Priest:1953.10.10
Consecrated Bishop:1968.06.11
Died:2023.10.23 (Trier, Germany † 95)

Priest of Trier (Germany) (1953.10.10 – 1968.05.03)

Auxiliary Bishop of Trier (Germany) (1968.05.03 – 2003.04.01)

Titular Bishop of Pausula (1968.05.03 – 2023.10.23)

HungaryBishop Sándor Klempa, O. Praem.

Born:1898.05.07 (Hungary)
Ordained Priest:1922.08.27
Consecrated Bishop:1972.03.16
Died:1985.12.19 († 87)

Apostolic Administrator of Veszprém (Hungary) (1959 – 1972.02.08)

Titular Bishop of Baza (1972.02.08 – 1985.12.19)

PolandBishop Piotr Kleszcz, O.F.M. Conv. (57)Bishop Piotr Kleszcz, O.F.M. Conv. (57)

Titular Bishop of Aquæ Albæ in Byzacena
Auxiliary Bishop of Łódź (Poland)

Pax et bonum

Born:1967.06.08 (Łódź, Poland)
Ordained Priest:1993.05.29
Consecrated Bishop:2024.10.19

Titular Bishop of Aquæ Albæ in Byzacena (2024.09.25 – ...)

Auxiliary Bishop of Łódź (Poland) (2024.09.25 – ...)

ChileBishop Augusto Klinke Leier

Born:1870.03.03 (Austria)
Ordained Priest:1893.06.23
Consecrated Bishop:1909.02.21
Died:1932.04.08 († 62)

Auxiliary Bishop of San Carlos de Ancud (Chile) (1908.11.11 – 1910.06.19)

Titular Bishop of Proconnesus (1908.11.11 – 1932.04.08)

Apostolic Administrator ad nutum Sanctae Sedis of Valdivia (Chile) (1910.06.19 – 1928.11.14)

UkraineBishop Adam Kłokocki

Ordained Priest:1761
Consecrated Bishop:1798.08
Died:1808.03.08 († 75)

Auxiliary Bishop of Lutsk and Zytomierz (Ukraine) (1795.09.22 – 1808.03.08)

USABishop Henry Theophilus Klonowski

Born:1898.03.08 (USA)
Ordained Priest:1920.08.08
Consecrated Bishop:1947.07.02
Died:1977.05.06 († 79)

Auxiliary Bishop of Scranton (USA) (1947.05.10 – 1973.05.15)

Titular Bishop of Daldis (1947.05.10 – 1977.05.06)

PolandBishop Wilhelm Atanazy Kloske

Born:1852.01.10 (Germany)
Ordained Priest:1877.07.15
Consecrated Bishop:1911.02.11
Died:1925.05.12 († 73)

Titular Bishop of Theodosiopolis (1910.12.29 – 1925.05.12)

Auxiliary Bishop of Gniezno (Poland) (1910.12.29 – 1925.05.12)

GermanyBishop Rainer Klug (86)Bishop Rainer Klug (86)

Titular Bishop of Ala miliaria
Auxiliary Bishop emeritus of Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany)

Spiritu ambulate

PolandBishop Jakob Klunder

Born:1849.07.23 (Poland)
Ordained Priest:1876.04.15
Consecrated Bishop:1907.09.15
Died:1927.10.20 († 78)

Titular Bishop of Selymbria (1907.07.06 – 1927.10.20)

Auxiliary Bishop of Chełmno (Poland) (1907.07.06 – 1927.10.20)

GermanyBishop Johann Kluspeck, C.R.S.A.

Consecrated Bishop:1532.08.25

Titular Bishop of Hierapolis (1531.12.18 – 1545.02.18)

Auxiliary Bishop of Regensburg (Germany) (1531.12.18 – 1545.02.18)

PolandBishop Józef Kazimierz Kluz

Caritas Christi urget me

Born:1925.01.17 (Poland)
Ordained Priest:1951.06.24
Consecrated Bishop:1972.06.12
Died:1982.12.05 († 57)

Titular Bishop of Hilta (1972.05.12 – 1982.12.05)

Auxiliary Bishop of Gdańsk (Poland) (1972.05.12 – 1982.12.05)

SlovakiaArchbishop Karol Kmetko

Born:1875.12.12 (Slovakia)
Ordained Priest:1899.07.02
Consecrated Bishop:1921.02.13
Died:1948.12.22 († 73)

Bishop of Nitra (Slovakia) (1920.11.13 – 1948.12.22)

Archbishop ad personam (1944.05.11 – 1948.12.22)

GermanyBishop Friedrich Justus Knecht

Born:1839.10.07 (Germany)
Ordained Priest:1862.08.05
Consecrated Bishop:1894.04.04
Died:1921.01.31 († 81)

Titular Bishop of Nebo (1894.02.04 – 1921.01.31)

Auxiliary Bishop of Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany) (1894.02.04 – 1921.01.31)

ItalyBishop Johannes Kneissel

Titular Bishop of Belline (1514.03.15 – 1532.03.13)

Auxiliary Bishop of Brixen (Italy) (1514.03.15 – 1532.03.13)

CanadaBishop John Stephen Knight (82)Bishop John Stephen Knight (82)

Titular Bishop of Taraqua
Auxiliary Bishop emeritus of Toronto (Canada)

In virtute Dei

Born:1942.04.10 (Binghamton, NY, USA)
Ordained Priest:1967.06.02
Consecrated Bishop:1992.06.24

Priest of Saint Catharines (Canada) (1967.06.02 – 1992.04.27)

Auxiliary Bishop of Toronto (Canada) (1992.04.27 – 2000.04.09)

Titular Bishop of Taraqua (1992.04.27 – ...)

GermanyBishop Winimar Knippschild, O.S.B.

Ordained Priest:1704.12.20
Consecrated Bishop:1729.10.16
Died:1732.05.23 († 53)

Titular Bishop of Myndus (1729.03.28 – 1732.05.23)

Auxiliary Bishop of Paderborn (Germany) (1729.03.28 – 1732.05.23)